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联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第1张图片

SSA rejuvenates boksto 6 UNESCO heritage site in vilnius, lithuania


联合国教科文组织世界遗产‘Boksto 6′坐落在立陶宛首都维尔纽斯的一个优越的地理位置,从这里可以俯瞰维尔纽斯历史中心,整个建筑风格为巴洛克和哥特式。尽管它是美丽的,但是这座多功能的综合体已经闲置了将近二十年,直到最近伦敦工作室Seilern 建筑事务所发展了一个广泛的修复计划,它才重新焕发生机。

Characterized by baroque and gothic buildings, the UNESCO world heritage site ‘Boksto 6′ sits in a privileged location overlooking the historic center of Vilnius, Lithuania’s capital city. Despite its beauty, the mixed-use complex has sat vacant for nearly twenty years, until London-based studio Seilern architects developed an extensive plan of renovation.

联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第2张图片
镜像立面/Mirrored façade


The architectural concept created acknowledges and emphasizes, rather than masks, the structures’ rich history. Preservation was placed at the forefront, and any new constructions were carefully-considered in relation to the site’s archival fabric. The scheme incorporates, in addition to a total restoration, a performing arts space, jazz bar and restaurant, spa facilities, landscaped green areas, and accommodations for residential and business-related purposes.

联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第3张图片
内部公园区域/Interior park area

增加的建筑元素加强了‘Boksto 6′作为一个具有凝聚力的综合体的统一性和平衡性,这与原来的基础设施是截然不同的。插入物显著的当代性产生了鲜明的对比,其目的是唤起而不是重复基地的历史。Seilern建筑事务所的‘Boksto 6′项目是对于废弃历史建筑更新的一次努力,而不是要颠覆其历史地位。

图片由studio seilern architects提供

Proposed elements reinforce the unity and balance of ‘Boksto 6′ as a cohesive complex, and are strikingly distinct from original infrastructure. The overt contemporary qualities of insertions aim to evoke, not replicate the site’s history, by clear contrast. Studio Seilern architects’ ‘Boksto 6′ is a rejuvenating effort that establishes a renewed sense of place for a derelict, but stunning historical location.
all images courtesy of studio seilern architects

联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第4张图片
餐饮露台/Dining terrace

联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第5张图片
餐饮露台/Dining terrace

联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第6张图片
餐饮庭院夜景/Restaurant courtyard in the evening
联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第7张图片

联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第8张图片
屋顶原型/Roofing prototype
联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第9张图片

联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第10张图片
建筑基地/Construction site
联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第11张图片
场地平面图/site plan

联合国教科文组织遗产Boksto 6的更新 / Studio Seilern Architects第12张图片





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