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Spotlight: Alejandro Aravena


作为“DO TANK”公司ELEMENTAL的创始人,智利建筑师亚历杭德罗•阿拉维纳(生于1967.06.22)可能是普利兹克奖得主中最具有融入社会的一位。不同于普遍的审美驱动的建筑设计方法,亚历杭德罗•阿拉维纳在解释他的设计观点时说“我们不认为自己是艺术家。建筑师喜欢设计个性化的事物。但是当建筑由于太具有个性而难以复制时,考虑到它应该服务于众人,它的价值几近于零。”对于阿拉维纳,建筑师的首要任务通过满足社会人的需求以及符合政治经济和环境要求,来提高人民的生活质量。

As founder of the “Do Tank” firm ELEMENTAL, Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena (born on June 22, 1967) is perhaps the most socially engaged architect to receive the Pritzker Prize. Far from the usual aesthetic-driven approach, Aravena explains that “We don’t think of ourselves as artists. Architects like to build things that are unique. But if something is unique it can’t be repeated, so in terms of it serving many people in many places, the value is close to zero.” [1] For Aravena, the architect’s primary goal is to improve people's way of life by assessing both social needs and human desires, as well as political, economic and environmental issues.

Quinta Monroy. Image © Cristobal Palma / Estudio Palma

出生于智利圣地亚哥,亚历杭德罗•阿拉维纳于1992年毕业于智利天主教大学。在哈佛大学教书期间(2000-2005),他遇见了工程师Andres Iacobelli,为了发展智利的社会住宅这一共同目标,他们共同成立了ELEMENTAL工作室。在2010到2015年中,他是普利兹克奖的评审成员,而他自己也于2016年获得了该奖。

Born in Santiago de Chile, Alejandro Aravena graduated from the Universidad Católica de Chile in 1992. When teaching at Harvard University between 2000 and 2005, he met engineer Andres Iacobelli, with whom he founded ELEMENTAL on the premise to develop social housing in Chile. From 2010 to 2015, he was a Pritzker Prize Jury member, after which he was selected as the Pritzker Prize Laureate in 2016.

Quinta Monroy. Image Courtesy of ELEMENTAL

在Quinta Monroy社会住宅项目中,他第一次实现了后来成为他个人标志的概念——“增殖住宅”。考虑到极小的预算,他摒弃了建造联排住宅和小型独立住宅的想法,而是提出用相同的造价建造一半高质量的住宅。ELEMENTAL工作室提供的基础住宅总共40平米,包括一些必要的设备和两个房间。在此基础上,住户再自己补充剩余的一半,从而将原有低档的社会住宅变成更加舒适的家。

At his Quinta Monroy social housing project, Aravena implemented for the first time one of his signature ideas: the concept of “incremental housing." Given a minuscule budget, instead of designing row houses or small detached houses he proposed to build half a good house for the same cost. ELEMENTAL provided a basic house with the necessary sanitary equipment and two rooms for an overall floor space of 40 square meters. With this frame, families took over to build the rest of the house after saving enough money, and progressively changed their homes from low-end social housing to a more desirable unit.

Villa Verde Housing. Image © Suyin Chia

在之后的设计中,阿拉维纳不短深化自己的“增殖住宅”。建成项目包括Lo Barnechea, Monterrey 和 Villa Verde。其中Villa Verde是在2010年地震和海啸摧毁孔斯蒂图西翁后建造的救灾房。对于阿拉维纳来说“没有什么比将错误的问题解决完美更糟糕了”,因此在设计过程中他一定会积极参与到社区中。通过亲身了解情况,他学到了如何使建筑抵御海啸和洪水。当居民强烈要求公共活动空间以及道路连接到Maule河时,阿拉维纳通过设置森林以及住宅区与河流间的公共连廊平衡了急迫的社会需求和个人需求。这种措施之后也被证明为最有效的而且最省钱的。

Aravena further developed incremental housing when designing projects like Lo Barnechea, Monterrey and Villa Verde. The latter was built after the 2010 Earthquake and tsunami that destroyed the city of Constitución. For Aravena, “there is nothing worse than answering well the wrong question,” which is why he involved all inhabitants in the design process. In doing so, he learned about the need to protect housing not only from tsunamis, but also from recurring floods. Residents highlighted the need for public spaces, and for access to the Maule river. Aravena balanced urgent social needs with individual desires by placing a forest and public walkway between the river and the housing units - an effective design solution that also turned out to be the cheapest.

Innovation Center UC - Anacleto Angelini.UC创新中心-亚历杭德罗•阿拉维纳  Image © Nico Saieh

© ELEMENTAL  Nina Vidic

除了建造社会住宅,阿拉维纳同样为学校和政府设计建筑,而这些设计证明了他解读文脉和理解资源方面的优势。在UC创新中心设计中,阿拉维纳挑战办公建筑一定要玻璃幕墙立面这一俗套。他反其道行之,将巨大体量的墙体置于外侧,从而有效防止建筑过热;同时他 还在建筑的核心设置中庭,使光线能够渗透进来。通过外侧的窗户,交叉通风得以实现,同时由于内部开放的结构,员工们甚至能够跨层交流。

Beyond social housing, Aravena has developed buildings for universities and municipalities, where he demonstrated his ability to interpret a context and to understand what resources are available. At theInnovation Centre UC, Aravena questioned the need for office buildings to feature glass skins on their facades. He turned this usual typology inside out, designing massive external walls to prevent from overheating, with an open atrium at the core of the building which allows natural light to penetrate into the space. Cross ventilation was possible by opening exterior windows, and the open internal structure created visual connections among employees at different floors.

Mathematical school.数学院 Image © Tadeuz Jalocha

Siamese Towers. Image © Cristobal Palma / Estudio Palma


Most recently, Aravena curated the 2016 Venice Biennale “Reporting the Front”, where he asked practitioners to report from projects that successfully investigate new fields of action – housing shortage, migration, urban slums, waste and natural disasters among others. The exhibition questions each of these social, economical and environmental issues individually, but also collectively as Aravena highlights that “architecture is called to respond to more than one dimension at a time, integrating a variety of fields instead of choosing one or another.” Aravena insists that these complex issues can only be addressed by synthesizing information into one clear design strategy. “If there is any power in design, that’s the power of synthesis,” says Aravena, but “scarcity of means requires from the architect an abundance of meaning. The power of architecture is the power of synthesis, to say what you want in two words instead of three, to achieve a solution in as few moves as possible.”

The "Reporting From the Front" exhibition. 展览“回应过去”Image © Laurian Ghinitoiu

© Laurian Ghinitoiu


Overall, Aravena shows how the quality of a design does not necessarily depend on costs but on the design’s intrinsic meaning. A focus on the resouces available can ensure sustainability, as Aravena proved when designing forms that respond to the potentials of nature, common sense and self-construction.

Las Cruces Lookout Point. Image © Iwan Baan

Courtesy of ELEMENTAL


© Cristobal Palma


Image Courtesy of ELEMENTAL

© Ramiro Ramirez

© Ramiro Ramirez

© Felipe Diaz Contardo





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