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鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第1张图片




From the architect. This summer, residents and cultural groups in Skopje welcomed an open structure built with the intention of hosting events, talks and gatherings at the banks of the city’s Vardar River. The event space was conceived and realized by a group of architects from the association TEN and a local NGO City Creative Network (CCN).

鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第2张图片
© Joel Tettamanti

鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第3张图片
© Joel Tettamanti


鹦鹉螺架构设计者的意图不是越过城市层面营造持续不断发展的意象,而是试图去窥探看不见的部分;诠释一个在斯科普里被忽视的区域,并不赋予其明确的意义,仅为急需聚集在公共空间的人们提供场所。在这个意义上,不同于该地区的其他结构,鹦鹉螺架构并不表达具体信息:它是完全开放的。此外,该项目运用的方法远不止表现在它的建设上,也包括与一系列团队的交谈,这其中有当地人、生产队、国内外制造商、瑞士和马其顿的学生群体以及拍摄了一系列与施工工艺相结合的城市照片的瑞士摄影师Joël Tettamanti 。

The intervention is placed on the edge of the riverfront close to the city centre, facing the Youth Cultural Center Skopje and Academy of Arts and Sciences. As a piece of urban infrastructure, Nautilus offers a pedestrian connection from the higher street level to the water’s edge, acting as a threshold between road and recreational space with a bicycle lane; and creating new spatial possibilities for facilitating and encouraging cultural events and gatherings on this previously underutilized site.
The intention of the authors of Nautilus was not to engage in the ongoing litany of development that has overtaken the city, but instead to attempt to see the unseen; to re-animate an overlooked and neglected part of Skopje and endow it not with explicit codes and meanings, but rather, with the much-needed possibility
for people to gather in public space. In that sense, unlike the other structures in the area, Nautilus does not transmit concrete messages: it is an open question. Moreover, the methodology of the project encompasses
far more than just its construction; as it includes conversations with locals, production teams, workers
and manufacturers both local and international, group of swiss and macedonian students, and the Swiss photographer Joël Tettamanti who produced a series of city photographs in conjunction with the construction process.

鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第4张图片
© Joel Tettamanti


The 20 meter long primary structure of Nautilus is constructed over and around the stone embankment wall, but does not touch it. It is built entirely out of steel and clad in strategic locations with a woven and painted textile developed especially for the project. The textile is used as a frame for the site, a projection surface
and a delineator of different spaces of transition within the otherwise rigid repeated steel structure. On the riverside, it rises 6 meters above the bicycle path, presenting a tall screen to the water upon which images can be projected; but on the road side its height remains modest and unimposing, inviting discovery and inhabitation.

鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第5张图片
© Joel Tettamanti

鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第6张图片
© Joel Tettamanti


The narrow timber stair set within the primary structure negotiates the 5 meter level change between river and road, acting as the only connective tissue across four different ground levels along the 200 meter long stretch of stone embankment walling. The public stair is enclosed by a canopy which creates a series of spatial experiences within the structure, offering framed views of the river during ascent and descent, and protecting visitors from the hot sun. The stairway passage can act as an interior, yet in fact, there is never a clear division between inside and outside. The stair width ranges from 2 meters on the lower ground level (wide enough to sit), to 20 centimeters at roof level (the height at which only animals can perch).

鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第7张图片
© Joel Tettamanti

鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第8张图片
© Joel Tettamanti

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© Joel Tettamanti

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© Joel Tettamanti

鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第11张图片
© Joel Tettamanti

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© Joel Tettamanti

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鹦鹉螺架构/ TEN + NGO City Creative Network第21张图片

建筑设计:TEN + NGO City Creative Network
设计成员: Lukas Burkhart, Alexa den Hartog, Dejan Dinevski, Milan Dinevski, Damjan Kokalevski, Aurel Martin, Guillaume Othenin-Girard, Luka Piskorec, Nicolas Rothenbuehler, Karl Ruehle, Darko Krstevski, Yves Seiler, Nemanja Zimonjic
合作设计成员:Sofija Bakalova, Jonatan Egli, Lucas Enzo Bucher, Iskra Filipova, Lukas Fink, Demjan Haller, Diandra Germann, Lukas Herzog, Ilcho Ilievski, Elena Jovanovska, Lazo Lazarov, Emilija Lelifanovska, Sandra Mojsova, Anne Marie Nagy, Monika Petrov, Micha Ringger, Martin Ristovski, Mirjam Schenk, Mihajlo Stojanovski, Jan Zurcher
摄影:Joel Tettamanti
支持者/合作伙伴:Architectural Faculty of Skopje (AFS)
, Prince Claus fund for Culture and Development (PCF), 
City of Skopje
, Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia, 
GTA/ETH Zurich, Prof. Philip Ursprung
, Skopje Fair, 
Balkans Arts and Culture Fund (BAC); as part of the project ACT4CITY.
合作者: Ivana Angelova, Ana Boranieva, Elena Dinovska, Gligor Dubrovski, Erina Filipovska, Jasna Stefanovska, Milos Stokuca, Neven Kostic, Christian Gork

Architects: TEN + NGO City Creative Network
Location: Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM)
Authors: Lukas Burkhart, Alexa den Hartog, Dejan Dinevski, Milan Dinevski, Damjan Kokalevski, Aurel Martin, Guillaume Othenin-Girard, Luka Piskorec, Nicolas Rothenbuehler, Karl Ruehle, Darko Krstevski, Yves Seiler, Nemanja Zimonjic
Co-Authors: Sofija Bakalova, Jonatan Egli, Lucas Enzo Bucher, Iskra Filipova, Lukas Fink, Demjan Haller, Diandra Germann, Lukas Herzog, Ilcho Ilievski, Elena Jovanovska, Lazo Lazarov, Emilija Lelifanovska, Sandra Mojsova, Anne Marie Nagy, Monika Petrov, Micha Ringger, Martin Ristovski, Mirjam Schenk, Mihajlo Stojanovski, Jan Zurcher
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Joel Tettamanti
Supporters / Partners: Architectural Faculty of Skopje (AFS)
, Prince Claus fund for Culture and Development (PCF), 
City of Skopje
, Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia, 
GTA/ETH Zurich, Prof. Philip Ursprung
, Skopje Fair, 
Balkans Arts and Culture Fund (BAC); as part of the project ACT4CITY.
Collaborators: Ivana Angelova, Ana Boranieva, Elena Dinovska, Gligor Dubrovski, Erina Filipovska, Jasna Stefanovska, Milos Stokuca, Neven Kostic, Christian Gork





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