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Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第1张图片



From the architect. On May 5th, 2014, a strong earthquake of 6.3 Richter struck Chiang Rai Province in the North of Thailand, destroying 73 schools affecting over two thousand students. Through the initiation of  a non-profit network named Design for Disasters (D4D), a post -disaster recovery program was launched to design and build 9 new earthquake resistant school buildings in the most affected areas. Nine emerging Thai architects were assigned to design new school buildings, one for each school.The Engineering Institute of Thailand and The Consulting Engineers Association of Thailand provided the engineering support. Thai Contractors Association linked the team to construction companies while the Association of Siamese Architects assisted in providing technical support and gathered public donation in the form of funding and construction materials through its network.

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第2张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第3张图片
Site Plan/总平面图

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第4张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Vin Varavarn Architects负责设计的是Baan Huay Sarn Yaw学校。新学校需要为部落家庭的中学设计3个新的标准教室。设计要求建筑必须是抗震建筑,可以由当地工人简单建造,并且尽可能降低造价。建筑采用了许多轻质的建材以减轻地震中产生的水平冲力。

Vin Varavarn Architects assigned school is Baan Huay Sarn Yaw School. The school needed 3 new standard classrooms for secondary students who come from tribal families. The design requirements specified that the building must be earthquake resistant, easily constructed by local workers and requiring as low budget as possible. Most of the selected building materials had to be lightweight to reduce horizontal momentum caused by the weight of the building during an earthquake.

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第5张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第6张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第7张图片
© Spaceshift Studio


Our design principle was not to create only typical classrooms but learning spaces to enliven the atmosphere for children who were victims of the disaster. For the layout,  we had proposed to combine three classrooms into one building to minimize the land use. Each classroom is punctuated by small foyers which will be used for placing student shoes and to help reducing the noise between classrooms.

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第8张图片
Section Detail 2/剖面详图2

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© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第10张图片
© Spaceshift Studio


The land slope had been utilized with the architecture to create an extra semi-outdoor multifunctions space under the building. The natural materials had been proposed in selected areas to illustrate how local materials can substitute expensive modern materials and at the same time, harmonize the architecture with its context. All the necessary structure elements had been designed to be exposed so as to convey the feeling of solidity and safeness and to reduce unnecessary finishing costs.

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第11张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

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Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第13张图片
© Spaceshift Studio


One of the design features we would like to mention is the bamboo shelves which were installed along the entire length of the building to provide space for colorful flower pots for students to take care. The shelves served as safety measure preventing children from falling as well as to create charming atmosphere both outside and inside the building. The flower pots represent our message to remind the children that in spite of the harsh and cruel realities of caused by natural disasters, nature can also bring them beauty and joy to every day of their lives.

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第14张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第15张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第16张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第17张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第18张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第19张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第20张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第21张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第22张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第23张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第24张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第25张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第26张图片
Location Plan/位置图

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第27张图片
Roof Floor Plan/顶层平面图

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第28张图片
Floor Plan/平面图

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Elevation A/立面图 A

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Elevation B/立面图 B

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第31张图片
Elevation C/立面图 C

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Elevation D/立面图 D

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Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第36张图片
Section Detail 1/剖面详情 1

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Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第38张图片

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第39张图片

Bann Huay San Yaw灾后学校/ Vin Varavarn Architects建筑事务所第40张图片
© Spaceshift Studio

建筑师事务所:Vin Varavarn Architects事务所
地址:泰国 清迈
摄影师:Spaceshift Studio工作室
工程师:Next Innovation Engineering Co,.Ltd有限公司

Architects: Vin Varavarn Architects
Location: Chiang Rai, Thailand
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Spaceshift Studio
Engineers: Next Innovation Engineering Co,.Ltd
Iniciative Organizer: Design for Disaster (D4D)





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