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La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第1张图片



From the architect. The town of Chasseneuil-du-Poitou wished to build a new hall for festivities and cultural events in a redevelopment area centred around the railway station. Designs for the new Hall had to respect the Technological Risks Prevention Plan implemented in the area. The building designed by King Kong was therefore positioned at a tangent to the outer perimeter demarcating this zone, oriented so as to limit noise pollution for those living in housing to the south of the plot. The Hall serves as a shield for the residential neighbourhoods beyond it, while to the north it provides open access to a landscaped area designed in close connection with the specific function of the building itself.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第2张图片
© Arthur Péquin


The building forms a deliberately compact volume which, on its south-facing façade, provides easy access for deliveries to the catering facilities and bar and ample parking spaces, kept separate here from the more ‘dignified’ entrance designed for greeting spectators and guests. The back-stage access area is strategically positioned on the building’s eastern façade, out of sight from visitors.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第3张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第4张图片


The public gains entrance to the building on its north-western façade, by means of a covered courtyard area which functions as a convivial plaza, reserved for pedestrian use alone and equipped with welcoming benches for talking or resting. The ample glazing of the atrium intuitively guides spectators towards the main entrance.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第5张图片
© Arthur Péquin


Concrete was chosen for the construction of the load-bearing structure of the whole, due to its thermal and acoustic qualities and cost-effectiveness. The entrance hall, situated at the building’s prow, is generously proportioned and careful attention has been paid in its layout to the variety of functions accommodated, making it easy for the public to get their bearings. A loggia with ample planting is situated at the building’s centre, lit from above by natural light. It serves as a means of allowing light and the natural environment to permeate the building, creating an almost dreamlike feel at the building’s heart. Movement inside the entrance hall is designed to be free and easy, and glimpses maybe caught, as one moves through it, of the outside spaces, creating an overall sense of comfort, space and conviviality.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第6张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第7张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第8张图片
Floor Plan/平面图


Easy-to-regulate access is provided to the main hall. The latter serves two main functions – festivities and cultural events – each with their own specific design requisites and, in some respects, conflicting needs. This led the architects to imagine a double-oriented entity. Indeed, the hall is used along its a east-west axis, looking towards the stage, when used for shows or the performing arts, but is used along its north-south axis when used as a banqueting hall. In the latter case, the hall opens onto the outside spaces and landscaped gardens beyond. The installation of a high performance acoustic partition makes it very easy to switch the hall’s layout, and it is possible to plunge the auditorium into total darkness if required. The slightly asymmetric volume of the extremely spacious hall creates a sense of heightened amplitude, and it is also possible to use its full scale for shows not requiring the installation of tiered seating.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第9张图片
© Arthur Péquin


Meticulous attention was paid to the hall’s acoustics, and this had a great impact on aesthetic choices. Lighting was also treated with the utmost care and the ceiling lights chosen suit the hall’s use both as a space for the performing arts and banqueting. The wall at the rear of the stage has been designed as a ‘living panel’ and offers a diverse range of openings, providing easy access to the storerooms beyond.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第10张图片
© Arthur Péquin


When the banqueting hall is opened onto the exterior spaces, it offers a terraced space which plays on the natural incline of the land, rising above the entrance courtyard like a superb podium for celebrating official or formal events (such as weddings, for instance) held within the building.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第11张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第12张图片
© Arthur Péquin


The architects paid keen attention to the design of the back stage spaces, with specific access points for artists and stage crew, a loading deck protected from inclement weather and very well-equipped wings. A staircase leads artists up to the first-floor dressing rooms which enjoy private terraces. The ample foyer leads to a loggia with views of the hall below. Technicians use the same staircase to reach the gangway leading to the lighting desk and sound controls room. Access to these varying spaces is regulated through double doors.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第13张图片
© Arthur Péquin


Outside, the building’s overall volume plays elegantly on gentle dips and inclines. The stamped concrete and green roof ensure that this new amenity blends effortlessly with the surrounding urban context of the town.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第14张图片
© Arthur Péquin

基于严谨的线性原则的停车位布局强化了建筑的城市一体化。其目的是保留指导原则,并通过植物筛选使用,加强地块的景观公园感。项目中体现了不同的审美选择,包括混凝土以及在地块西边和东边的稳定砂,而用于停车区域和车道的是植草混凝土铺路石 (不同区域采用了不同类型的铺路面板)。树木的种植提高整体的美感,以这样一种方式来避免单调的线条。树木较高的分枝随着时间的推移,可以成为墓地的视线屏障。

The building’s urban integration is heightened by the controlled layout of parking spaces based on the principle of dedicated bands. The aim was to retain the guiding principle and feel of a landscaped park, obtained through the use of plants as screening. Different aesthetic choices were made, including concrete and stabilised sand at the west and northern limits of the plot, while grass concrete pavers have been used for the parking areas and driveways (a different type of paving slab has been implemented for each distinct function). Trees have been planted to enhance the whole, in such a way as to avoid monotonous lines. The tall branches of the species chosen will, as the years go by, serve to screen views of the cemetery.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第15张图片
© Arthur Péquin


The architects have made every effort here to provide the town of Chasseneuil-du-Poitou with an effective new cultural amenity which caters to the specific desiderata defined for the project, the technical requirements inherent to it and the urban framework within which it is situated. The material and immaterial nature of the surrounding environment have been given pride of place so that the new building may enter into meaningful resonance with its context, echoing back the energy and responsiveness of the town as a whole.

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第16张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第17张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第18张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第19张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第20张图片
© Arthur Péquin

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第21张图片
Site Plan/场地平面图

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Floor Plan/平面图

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Floor Plan/平面图

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第24张图片
Floor Plan/平面图

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La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第26张图片

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第27张图片

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第28张图片

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第29张图片

La Quintaine活动大厅/ atelier d’architecture King Kong第30张图片
© Arthur Péquin

主建筑师:Jean-Christophe Masnada
摄影:Arthur Péquin
项目经理:Etienne Henry        
景观:A+R Salles
透视表示图:Ducks Scéno
结构技术工程公司:Khephren Ingenierie
Mep & Heq技术工程公司:LBE Fluides
道路系统和城市公用事业技术工程公司:IDTEC Projets de Ville
声学设计:idB Acoustique
委托方: Chasseneuil-du-Poitou市政府
建筑工程费用:3 640 935欧元(不含税)

Arthur Péquin
Architects: atelier d’architecture King Kong
Location: Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France
Architect In Charge: Jean-Christophe Masnada
Area: 1381.0 sqm
Photographs: Arthur Péquin
Project Manager: Etienne Henry
Landscaping: A+R Salles
Scenography: Ducks Scéno
Technical Engineering Company Structure: Khephren Ingénierie
Technical Engineering Company Mep & Heq: LBE Fluides
Technical Engineering Company Roads System And Urban Public Utilities: IDTEC Projets de Ville
Acoustician: idB Acoustique
Construction Economist: VPEAS
Client: City of Chasseneuil-du-Poitou
Cost Of Building Work: 3 640 935 €  HT





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