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繁华城市中的垂直公共空间|圣保罗Moreira Salles博物馆第1张图片

Moreira Salles Institute / Andrade Morettin Arquitetos




Text description provided by the architects. Project for a Museum on Paulista Avenue- the new IMS of São Paulo.
The creation of a new museum is always an extraordinary event. It is fundamental the role they play in contemporary cities, not only for promoting events related to art and culture, but especially for bringing interest and vitality to urban spaces.

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© Nelson Kon


It is in this context that the new IMS headquarters will emerge. An institution already consolidated and of marked presence in the Brazilian cultural scene. Owning a precious collection and with extensive experience in the promotion of exhibitions and cultural events, IMS does not have an exhibition space in São Paulo today that is consistent with its possibilities. The new headquarters will supply the concrete need for more space, but it will be much more than that: it is born, above all, the desire to create a place that represents the values and the spirit of the institution. The museum emerges from the inside out and for this reason the new headquarters must be thought in the same way, having as main motivation to be a programmatic and symbolic platform for the IMS.

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© Nelson Kon


That way, we imagine an accessible museum, anchored in the present, that has a free and direct relationship with the city and, at the same time, offers a calm and welcoming internal environment; a museum capable of balancing the vibration of the sidewalks with the nature and scale of museum spaces; a space that demands a very particular quality of light and perception of time; Finally, a museum of an outstanding character, that provides a unique and personal experience for those who visit it.

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© Nelson Kon


In order for the proposed building to meet these qualities, we proceed to the analysis and interpretation of two fundamental parameters for the design of the project: the program and the urban context. What was of interest here, beyond the complex functional requirements presented, was to determine the articulations and qualities desired for the museum's internal spaces, as well as to define what kind of relationship was intended to be established between the new building and the city.

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© Nelson Kon



The Program
From the analysis of the program we elaborate a quantification of the necessary areas and a grouping of the spaces according to their nature, creating a gradient that goes from the most open and permeable to the most restricted and controlled. This diagram represents the intention to reinforce the connections and continuities between the programs open to the public and to preserve the privacy and control of the administrative and service programs. As a result of this reasoning, we must distribute separate circulations to the public, for administrative and areas for loading and services.

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图解/Diagram 02

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图解/Diagram 10


From this analysis, we also concluded that the spaces should be generous, especially in the exhibition areas, given the role of protagonist that will have within the scheme of the new museum. They must also be flexible and have the controlled environment, with the ideal conditions to accommodate the collection and the different modalities of exposure.

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© Nelson Kon

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© Nelson Kon

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© Nelson Kon


With the objective of creating a significant group of programs, we gathered the auditorium, classrooms, multimedia space and library into a single, integrated body, forming the Institute's new Media Library. This set creates an important counterpoint for the exhibition rooms, able to balance the attention within the museum. So, part of the library can work as a convivial space for those who attend classrooms, as these, when integrated, become a small suspended auditorium that relates simultaneously to the library and the foyer. It was also our goal, to bring the various forms of expression and media in a more fluid and continuous space, without losing the necessary restraints for the proper functioning of each space.

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© Nelson Kon



The Place
The Paulista Avenue is one of the few places in the city where we find a huge variety of people and programs living in one place. One of the few places where we have a mixed, plural and more democratic city. This rare quality, coupled with the generous scale and the privileged geographical situation, makes Paulista Avenue one of the most interesting and lively spaces in São Paulo.

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图解/Diagram 03

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图解/Diagram 05


Adjusting the focus to the surroundings near the new museum, we identified some singularities of that section of the avenue. The intersection with Consolação Avenue translates into a great movement of vehicles and people, due to the proximity of the various subway stations and the bus corridor. The sidewalk, at this point, is narrower, due to the presence of the tunnel just ahead. We are right at the end of the avenue, from which opens a wide look to the valley of the Pacaembu and the spike of Dr. Arnaldo Avenue.

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© Nelson Kon


The plot, with 20 x 50 meters, is flat and surrounded by buildings from 13 to 18 floors on all sides: a gap in the sequence of profiled volumes along the avenue. This is a truly extraordinary location. On the other hand, when we get inside the lot, at the level of the sidewalk, we realize that the space offers few openings and connections with the surroundings. The questions that we asked at the beginning of this analysis are put again: what is the relationship that we want to establish between the museum and the city and how does this decision affect the articulation of the museum's internal spaces?

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© Nelson Kon



The Design Approach
The solution was to transfer the ground floor of the museum - its main articulating element - from the base to the center of the building, fifteen meters above the level of Paulista Avenue, creating a totally new and open relationship between the museum, the city and its inhabitants. With this displacement, we leave a claustrophobic and restricted condition imposed by the boundaries of the lot, to conquer the view of the city, at the same time we create the possibility of a new articulation of the internal spaces of the museum.

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Cortesia de Andrade Morettin Arquitetos


This operation has the effect of releasing the level of Paulista Avenue for it to work, together with the first underground, as a distribution platform of the different circulations that feed the building. Conceived as a large urban hall, the level of Paulista Avenue becomes extension of the sidewalk, leading the visitor through escalators and elevators to the heart of the building. It is there that is also the museum's restaurant, fully open to the public, reinforcing the multiple character of the avenue.

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© Nelson Kon


In this transfer, which refers to the familiar movements of subway stations, there is a first transition from the scale of the city to the scale of the museum. Along the way, the sounds and the agitation coming from the street fade, the intensity and nature of the light change, until you reach the raised ground floor, facing the city, which opens in a totally renewed perspective. Released from a closer and direct confrontation with the street, it was possible to create a vibrant and energetic space, but adjusted to the intensity and the environment desired for the museum. The scale and the time have changed. We are inside the new IMS.

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© Nelson Kon

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© Nelson Kon


As has been said, with this transfer we rebalanced the gravity center of the building, bringing the main programs closer to the ground floor. This result, once again, goes beyond merely functional aspects. It is a question of adjusting the displacements and journeys to the scale and time that are most pertinent to the museum. From the elevated ground floor, the visitor's perception of the program spaces is clear and direct. The ground floor has been converted into a convivial and distribution plaza, which also has a shop and café; above this square, hovering over it, are the exhibition spaces, protected in a closed volume; below, the programs of the Midiateca are grouped, which act as a great meeting space dedicated to cinema, music, literature and, more generally, research and production of knowledge.

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© Nelson Kon

仓库和其他辅助用房,例如艺术品临时存储空间、图书馆书库及各种设备用房, 均被设置在地下二层,设备层通过一个大型钢梯和只限内部技术人员使用的电梯与建筑物的其余部分相连。

The warehouses and other areas of support to the museum - such as the temporary storage space for works of art, library collections and varied stocks - are in the 2nd underground. This floor is connected to the rest of the building by means of a large cargo lift and a set of elevators and stairways restricted to staff and technical personnel.

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平面图/Floor Plan - Floors Floor Plan - Floors

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平面图/Floor Plan - Floors Floor Plan - Floors

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平面图/Floor Plan - Floors Floor Plan - Floors


The spatiality of the museum is given and perceived, above all, from the voids of the building, which are the spaces of movement and encounter that spread between the program volumes and the facade of the building. The facade materiality, solved with a translucent double-layer glass skin, gives a quality of light that corresponds exactly to what we wanted from the beginning of the project, when we imagined the interior of the museum as a backwater - a quiet and welcoming space for the Visitor. In the same way, the light that takes care of these spaces carries with it the city's trace, bringing into the museum the memory of the world around it.

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© Nelson Kon

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© Nelson Kon


The choice of some materials reinforces this desire to build meaningful relationships with the city. In the elevated ground floor, we recovered the portuguese mosaic floor that for a long time was used in the sidewalks of Paulista Avenue. On the other hand, we use basalt, a material that makes a direct correspondence with the cement of the sidewalks, to cover the entire floor of the museum at street level, in such a way that we have a continuous space.

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轴测结构/Axonometric Structure

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© Nelson Kon


Finally, there is the question of how the building is placed in the city. The use of translucent glass as second skin causes the museum to be perceived as a well-defined volume, intact, with the necessary force to establish its place among the neighbors and other buildings of Paulista Avenue. On the other hand, its properties of light and translucency create for the building a second register, which is changeable depending on the nature of the environment and the position of the observer. As a result, the interior of the museum is subtly manifested in urban space.

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© Nelson Kon

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© Nelson Kon

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© Nelson Kon

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© Nelson Kon

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Cortesia de Andrade Morettin Arquitetos

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底层平面图/Ground Floor Plan

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平面图/Floor Plan +4.20

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平面图/Floor Plan +7.35

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平面图/Floor Plan +10.50

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立面细节/Facade Details

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图解/Diagram 07

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图解/Diagram 09

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图解/Diagram 11

设计单位:Andrade Morettin Arquitetos
竞赛团队: Beatriz Moretti, Fábio Ucella, Flora Fujii, Gabriel Sepe, Júlio Beraldo, Lauro Rocha, Valeria Mónigo
项目团队:Adriane De Luca (coord.), Raphael Souza (coord.), Carlos Eduardo Miller, Eduardo Miller, Felipe Fuchs, Fernanda Carlovich, Fernanda Mangini, Gabriel Sepe, Jaqueline Lessa, Melissa Kawahara, Murilo Zidan
建筑摄影:Nelson Kon, Courtesy of Andrade Morettin Arquitetos
制造商:Otis, Eleve
竞赛顾问:Museologia - álvaro Razuk; Desempenho ambiental e eficiência energética - Andrea Vosgueritchian; Estrutura - Ycon / Yopanan Rebello; Fundações - Geraldo Moretti, Cláudio Wolle; Hidráulica, elétrica e ar condicionado - Grau / Douglas Cury; Acústica - Gustavo Nepomuceno; Luminotécnica - Carlos Albert Kaiser; Conservação - Ilo Codognotto; Legislação - Sílvia Helena; Vídeo – Bijari.

项目协调:Canal e Musse - Eng. José Luiz Canal
工作督导团队:Camila Lazzari /JoséLeandro da Silva
结构设计:Ycon Engenharia / GOP
基础设计:Moretti Engenharia Consultiva
电气设计:LZA Engenharia
幕墙设计:Front Inc. / Grupo Galtier
物理设计:Greenwatt Consultores de Energia
消防安全:GPIC / LZA Engenharia
规范:Urben Arquitetura
声学设计:HarmoniaAcústica/ Akkerman,Holtz
灯光设计:Peter Gasper&Associados / Lux Projetos
电梯设计:EmproComércioe Engenharia em Transporte Vertical
安全设计:Fleury Consultores
餐厅和咖啡厅:Walderez NogueiraSoluçõesGastronômicas
施工单位:All'e Engenharia
建筑制图:Paint Consult / Walter Adoglio Jr

Architects: Andrade Morettin Arquitetos
Location: Av. Paulista, 2424 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01310-300, Brazil
Contest Team: Beatriz Moretti, Fábio Ucella, Flora Fujii, Gabriel Sepe, Júlio Beraldo, Lauro Rocha, Valeria Mónigo
Project Team: Adriane De Luca (coord.), Raphael Souza (coord.), Carlos Eduardo Miller, Eduardo Miller, Felipe Fuchs, Fernanda Carlovich, Fernanda Mangini, Gabriel Sepe, Jaqueline Lessa, Melissa Kawahara, Murilo Zidan
Area: 8662.0 m2
Project Year: 2017
Photograph: Nelson Kon, Courtesy of Andrade Morettin Arquitetos
Manufacturers: Otis, Eleve
Contest Consultancy: Museologia - álvaro Razuk; Desempenho ambiental e eficiência energética - Andrea Vosgueritchian; Estrutura - Ycon / Yopanan Rebello; Fundações - Geraldo Moretti, Cláudio Wolle; Hidráulica, elétrica e ar condicionado - Grau / Douglas Cury; Acústica - Gustavo Nepomuceno; Luminotécnica - Carlos Albert Kaiser; Conservação - Ilo Codognotto; Legislação - Sílvia Helena; Vídeo – Bijari.

Project Coordinator: Canal e Musse - Eng. José Luiz Canal
Work Supervision Team: Camila Lazzari / José Leandro da Silva
Structre: Ycon Engenharia / GOP
Bases: Moretti Engenharia Consultiva
Electric: LZA Engenharia
Facade: Front Inc. / Grupo Galtier
Climate: Greenwatt Consultores de Energia
Fire Safety: GPIC / LZA Engenharia
Automation, telecommunication and audiovisual: GPIC
Legislation: Urben Arquitetura
Acoustics: Harmonia Acústica / Akkerman, Holtz
Lighting: Peter Gasper & Associados / Lux Projetos
Waterproofing: PROASSP Project Management and Consulting
Elevators: Empro Comércio e Engenharia em Transporte Vertical
Safety: Fleury Consultores
Visual Programming: Quadradão
Restaurant and cafe: Walderez Nogueira Soluções Gastronômicas
Construction: All’e Engenharia
Painting: Paint Consult / Walter Adoglio Jr





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