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范斯沃斯住宅|Fransworth House / Mies van der Rohe © Roland Halbe

Works of Classic Architecture Captured During Autumnal Splendor



As the northern hemisphere says goodbye to the final month of fall and gives thanks for architecture’s splendid (and fulfilling) beauty, the time is ripe for revisiting a selection of canonical projects that look their grandest during “leaf peeping” season. Either the brilliant reds, oranges, browns and yellows of the foliage echo the natural colors of the project’s materials or the reflective properties of ample glass magnify the natural phenomenon. This annual period of transition provides photographers with a “golden” opportunity.

流水别墅|Fallingwater © Robert Ruschak - Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

流水别墅/ 弗兰克•劳埃德•赖特

这座建筑让弗兰克•劳埃德•赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)一举成名,它坐落于宾夕法尼亚州的西南部,似乎为秋日而生。这座别墅建于1935年,现在不仅是当地的地标,也用于展览参观,是结合了自然与艺术的有机建筑的典范。

Fallingwater / Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright’s most famous house, Fallingwater, in southwestern Pennsylvania seems made for the brief annual moment of fall foliage. Built in 1935, the now-public museum and National Historic Landmark is a textbook example of organic architecture’s pursuit of unifying art with nature.

Carol M. Highsmith's America, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

玻璃住宅 / 菲利普•约翰逊

菲利普•约翰逊(Philip Johnson)的私宅位于康涅狄格州新迦南地区,在这座玻璃住宅(Glass House)中能够完美体验季节的变化。居住者可以在家中放松身心,同时欣赏户外的秋日美景。

Glass House / Philip Johnson
In Philip Johnson's own expansive property in New Canaan, Connecticut, the Glass House is the perfect place to experience the changing of the seasons. Enclosed by glass on all sides, inhabitants can relax in the most stylish furniture available while enjoying a panoramic view of the outdoors.

范斯沃斯住宅|Farnsworth House, Image Courtesy of Hedrich Blessing Photographers

范斯沃思住宅 /密斯•凡•德罗


Farnsworth House / Mies van der Rohe
Like Philip Johnson's Glass House, the Farnsworth House is perfectly designed to bring the outside in--although, with the Fox River regularly flooding the area, sometimes you get more of the outside than you bargained for. As a result, the Farnsworth is best when it's only leaves that are falling outside.

格雷斯农场|Grace Farms © by Lian Chang  licensed under CC BY 2.0

格雷斯农场/ SANAA

在2014年完工的格雷斯农场(Grace Farms)由SANAA建筑事务所设计,建筑拥抱着连绵起伏的丘陵和树丛,营造出充满活力的自然环境。

Grace Farms / SANAA
Completed in 2014, SANAA's Grace Farms hugs the landscape as it curves over rolling hills and in between groups of trees, creating a dynamic composition with the natural surroundings.

索恩克朗教堂|horncrown Chapel / E. Fay Jones © Randall Connaughton

索恩克朗教堂/ E. Fay Jones

该建筑位于阿肯色州,由E. Fay Jones设计,这座教堂具有森林的质感与特征,其密集的木梁模仿了周围的树枝,随着秋天的到来,叶子褪去,这些枝丫逐渐清晰,教堂便融入了这一片秋季氛围之中。

Thorncrown Chapel / E. Fay Jones
In Arkansas, E. Fay Jones' masterwork takes on both the material and characteristics of the forest, with its densely packed wooden beams mimicking the surrounding branches. As those branches become increasingly bare, the transparency of the chapel allows it to still blend in with the now-sparse woodland.





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