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轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第1张图片

OFDA associates references haruki murakami in japanese holiday home



In Karuizawa, Japan, OFDA associates has built a megaphone shaped vacation home with the intent of concealing views of neighbouring houses. The home, called ‘the Karuizawa tunnel’, is comprised of a central living area bracketed on either side by individual rooms. Bordered on the east and west by neighbouring villas and to the north by the local train station, the property takes the inspiration for its shape from the inter-dimensional well in the Haruki Murakami novel, ‘the wind up bird chronicle’ — a passage that join two worlds.

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第2张图片

住宅从北侧进入,缓缓地通向南侧立面,那里提供了广阔的风景。OFDA设想的形状为一条隧道,引导居民从一个世界到另一个。“我受到雕塑、绘画和小说的影响,在其中感觉到类似的主题,”Taku Sakushi解释说,他是一位建筑师。“它们其中的一类是来自树上春树的小说。在他的早期作品中,小说从他封闭的世界中发展起来,但在后来的小说中,他创造了各种各样的洞来建立与其它世界的联系。一个象征性的案例是《风声纪事》中的一口井。它的功能是传送,主要人物从他生活的世界中到一个不同的世界。”

The home is entered from its north side, and slowly opens up to accommodate the generous view of its south facing façade. OFDA envisions the shape as a tunnel, guiding residents from one world to another. ‘I was influenced by sculptures, paintings, and novels in which I sensed similar motifs,’ explains Taku Sakushi, the architect. ‘One of them was a novel by Haruki Murakami. In his early works, stories developed inside his closed world, but in later novels, various holes were created in his world to establish connections with other worlds. A symbolic case is a well in the wind-up bird chronicle. it functions as a transporter, with which the main character moves from the world he lives to a different world.’

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第3张图片


A large central living room takes up much of the tunnel’s main passage, with a master bedroom, den and two japanese style rooms leading off it. Sharing the space of the living area is a dining room, which graduates into a kitchen and pantry area. The megaphone shape is completed by a broad south facing terrace that takes in uninterrupted views of the countryside. Floor to ceiling glass panelling delivers sunlight into the space, with a multifaceted pointed ceiling continuing the cave like concept.

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第4张图片


‘In this project, I was thinking about creating a big frame – in this case, a tunnel-like structure – that goes from an entrance on the north side with a big roof, to the opening in the south facing greenery,’ continues OFDA. ‘This tunnel is just like the well in Murakami’s novel, a transporter to take the residents to a nature-filled world when they arrive from the city.’

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第5张图片
建筑师在他的房子里设计了“框架”的概念/The architect plays with the idea of ‘frames’ in his design for the house

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第6张图片
地面到天花板的玻璃照亮隧道房子的内部/Floor to ceiling glass panelling illuminates the inside of the tunnel house

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第7张图片
主要空间的两个滑动门通向书房和日式的房间/Two sliding doors of the main space lead to a den and Japanese style room

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第8张图片
住宅的设计受到小说《风鸟纪事》中多维交互井的启发/The design of the house is inspired by an inter-dimensional well from the novel ‘the wind up bird chronicle’.

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第9张图片
隐藏的角落灯光照亮起居区域/Concealed corner lighting illuminates the living area

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第10张图片
在它的东侧,通道变成餐厅、厨房和厨具室/To its east, the passage graduates in a dining room, kitchen and pantry

轻井泽Tunnel住宅/OFDA associates第11张图片





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