Snøhetta has been announced as the winner of a competition to design a new church in the western Norwegian town of Ulsteinvik.In total, the contest — which was organized by the church of Norway — attracted 38 submissions. Named ‘excelsior’, the scheme seeks to create a customized and sustainable facility for the region that serves as a functional frame for the parish’s activities. The building will be sited next to the existing structure, setting up a dialogue between old and new. The main volume will be primarily built from wood, supplemented by a supporting glulam structure.
获胜的设计从其他的37份作品中选出来/The winning design was chosen ahead of 37 other entries
The existing Ulstein church was originally constructed in the 1800s. However, today it is lacking in terms of both capacity and flexibility.Snøhetta’s new build will therefore accommodate a diverse range of activities — capable of facilitating several functions simultaneously.The church room and its associated programs are located on the ground floor, with the entrance oriented towards the existing structure.Accessed via a separate entrance from the west, the administrative functions are placed on the first storey.The chapel is found on the third level, which is entered through a public plaza beneath a large tree.
该计划旨在建立一个定制的和可持续的设施/The scheme seeks to create a customized and sustainable facility
The design team explains that the concept behind ‘excelsior’ developed from three words: the rock, the tree, and the space.The rock, representing solidity and eternity, is the foundation on which the new church is built — the wooden construction conceived as a new landscape. The wood symbolizes future growth and sustainability, with the layered shape rising up like a tree. The space is created as a cavity within the wood, embodying the present, life, and the pilgrimage.
该建筑已被设想为教会活动的功能性构架/The building has been conceived as a functional frame for the parish’s activities
新的建筑将紧邻现存的教堂结构/The new building will be sited next to the existing church structure
入口朝向邻近的建筑/The entrance is oriented towards the neighboring building
顶端的小教堂被布置在三楼 ,它通过一个公共广场与入口分离/The elevated chapel is found on the third level, which is separately entered via a public plaza
在教堂里,分层的形状像一棵树一样升起/Inside the chapel the layered shape rises up like a tree
内部空间被设想为木材围绕一个洞/Internal space is envisioned as a cavity within the wood
该项目在新与旧之间建立了一个明确的对话/The project establishes a clear dialogue between old and new
时间:2015年 – 2016年
客户:ulstein sokn, church of norway
project info:
timeline: 2015 – 2016
status: ongoing
location: ulsteinvik, norway
typology: church
size: 1,900 sqm GFA
client: ulstein sokn, church of norway