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简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第1张图片


来自事务所的描述。项目是位于Colonia Condesa的移动公寓建筑,该地区以其社会、商业、文化和夜生活著称。该建筑坐落在上世纪四十年代兴建的曾有20米高的贝拉•伊珀卡剧院前址之上,这里一度是文化圈的颔下之珠。

From the architect. It is an apartment building located in Colonia Condesa, an area known for its social, commercial, cultural and nightlife. The building is located on the same side now occupied by the Fondo de Cultura, former Bella época theater, a landmark in the area and a building from the 1940′s where a 20 meter high tower stands.

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第2张图片
© Rafael Gamo


We began the analysis of this building taking into account some peculiarities of the site that is located at the corner of two streets with different synergies and readings for both the passer and the inhabitants. Benjamin Hill, an important motor traffic, pedestrian and bicycle avenue, which is in turn access and / or exit of the neighborhood; additionally, a market on wheels appears. In contrast, Reynosa street is only used by people who live in it, it is in fact a very small street.

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第3张图片
© Rafael Gamo


Therefore we decided on two facades, one partially insulated by a wooden lattice to Benjamin Hill and the other open, with long balconies and a large sliding glass wall on Reynosa. We take social life and the urban movement in the area as elements that directly affect the integration of the project into its context.

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第4张图片
© Rafael Gamo

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第5张图片
Second Floor Plan/二层平面图


We retake an element of what happens in the street as a reference of design, a box of wooden strips in which vegetables are transported, known in Mexico as “huacal”. This element makes us refer to the containment and isolation and also to the opening and the movement of the market on wheels.

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第6张图片
© Rafael Gamo

作为项目工程的一部分,设计师必然要营造一个开放的区域,他们提议了两个带采光具和功能的立方空间,一个是沟通上层的一个通风的室内庭院,一个面向Fondo de Cultura塔,更进一步打通公寓楼的通风设备,让室内充满自然光。另一方面,设计内向的私人阳台,能看见采光内庭。

As part of the architectural program, we had to comply with a free area, we proposed two cubes of light with clear roles, designed a courtyard which provides ventilation, located the service accesses through a vertical circulation, and another that opened the view to the Fondo de Cultura tower; further generates cross ventilation in the apartment, and gives us natural light from all directions. On the other hand, we designed private balconies towards the interior of said light cube.

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第7张图片
© Rafael Gamo


The whole project is “suspended” on a base, where the parking is located; in the corner there is a small public space in which we have arranged seating cubes with a wall of red ceramics as a background, this wall is illuminated at night creating a very cozy atmosphere.

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第8张图片
© Rafael Gamo

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It is interesting to see the interaction of pedestrians with this space and the overall context of the area which is about much pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular movement. All this responds to the constant movement of commercial, entertainment and culture of Colonia Condesa.

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第10张图片
© Rafael Gamo

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第11张图片
© Rafael Gamo

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第12张图片
© Rafael Gamo

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第13张图片
© Rafael Gamo

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第14张图片
© Rafael Gamo

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第15张图片
© Rafael Gamo

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第16张图片
© Rafael Gamo

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第17张图片
Site Plan/总平面图

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Elevation 1/正面图1

简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop第19张图片
Elevation 2/正面图2

建筑设计: Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop
地点: 墨西哥 墨西哥城 General Benjamín Hill
面积: 696.0 m2
年份: 2015
摄影师: Rafael Gamo

Architects: Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop
Location: General Benjamín Hill, Mexico City, Mexico
área: 696.0 m2
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Rafael Gamo





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Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop (3 articles)

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