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Droneport/ Afrotech LED+Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne...第1张图片


来自事务所的描述:福斯特勋爵推出的非洲Droneport项目,支持货物通过无人机运输,这一方式为选址偏远地区解决了一大问题。该项目是由Afrotech LED,Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); the Norman Foster领导的合作。

Lord Foster has launched proposals for the Droneport project in Africa to support cargo drone routes capable of delivering urgent and precious supplies to remote areas on a massive scale. The project is a collaboration between Redline partners led by Afrotech, Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); the Norman Foster Foundation; and Foster + Partners.

Droneport/ Afrotech LED+Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne...第2张图片


Cargo drone routes have utility wherever there is a lack of roads. Just as mobile phones dispensed with landlines, cargo drones can transcend geographical barriers such as mountains, lakes, and unnavigable rivers without the need for large-scale physical infrastructure.

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Just a third of Africans live within two kilometres of an all-season road, and there are no continental motorways, almost no tunnels, and not enough bridges that can reach people living in far-flung areas of the continent. It would require unprecedented levels of investment in roads and railways to catch up with the exponential growth in Africa’s population, which is set to double to 2.2 billion by 2050.

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An ‘infrastructural leap’ is essential using drone technology and clean energy systems to surmount the challenges of the future.

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The specialist drones can carry blood and life-saving supplies over 100 kilometres at minimal cost, providing an affordable alternative that can complement road-based deliveries. Two parallel networks would operate services, the Redline using smaller drones for medical and emergency supplies; and the commercial Blueline that would transport crucial larger payloads such as spare parts, electronics, and e-commerce, complementing and subsidising the Redline network.

Droneport/ Afrotech LED+Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne...第6张图片

我们希望 Droneport将成长为一个普遍存在的,全新类型的建筑,就像加油站已经成为道路交通的分散基础设施一样。人们都非常认同这一观点,基于建筑的共享性和多用途性能。无人驾驶飞机可以在一个密集的地区安全着陆,并包括健康诊所,数字制造中心,邮政和快递室,以及电子商务交易中心,它已经成为当地社区生活不可或缺的一部分。

The Droneport offers a new typology for a building which we hope will grow into a ubiquitous presence, much like petrol stations have become dispersed infrastructure for road traffic. The proposal will have a strong civic presence, based on sharing and multiple uses. It allows for safe landing of quiet drones in a densely packed area, and includes a health clinic, a digital fabrication shop, a post and courier room, and an e-commerce trading hub, allowing it to become part of local community life.

Droneport/ Afrotech LED+Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne...第7张图片

该项目是Foster + Partners’的经验之作,正如机场的建设,以及与欧洲航天局进行的早期月球建设研究。

The project is an evolution of Foster + Partners’ previous experience in building airports, as well as earlier lunar building studies conducted in association with the European Space Agency.

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Just as the structures designed for the moon use a minimal inflatable framework and 3-D printed lunar soil, the Droneport is imagined as a ‘kit-ofparts’ where only the basic formwork and brick-press machinery is delivered to site, and the raw materials, such as clay for bricks and boulders for the foundation, are locally sourced, reducing material transport costs and making it more sustainable. The central idea is to ‘do more with less’ and the vaulted brick structure with a minimal ground footprint, can easily be put together by the local communities. Multiple vaults can also link together to form flexible spaces based on demand and needs of the particular place, and the evolution of drone technology. The Droneports will also be manufacturing centres for drones, generating employment opportunities for the local population. By giving the local people the construction knowledge, the project seeks to leave a legacy that will initiate a change that is bigger than the building itself.

Droneport/ Afrotech LED+Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne...第9张图片

试点项目–预定在2016动工,起初是定在卢旺达,这个国家的体育和社会地理学为原型的投影红线跨大陆网络的未来带来多重挑战。这三个建筑的初步计划于2020年竣工,网络面将覆盖百分之四十四的地区。该项目的后续阶段,可以看到在卢旺达有超过40 座Droneports,然而在国家的中心位置可以更容易地扩展到周边国家,如刚果,这一做法拯救了成千上万的生命。

The pilot project – slated to begin in 2016 – is based in Rwanda, a country whose physical and social geography poses multiple challenges for prototyping the future of the projected Redline trans-continental network. This initial plan for three buildings, to be completed by 2020, will enable the network to send supplies to 44 per cent of Rwanda. Subsequent phases of the project could see in excess of 40 Droneports across Rwanda, and the country’s central location could allow easier expansion to neighbouring countries such as Congo, saving many thousands more lives.

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Lord Foster, Chairman and Founder of Foster + Partners说道:


Lord Foster, Chairman and Founder of Foster + Partners:
“Africa is a continent where the gap between the population and infrastructural growth is increasing exponentially. The dearth of terrestrial infrastructure has a direct impact on the ability to deliver life-giving supplies, indeed where something as basic as blood is not always available for timely treatment. We require immediate bold, radical solutions to address this issue. The Droneport project is about doing ‘more with less’, capitalising on the recent advancements in drone technology – something that is usually associated with war and hostilities – to make an immediate life-saving impact in Africa. Rwanda’s challenging geographical and social landscape makes it an ideal test-bed for the Droneport project. This project can have massive impact through the century and save lives immediately.”

Droneport/ Afrotech LED+Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne...第11张图片

Jonathan Ledgard, Founder of Redline说道:

“在拥挤的星球上,资源是有限的。无人机操作速度更快,更便宜,更准确。但着陆地点将被设计为是坚固,成本小,足够大的社区,以便充分利用。Droneport就做到这一点,并改善非洲的人们健康和经济效果。让我们感到骄傲的是Norman Foster,这位具有丰富经验的建筑师与我们并肩作战。“

Jonathan Ledgard, Founder of Redline:
“It is inevitable on a crowded planet, with limited resources, that we will make more intensive use of our sky using flying robots to move goods faster, cheaper, and more accurately than ever before. But it is not inevitable that these craft or their landing sites will be engineered to be tough and cheap enough to serve poorer communities who can make most use of them. Droneport is an attempt to make that happen, and to improve health and economic outcomes in Africa – and beyond. We are proud to have Norman Foster – an architect with extensive personal experience of flying – as our partner on this project.”


Location: Rwanda
Project Status: Concept Proposal
Year Completed: 2020
Type: Community





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