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Luis Barragán's "emotional architecture" recreated in model photographs


美国艺术家James Casebere把墨西哥传奇建筑师路易斯•巴拉干创作的建筑物的颜色和氛围定格在这些真实的模型照片中,这些照片也即将在纽约展出。
“展览的标题参考了巴拉干和艺术家MathiasGoéritz所设计的现代主义建筑风格的名字,现代主义一味追求功能主义让他们感到沮丧,因而他们希望拥抱空间,色彩和光线,创造出温暖,冥想和反思的空间”, Sean Kelly画廊负责人说道,他们将在本月末展览这些照片。

The colours and atmosphere of buildings by legendary Mexican architect Luis Barragán are captured in these realistic model photographs by American artist James Casebere, set to go on show in New York.
Casebere recreated elements of Barragán's iconic buildings to create the body of work for the exhibition, titled Emotional Architecture.
"The title of the exhibition references the name given to the style of modernist architecture conceived by Barragán and the artist Mathias Goéritz, who, frustrated by the cold functionalism of modernism, embraced space, colour and light to create buildings that engendered warmth, meditation, and reflection," said Sean Kelly Gallery, which will show the images later this month.

黄色走廊,2016年/Yellow Corridor, 2016


To produce the images, Casebere employed a method known as constructed photography. The artist builds complex table-sized models of the interiors in his studio, using everyday materials.
He then photographs them in a way that aims to recreate the lighting conditions and atmosphere in the spaces.
In each case, the rooms and areas are pared down to their essential elements, and shown devoid of furniture or inhabitants.
"The resulting images invite viewers to project into and inhabit the spaces he has created, relying on their imagination and memory to fill in the gaps," the gallery said.

前庭,2016年/Vestibule, 2016

普利兹克奖获奖建筑师建筑项目的重现,包括在Casa Gilardi的黄色走廊,这是在1976年完成的,这也是他监督的最后一个项目。

The portions of the Pritzker Prize-winning architect's projects reproduced for the series include the yellow corridor at Casa Gilardi, which was completed in 1976 and was the last project he oversaw.
The bachelor pad turned family home in Mexico City was also recently captured in a short film.
Areas from the house Barragán built for himself in the Mexican capital in 1947 are also interpreted.
The first is the vestibule, which features pink, yellow and white walls illuminated by a skylight above the staircase.

图书馆,2016年/Library, 2016

图片显示着一个十字形的窗口,朝向粉红色线条的庭院和悬在室外空间的黄色顶篷,都是基于1955年的Casa Gálvez建筑。

The second from Casa Barragán is the library, a simple space with a wooden ceiling and white walls that are awash with daylight.
Images showing a window with a cross-shaped that looks onto a pink-lined courtyard, and a yellow canopy overhanging an outdoor space, are both based on the 1955 Casa Gálvez.
Casabere is renowned for his interior studies, with previous projects including an examination of prison cells.
Examples of his work can be found in the collections of museums in including the Whitney, Guggenheim and MoMA in New York, and the V&A and Tate in London.

接待室,2017年/Reception Room, 2017

“在这个新的作品中,Casebere回到建筑的室内空间,探讨巴拉干丰富的颜色使用,戏剧性的光和简单的触觉,平坦的表面,甚至算是对建筑师整个职业生涯的反思”, Sean Kelly 画廊说道,展览将在 2017年1月27至2017年3月11日期间展出。
纽约也是去年Barragán聚焦展览的地点。在Chelsea的 Timothy Taylor画廊空间的展览,探索了建筑师的颜色使用,以及著名艺术家的作品。
图片版权归James Casebere所有,由纽约艺术家和Sean Kelly提供。

"In this new body of work, Casebere returns to his career-long interrogation of interior architectural spaces to explore Barragán’s sumptuous use of color, dramatic light and simple haptic, planar surfaces," said Sean Kelly Gallery, which will host the exhibition from 27 January to 11 March 2017.
New York was also the location of Barragán-focused exhibition last year. The show at the Timothy Taylor gallery space in Chelsea explored the architect's use of colour, alongside the works of prominent artists.
Images are copyright James Casebere, courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York.





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