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zaha hadid architects casts digital light mapping projection on a baroque castle façade


在德国卡尔斯鲁厄的巴洛克风格的城堡的170米长的外墙上,扎哈•哈迪德建筑事务所(ZHA)与数字艺术家、计算机科学研究人员Andy Lomas、Mubbasir Kapadia以及音乐家Max Cooper及其合作伙伴合作,创造了沉浸式的光线映射投影系统。此次的“行为模式”突出了ZHA在其建筑空间和综合规划中应用的数字空间仿真工具,并寻找设计未来生活空间的更优策略。

on the 170-meter-long façade of the karlsruhe’s baroque castle in germany, zaha hadid architects (ZHA) has collaborated with digital artists/computer science researchers andy lomas and mubbasir kapadia, and musician max cooper to create an immersive light mapping projection. ‘behaviour morphe’ highlights the digital spatial simulation tools ZHA applies in the comprehensive analysis and planning of its architecture, and seeks to explore how living spaces can be designed in the future.

在卡尔斯鲁厄的巴洛克式城堡的170米长的外墙上布置灯光/the light installation takes shape on the 170-meter-long façade of the karlsruhe’s baroque castle

该展示于2017年Schlosslichtspiele节日展出,这种“行为模式”揭示了城堡内部的一系列数字化的实验空间。这些空间显示了在建筑等事务中与AI建立的数字化表达的循环和聚集。 扎哈事务所的建筑师们与AndyLomas ,Mubbasir Kapadia 和Max Cooper合作,使用实时数据创建动态虚拟空间,并以此来说明建筑与虚拟空间的互动关系。

presented for the 2017 schlosslichtspiele festival, ‘behaviour morphe’ reveals the interior of the castle as a series of digital laboratories. these spaces show the circulation and congregation of digital actors programmed with AI that interact with the architecture of the building, as well as each other. zaha hadid architects worked together withandy lomas, mubbasir kapadia, and max cooper to create dynamic virtual spaces using real-time data that interprets the interactions of virtual characters.

扎哈哈德的建筑师与数字艺术家、计算机科学研究人员和音乐家密切合作/zaha hadid architects worked closely with digital artists, computer science researchers, and musicians

“ZHA的想法和工作方式与我的音乐理念相吻合,我们都是基于人工智能的原则,从而导致来自行为仿真系统的生物形态的出现。”Max Cooper 说,“我创作了几首适合视觉风格和发展的曲目,其中有对于人类与建筑空间的相互作用的探索,也有一系列细胞形式及视听效果的呈现。

‘ZHA’s ideas and work fit well with my musical approach, being based on human/machine boundaries, and emergence of biological forms from simulated systems of behaviour,’ max cooper says. ‘I drew on a couple of tracks which fit the visual style and the development of the piece, which goes from a playful exploration of human interactions with an architectural space to a barrage of cellular forms and audio-visual intensity.’

“行为模式”将在2017年的Schlosslichtspiele节展出/‘behaviour morphe’ is presented for the 2017 schlosslichtspiele festival

城堡的内部以一系列数字化实验空间呈现/the interior of the castle is revealed as a series of digital laboratories

空间展示了数字体系的流动和聚集/spaces show the circulation and congregation of digital actors

动态虚拟空间使用实时数据来表达虚拟角色的交互实验/dynamic virtual spaces use real-time data to interprets the virtual characters’ interactions

ZHA设计师: Patrik Schumacher
ZHA项目总监ZHVR组: Helmut Kinzler
ZHA代码总监: Shajay Bhooshan
ZHA代码团队:Filippo Nassetti、Marko Margeta、Vishu Bhooshan、Tommaso Casucci

形态的创造:Andy Lomas(数字艺术家和计算机科学)
人群模拟和行为代理:Mubbasir Kapadia (数字艺术家和计算机科学)、Fernando Geraci、Samuel S. Sohn
合成和生产:DSG(Dragos Stefan、Vlad Pascanu和Alex Stoica )

模拟数字化系统由Max Cooper编创/由Manners Mcdade音乐公司发行/版权:Believe Digital/
“行为模式”由Max Cooper编创/由Manners Mcdade音乐公司发行

project team:
architectural design, curation, design lead: zaha hadid architects (ZHA)
ZHA principal: patrik schumacher
ZHA project director, ZHVR group: helmut kinzler
ZHA code director: shajay bhooshan
ZHA code team: filippo nassetti, marko margeta, vishu bhooshan, tommaso casucci

morphogenetic creations: andy lomas (digital artist and computer science)
crowd simulation and behavioural agents: mubbasir kapadia (digital artist and computer science) with fernando geraci and samuel s. sohn
compositing and production: DSG (dragos stefan, vlad pascanu and alex stoica)

music soundtrack:
‘voyage through the analogue womb’ written and performed by max cooper | published by manners mcdade music publishing ltd. courtesy of believe digital
‘behaviour morph’ written and performed by max cooper | published by manners mcdade music publishing ltd.





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