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Tunnel vision-Carsten holler adds record-breaking slide to Arcelor Mittal Orbit



Carsten Holler说,我非常喜欢它的混乱和其产生的迷惑性,尽管你不知道它是什么,但它的确创造了一种独特的感受。


Holler的 test site slide滑梯在Tate 现代涡轮中心进入人们的视野已经9年了。这个实验装置测试了人们对五种不同滑梯设计的反应。Holler希望向人们展示了想要解一个雕塑并不一定只通过想象,一旦你亲身去经历了,便知道了其中的奥秘。他也对让人们介于开心与疯狂瞬间的独特状态感颇感兴趣。

Is it a slide... is it a work of art? Or is it a lucrative rescue mission for London’s very expensive Olympic artistic legacy?
'I really like the dirtiness of it and the confusion it creates,' says Carsten Höller, 'that you don’t really know what it is, but that it truly creates a unique experience.'
The artist is talking alongside Anish Kapoor as the first pieces of his new stainless steel slide are pieced together at the base of Kapoor’s own sculpture, the ArcelorMittal Orbit. Last year, the Belgian artist accepted an invitation by Kapoor to wrap a corkscrew slide around the Orbit, created for the 2012 Olympics. Höller accepted, and in June the spindly, steel-framed red scribble in the sky over East London will become the world’s longest, tallest, twistiest slide.
It's nine years since Höller’s Test Site slides delighted audiences in the Tate Modern Turbine Hall. The installation 'experiment' tested audience’s reactions to five different slides. Höller wanted to show that you don’t necessarily get to know a sculpture better by literally travelling through it; that once inside it begins to look like something else entirely. He's also interested in the unique states that humans have when we let go – 'somewhere between delight and madness', as he puts it.

视觉隧道——Carsten Holler为奥赛罗米尔塔增建的震撼滑梯第1张图片
test site slides/测试滑梯




卡普尔与Holler都期待人们将这个艺术作品作为景点来评论。他们毫不避讳的承认将卡普尔的观光塔设计成取悦市民装置的灵感源于伦敦市长。当被问到这个艺术作品的创意时,卡普尔说,Boris Johnson非常肯定的将这个概念植入到这个项目中。卡普尔断定的说,很少有艺术家可以从公共雕塑中获取利益,但我们也希望未来可以。

The Slide, a permanent fixture at London’s Olympic Park, will give people a full 40 seconds to experience this and decide for themselves as they make their way down the 178m chute at an estimated 15mph.
In a purely formal sense, says Höller, you can see The Slide as 'two spirals' coming together. 'I like to use the term grafting that you use in horticulture – you put one thing on top of another and it starts to grow and function together without becoming totally mixed up,' he says.
It sounds natural and straightforward when put like that, but the reality of seeing the slide, surprisingly slim and elegant with its 60cm diameter and 3mm walls, growing beanstalk-like around Kapoor’s precariously unsymmetrical sculpture, is an undeniably thrilling and intimidating prospect.
Both Kapoor and Höller say they are expecting people to criticise the artwork for being an 'attraction'. They make no secret of the fact that the idea of turning Kapoor’s sculpture and viewing deck into a crowd-pleasing pull was the Mayor of London’s idea. When asked about his inspiration for the artwork, Kapoor replies : 'Boris Johnson – how can I put it – foisted this on the project, and kind of insisted.'
'No artists ever made a fortune from a public sculpture, I can assure you. Isn’t that true?' says Kapoor turning to Höller, who smiles conspiratorially.
'We’re holding out hope for the future.'

视觉隧道——Carsten Holler为奥赛罗米尔塔增建的震撼滑梯第2张图片

视觉隧道——Carsten Holler为奥赛罗米尔塔增建的震撼滑梯第3张图片

视觉隧道——Carsten Holler为奥赛罗米尔塔增建的震撼滑梯第4张图片

视觉隧道——Carsten Holler为奥赛罗米尔塔增建的震撼滑梯第5张图片

Carsten Holler

Carsten Holler是比利时艺术家,他曾经是学生物方向的科学家。1993年他离开科学事业,转向艺术创作。他的作品充满实验性。通过精心的控制与参观者的参与,弹指人类的知觉与逻辑的界限。







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  • 2016.10.03 00:39
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