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东京的灵魂纪念碑Shizensou塔/ Espacio Cero第1张图片

Espacio Cero's Shizensou tower is a monument for souls in Tokyo


Shizensou塔极其高耸和大胆,该方案由Espacio Cero设计,它是一个位于东京市Shinjuku区的庞大纪念碑——在爱人去世后作为纪念的仪式。

Strikingly tall and bold, the Shizensou tower proposed by Espacio Cero is a monolithic monument located in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo city– dedicated to a sacred ritual practiced for many centuries worldwide after a loved one has passed away.

东京的灵魂纪念碑Shizensou塔/ Espacio Cero第2张图片

Espacio Cero设想的塔反应了一个称为 Shizensou的特殊传统,它是一个发生在日本佛教仪式前的实践,在此死者的身体被火化、骨灰被抛洒在外——而不是被埋葬在一个坟墓里。无论是海洋、山脉、河流还是天空,这种做法被认为是通过“回归自然”来增加宇宙的能量平衡。当一个人死了,他们的骨灰被释放,据说他们会找到一个和平的旅程回到他们世上的家园,也被称为大自然母亲——所有生命的起源。因此,Shizensou 传统上在世界各地实践了几个世纪,因为它被认为是治疗死者的遗体最光荣的方式。

Espacio Cero‘s proposed tower reflects on one particular tradition called Shizensou, an ancient Japanese practice preceding budhist rituals where the body of a deceased is cremated and their ashes are scattered out in the open — instead of being buried in a grave. Whether it is the ocean, mountains, river or up in the sky, this practice is believed to increase the energy balance of the universe by ‘going back to nature’. When a person dies and their ashes are released, it is said that they will find a peaceful journey back to their universal home also known as mother nature — the origin of all life. As a result, Shizensou has been traditionally practiced all over the world for centuries because it was considered the most honorable way of treating the remains of the dead.

东京的灵魂纪念碑Shizensou塔/ Espacio Cero第3张图片

除了这个想法之外,该项目还探讨了城市内生命和死亡的概念。事实上,每五分钟就会有人在东京去世(110500 人/年),因此,私人开发商已使用寺庙作为幌子造墓地—他们可以把土地卖十倍的价格并且不含税。这种做法导致日本的墓地紧邻住区,加剧市区的拥挤。基于这一点,Espacio Cero提出了一个空心塔用于探索这些边界之间的生死——在葬礼和悲痛过去之后——人们可以把他们爱的人的骨灰洒在大井里,它象征着接受、愈合和神圣。

Looking beyond that idea, the project also explores the concept of life and death within the city. Indeed, every five minutes somebody in Tokyo dies (110,500/year) and because of that, private developers have used temples as covers to build cemetery plots — which they can sell for ten times the price of land without taxes. This practice results in the unwanted placement of cemeteries adjacent to homes, in the already densely populated neighborhoods of Japan — and Tokyo is being forced to face the issue of burial spaces. From that point on, Espacio Cero has proposed a hollow tower that explores those boundaries between life and death where — after furneral services and grieving have passed — people can spread the ashes of their loved ones into a large well which symbolizes acceptance, healing and sacredness.

东京的灵魂纪念碑Shizensou塔/ Espacio Cero第4张图片


The Shizensou tower is a megalith that contrasts with its surroundings. Its imposing and bold appearance results from a construction process in successive layers, animated by natural or artificial light. The final effect reflects on the ephemeral human life and its constant dialogue with the continuity of time — creating a boundary between the frantic rhythm of the city and the timeless interior space.

东京的灵魂纪念碑Shizensou塔/ Espacio Cero第5张图片
该空心塔为死者的纪念碑——逐层意义/The hollow tower as a monument for the dead — with a construction process in successive layers

东京的灵魂纪念碑Shizensou塔/ Espacio Cero第6张图片
该建筑提供了一个生命和死亡之间的过渡空间/The building offers a transition space between life and death

东京的灵魂纪念碑Shizensou塔/ Espacio Cero第7张图片
Shizensou塔位于城市中心一个安静的区域/The Shizensou tower sits in a quiet place, in the middle of the city





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