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Young Bird Plan Shade-Scape Sunshade Pattern Design Competition Season 2

注册日期: 2018年 1月8日
奖品: 请参阅下面的详细信息


此次,Young Bird Plan再度携手Sunbrella®于2017下半年发起第二季“Shade-scape凉辰美景“遮阳伞面设计竞赛。本次比赛的评审团由四名具有跨学科背景的评委和一名专业的学术顾问组成。我们相信不同思维的碰撞将成为你灵感的丰富源泉。




A. 直径为2.5m的圆形伞面

B. 直径为3m的圆形伞面


C. 边长2.5*2.5m的方形伞面



• 对竞赛命题的解读和对Sunbrella®品牌文化和产品工艺的深刻解读;
• 考虑实用性与城市场景中的艺术性;
• 设计的同时考虑材料与工艺成本,使作品本身具有可实现性;
• 设计作品必须能适用于以上三种伞面。


- 简洁的说明文字:不超过300字(标注除外);
- 报名编号:位于图纸右上角。编号要求字体:Arial。字号:24;
- 伞面设计图:
(1) Repeat图案单元图;  (2) 织物整体图(纵向长度不限);  (3) 3种伞型的伞面剪裁排布图;(4) 3种伞型的伞面俯视图;(5) 3种伞型的伞体全景正视图;(6) 其他细部详图;


- 方案需完整呈现于1张A2纵向图纸上,要求图纸清晰,标注可读(页面边距10毫米)。所有图纸排布不可超过1张A2图纸。
- 提交格式统一为JPEG,每张图纸大小不超过20MB。
- 参赛方案需自行命名,命名不超过4个字。请按照“报名号-方案名称”格式命名文件。
- 作品提交语言:中英双语




冠军:RMB 30,000(税前)
Top 3(除冠军外): RMB 8,000(税前)
最终三强设计者将获得由Young Bird Plan与联合主办方Sunbrella®定制设计的竞赛证书,并于《YoungBirds》专业期刊和YoungBird公众号等新媒体平台进行深度报道。


• 2017.10.18  报名启动时间
• 2017.10.23  评委发布时间
• 2018.01.08  提交作品截止时间
• 2018.01.18  Top50公布时间
• 2018.01.25  Top25公布时间
• 2018.02.01  Top3公布时间
• 2018.02.08  冠军公布时间




Submission: January 08, 2018
Registration: January 08, 2018
Language: Chinese,English
Location: Shanghai,China
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open

As a protective shield against ultraviolet and elegant adornment for environment, outdoor sunshades are common sights in urban public spaces. Yet the outdoor sunshades in China are often confronted with the problems of color fading, mildew, intolerance of dirty, abrasion, and so on. The underlying cause is shoddy material, which will expose consumers to the ultraviolet, jeopardize the health of users, and harm the urban environment. What’s more, the resulting frequent replacement becomes heavy burden to the city.
In collaboration with Sunbrella®, Young Bird Plan is launching the second season of “Shade-scape” Sunshade Pattern Design Competition. This competition features four judges with interdisciplinary backgrounds and one professional academic consultant. We believe that the collision of disparate ideas will become a rich source of inspiration for you.
Sunshade surface with a diameter of 3 meters and square sunshade surface with a side length of 2.5 meters, the entry should be feasible to two types of dome umbrella and one kind of square surface:

Dome sunshade surface
The dome umbrella comprises 8 triangular units with the same dimension, topped with a tiny round top. There are two different requirements of diameters:
A. Sunshade surface with a diameter of 2.5 meters
A sunshade surface with 2.5 meters in diameter; the pattern will be applied to 8 triangular units. The triangular units should be designed to arrange on a piece of fabric, 1,370 millimeters in width, in the most economical manner, and allow enough tolerance for the cutting and collage process.

B. Sunshade surface with a diameter of 3 meters
A sunshade surface with 3 meters in diameter; the pattern will be applied to 8 triangular units. The triangular units should be designed to allow enough tolerance for the cutting and collage process, and similarly, to arrange on a piece of fabric, 1,370 millimeters in width. (The usable height of the triangle is less than 1,410, because the sharp point will be folded in practice, thus the width of 1,370 millimeters is feasible.)

Square sunshade surface
C. Square sunshade surface with a side length of 2.5 meters
A square sunshade surface with a side length of 2.5 meters; the pattern will be applied to 4 triangular units. The triangular units should be designed to allow enough tolerance for the cutting and collage process, and similarly, to arrange on a piece of fabric, 1,370 millimeters in width, in the most economical manner.

Contestants are required to design a surface pattern for the ease of fabrication of fabrics (rather than one for printing). Repetition of a specific pattern within the dimension limits while ensuring the final effect won’t be affected by the cutting and collage process.

Evaluation Criterial
• Deep understanding of both the competition theme and the brand’s culture and craftsmanship;
• Practical and artistic in the urban setting;
• Appropriate cost of material and workmanship;
• Feasible with the abovementioned three sunshade surfaces.
You can find more details about Sunbrella® on the official site,
Contestants could log onto the official website to get the registration number and upload the works.

The submission should include;
-Descriptive text no more than 300 Chinese characters (except notes);
-Registration No. should be put in the upper right corner of the paper, in Arial 24pt font;
-Pattern design drawings of all the above three types, including Repeat pattern unit drawing, overall drawing of fabrics (with no length limit), pattern layout drawings, surface top view, panoramic front view of the sunshade and other detailed drawings;

Entry Requirements:
-A scheme should be presented on one A2 piece of paper in a clear and vertical way and in readable format (with a 10mm page margin) and shall include following parts:
-All drawings should be limited to one A2 piece of paper and submitted in JPEG format – no more than 20 MB for each drawing.
-Contestants should name their scheme with no more than 4 Chinese characters in the “registration No. – scheme name” format.
-Entries should be submitted in both Chinese and English.

Any professional, student, design enthusiast of all ages with design- and art-related background across the world is eligible;
Each contestant is able to submit 2 entries at most, one registration number corresponds to one submission. If you hope to submit the second entry, please apply for one more registration number.

Champion: 30,000 RMB (pre-tax)
Top 3 (except the champion): 8,000 RMB (pre-tax)
The Top 3 winners will be awarded with creative gifts prepared by Young Bird Plan and the co-organizer Sunbrella®, and customized and personalized certificates designed by YoungBirdPlan; In-depth coverage by YoungBirds custom publication and YoungBirds new media platforms.
Each of the Top 3 projects will be optimized and fabricated by the co-organizer Sunbrella®’s US team, and be displayed at landmarks or major roads in several first-tier Chinese cities.

• 2017.10.18 Start of Registration
• 2017.10.23 Announcement of judging panel
• 2018.01.08 Submission Deadline
• 2018.01.18 Release of Top 50
• 2018.01.25 Release of Top 25
• 2018.02.01 Release of Top 3
• 2018.02.08 Release of Champion

24:00, 8 Jan. 2018 (GMT+8)

competition’s website:, YoungBirdPlan




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