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Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第1张图片


来自事务所的描述:Jacinto Chiclana大楼是位于布宜诺斯艾利斯郊区莫雷诺市西北处的一处集体住宅。大楼与Borges¬Piazzola 探戈中的一位角色同名。整栋大楼无处不见探戈艺术的倩影,在其设计和建造中折射出来。大楼的L形设计创造了一个中庭,围绕中庭简洁的半开放空间以一系列宽敞的半围合形态发展出旅馆房间,建筑外层以二次混凝土包裹,同时塑造了建筑结构和大楼的走廊。它创造了侧墙和第五立面周围的中间区,使建筑内外部空间交织在一起。从环境因素考虑,中间区作为第一面屏障,减少冬天热量的散失和夏天的热量聚集。

From the architect. The building Jacinto Chiclana offers collective housing on a northwest corner property in Moreno, suburb of Buenos Aires. The building’s namesake, a character from the Borges¬Piazzola tango, and the tango itself are lionized throughout the building and reflected in its design and construction. The L shape of the building creates a central patio, with expansive, semi¬enclosed La obra se desarrolla en forma de L con grandes logias de circulación en simple crujía y semicubiertas, organizando un patio central. The building is enveloped by a second concrete skin that is both structural and definitive of the buildings loggia.This creates intermediate spaces around the lateral facades and this fifth facade that incorporate the exterior in the interior space and the interior in the exterior. From an environmental perspective, this intermediate space serves as an initial barrier that reduces heat loss during the winter and heat gain during the summer.

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第2张图片
© Federico Kulekdjian


JCH consists in 38 small housing units, each with optimized sunlight conditions and cross ventilation. The ample common spaces seek to complete the reduced personal space; providing a large kitchen and dining area on the terrace and a brick grill, fire pit and pool off the central patio, both accompanied by public bathrooms. The common spaces are easily accessible from every unit, connected by elevator from basement to terrace, promoting the appropriation of these spaces by the residents. The areas of transit were reinterpreted in the interest of quality, creating open spaces, with sunlight and a view that facilitate life and encounters between neighbors, rather than optimizing circulation.

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第3张图片

大楼结构由钢筋混凝土做成,由传统砖石打造室内墙。混凝土板由prenova 系统构造,减少了30%的混凝土需求量。因这些混凝土不是主要内部材料,它可以不考虑热量条件不进行抛光。压层材料和木制百叶窗都作为混凝土构造模具。东部立面在博尔赫斯纪念日活动中由当地艺术家蚀刻完成,与铁门和围栏上的仿手写装饰搭配。

The structure of the building is made of reinforced concrete and the internal walls with traditional masonry. The concrete slabs were constructed using the prenova system, which reduced concrete requirements by 30 %. Because this concrete is not the primary interior material, it can be left unpolished without compromising thermal conditions Both laminate and wood shutters were used in the concrete formwork. The eastern facade was etched by a local artist in commemoration of the works of Borges, matching the seemingly handwritten text of the iron gate and fence.

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第4张图片
© Federico Kulekdjian

在室内,水泥墙上以当代语言涂鸦了一系列隐喻博格斯的虚构城市外沿的肖像。电梯内的玻璃墙后面,能看到当地艺术家Pedro Menard涂绘的从地下层延伸至天台的永恒艺术装饰。地面层的天花板覆盖由数控镂铣机雕刻的木板。阳台和露台上的护栏由不锈钢扶手和安全玻璃制成。

In the interior, the concrete is graffitied with a series of portraits that allude to the Borges’ mythological city outskirts in a contemporary language. Behind the glass posterior wall of the elevator, the permanent artistic installation by Pedro Menard, a local artist, can be viewed in its entirety by traveling from the basement to the terrace. The ceilings of the ground floor are overlaid with wood panels carved by a CNC router. Guardrails on the balconies and terraces are made of safety glass with stainless steel handrails.

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第5张图片
© Federico Kulekdjian

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第6张图片
© Federico Kulekdjian

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第7张图片
Ground Floor Plan/底层平面图


Concrete and water meet in the heated pool, which crosses internal and 
external space at a variety of depths and offers spaces appropriate for swimming, wading, and using the jacuzzi. JCH is a work that integrates into its surroundings, into the green of the neighborhood and the community of buildings that are beginning to arise.

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第8张图片
© Federico Kulekdjian

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第9张图片
© Federico Kulekdjian

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第10张图片
© Federico Kulekdjian

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Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第12张图片

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第13张图片

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第14张图片

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第15张图片
North elevation/北立面

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West elevation/西立面

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East elevation/东立面

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Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第20张图片

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第21张图片

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第22张图片

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第23张图片

Jacinto Chiclana大楼/ Estudio CaMet第24张图片
© Federico Kulekdjian

建筑设计:Estudio CaMet
地点:阿根廷 布宜诺斯艾利斯省 莫雷诺市
总设计师:Juan Micieli
摄影:Federico Kulekdjian
设计师:Alejandro Micieli, Natalia Arroyo, Antoine Segurel
协作:Catalina Piazza
委托人:Metrópolis Durable

Architects: Estudio CaMet
Location: Moreno, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Architect in charge: Juan Micieli
Photography: Federico Kulekdjian
Contributors Architects: Alejandro Micieli, Natalia Arroyo, Antoine Segurel
Collaborators: Catalina Piazza
Client: Metrópolis Durable





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