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埃斯波森迪桥梁重建/ Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo第1张图片



该项目是埃斯波森迪市的埃斯波森迪河缘区城市管理总体规划的一部分,在先前由Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo Lda办事处、埃斯波森迪市市政府和海港研究所召开的几次会议中提出。

From the architect. Introduction
The project is part of an overall plan for urban management set by the city of Esposende for the area of the river margin of Esposende and the functional program proposed in previous meetings held between the office Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo Lda, Esposende City Hall and the Maritime-Port Institute.

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG


The intervention consisted essentially in the reorganization of an urban front, bordered by a river, in order to create a vast area of public leisure, surrounded by several buildings relating to water sports. As a general intent, we include the need to preserve the landscape and visual identity of the site as well as its status as priority public space as opposed to built space.

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG


Interventions on river bank spaces, in this case with a strong maritime influence, are inherently fraught with tension arising from the circumstances of the difficulty of defining a precise boundary between the two media that are manifested in contrasting ways.

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

最初,该项目通过几种金属结构支撑着穿过桥梁,位于河中的玻璃立方 (5 × 5 × 5 米)。现在由于管理和财政条件,这些结构已除去。

Originally, the project included several metal structures, supporting glass cubes (5X5X5 meters), which would be placed in the river over a bridge. These structures were not included due to regulatory and financial conditions.

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG



The concept behind the entire proposal is as follows:
- To give priority to the natural landscape, denying the artificiality of the formal excesses of “design” and also denying the wealth of materials, often displayed in recent urban interventions.

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG


- To increase a didactic process, creating a different approach to the wealth of flora and fauna of local ecosystems, from the local people.

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG


The intervention area consists of a marginal front subject to the strong influence of the estuary, in an urban context influenced by sharp transformation mechanisms towards a balance between productive activity and the prevalence of a playful use. The marginal section assumes an important role in this dynamic.

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

介入设计聚焦于城市再开发上, 通过设置两个关键载体— — 在架空的人行天桥上设置一条人行通道,并且解决了首潮汐影响的边界问题。

The intervention focuses primarily on the level of urban redevelopment by setting two key vectors – the establishment of a footpath on an elevated footbridge and the treatment of the edge subject to tidal fluctuations.

埃斯波森迪桥梁重建/ Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo第11张图片
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG


The elevated footbridge forms the centerpiece of the composition, offering new circumstances of the experience of the site and enhancing the playful character that we want to implement. This naturally lengthens the path of the marginal retention lines on both sides of their starting point. This was built by elements with a double function, on the one hand, the plastics intended as intervening elements of scenic and urban composition, on the other hand, spaces that will house direct specific programs involving an eminently pedagogical approach.

埃斯波森迪桥梁重建/ Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo第12张图片
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

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© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

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3D Model/3D模型

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埃斯波森迪桥梁重建/ Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo第21张图片

埃斯波森迪桥梁重建/ Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo第22张图片
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

建筑设计: Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo
项目位置: 葡萄牙埃斯波森迪
项目负责: Prof. Dr. Arqt.º Victor Neves
合作: Arqt.º David Correia, Arqt.ª Carla Anastácio
项目面积: 25500.0 平方米
项目时间: 2007
摄影: Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
景观设计: Arqt.º João Gomes ( PROAP)
电力工程: Engº Tec. Electrotécnico Octávio José Afonso Borges(DGE nº 33988)
水管设施: Engº Victor Roque Amaro
CAD及3D设计: Arqt.º Jorge Soares Lopes
委托人: Câmara Municipal de Esposende e Instituto Marítimo-Portuário

Architects: Victor Neves Arquitectura e Urbanismo
Location: Avenida Engenheiro Eduardo Arantes e Oliveira, 4740 Esposende,Portugal
Project Architect: Prof. Dr. Arqt.º Victor Neves
Collaborators: Arqt.º David Correia, Arqt.ª Carla Anastácio
Project Area: 25500.0 m2
Project Year: 2007
Photographs: Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Landscape: Arqt.º João Gomes ( PROAP)
Electrical: Engº Tec. Electrotécnico Octávio José Afonso Borges(DGE nº 33988)
Plumbing: Engº Victor Roque Amaro
Cad And 3 D Design: Arqt.º Jorge Soares Lopes
Client: Câmara Municipal de Esposende e Instituto Marítimo-Portuário





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