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© Mike Schwartz

AD Classics: Smith House / Richard Meier & Partners


五十年前,Carole Smith给理查德•迈耶打电话,跟他讨论关于她与自己的丈夫共同购买的一块土地的问题,这块地位于美国康涅狄格州达里恩。该区域地处多岩石的海滨,这里绿树繁密,场地的前后有着一定的高差,Carole希望能够在这里度过周末时光,于是把这个项目交由迈耶负责,那时,这位建筑大师才31岁。

史密斯住宅于1965年至1967年设计施工,由迈耶建筑事务所负责设计,迈耶认为,这个项目对于他的建筑事业起到了极大的推动作用,他曾经说道:“离开Marcel Breuer的工作室之后,我在一座两室的公寓里开始了自己的事业。有一天,我接到Carole Smith的电话,问我是否有兴趣为她在康涅狄格州达里恩的住宅进行设计工作,她希望找一位年轻的建筑师,来为她设计住宅。”


Five decades ago, Carole Smith called Richard Meier and told him about a site in Darien, Connecticut that she had bought with her husband. This was a rocky piece of land with dense evergreens and coastal outcrops. A dramatic slope at the back of the plot gave way to the Long Island Sound and a small, sandy cove. Carole wanted to place her weekend home on this particular site and she wanted Richard Meier to do it. At that time, he was just 31.
The Smith House was built between 1965-1967 by Richard Meier & Partners Architects. Richard Meier recalls of the project that would later propel his career as an architect: I was working out of one room of a two-room apartment shortly after leaving the office of Marcel Breuer. One day I had a call from Carole Smith asking if I would be interested in designing a weekend house for her in Darien, Connecticut. She was looking for a young architect who would give full attention to her house.
In never-before-seen photos and an exclusive interview with the architect himself, we trace the building's history from first phases of construction to now.

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects


When Meier arrived on-site, he realized that the original plan for a sprawling ranch house would be the most expensive type to build: the land’s foundation was almost entirely rock, and excavation costs would put the project’s budget over the top. Instead, Meier opted to extend vertically instead of horizontally, so that it would be both more cost-effective and more spatially interesting, given the rocky, coastal landscape. This was the beginning of the design process.

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects


Meier wanted to create a programmatic separation between public and private areas. This is also how the house maintains some element of enigmatic mystery and surprise. Whereas most houses put on a welcoming show on the front and have their private rooms enclosed in the rear, Smith House takes an opposite route. The street-facing side of the house, where visitors enter, appears as an unassuming opaque white box punctured with dark glass openings. This is the private side of the house, encompassing a series of "closed, cellular spaces."

© Mike Schwartz


The journey through the house is an unconventional one, shifting from the private rooms to an expansive public space at the rear. To enhance the house’s spaciousness and height, Meier framed the open façade at the back such that a visitor’s vision is bounded only by the sky above and the water right at the bottom

© Mike Schwartz


© Mike Schwartz



"There is a formal layering, giving a sense of progression, as one moves across the site from the entrance road down to the shore, and the 'line of progression' determines the major site axis," Meier has written. "Perpendicular to this axis, the intersecting planes in the house respond to the rhythms of the slope, trees, rock outcroppings, and the shoreline."
The rear façade uses enormous glass pieces, some measuring up to three-storeys high. Enclosed within the glass shell, the ground and upper levels appear as slabs fastened by white mullions. The studio added that the glazed wall, bordered by the chimney on end and the steel structural columns on the other, "creates a subtle tension that draws the occupant across the living space to the outside."

© Mike Schwartz


Chuck Smith讲述了在迈耶设计的这座住宅里的成长经历。


在那个时候,美国所流行的设计风格相对保守,而这座郊区住宅却背道而驰,1968年9月出版的《House Beautiful》中,作者认为这座建筑是“彼岸的灯塔”。

The balustrades of the lower and upper levels are set back from the glass, amplifying that tension.
Chuck Smith recounted growing up in a Richard Meier-designed house.
"I can't believe it's been 50 years since I first experienced the Smith House. I was only five years old then, but the childlike wonder I felt then comes back to me every time I walk up the ramp, inside the door, and feel Richard Meier's design."
At a time when design in America was more conservative, the suburban dwelling stood out for being so open and inviting. A September 1968 issue of House Beautiful described the house as a “lighthouse on the shore.”

© Mike Schwartz



50 years later, Richard Meier’s Smith House has come to define the architectural language and design philosophy of his firm. Meier changed Smith’s initial idea of a splayed-out ranch house to the distinct vertical volume that it is now: a three-sided glass shell with an opaque white front that inserts itself into the natural landscape.
The house is has a compact shape with clearly defined prisms and clear glazing that gathers the reflections of the interior and natural landscape, colluding them into inseparable images. Meier performed additions and subtractions on the main cubic volume, and the resultant white walls, geometric design, and layered use of glass have become Meier's trademark style.

© Mike Schwartz



史密斯住宅距今已建成五十多年,这么久以来,建筑的内外空间几乎仍然保持原样。史密斯家族一直居住于此,现在是Carole Smith的儿子Chuck Smith在此生活。在Mike Schwartz所拍摄的照片中,砖石烟囱上的白色油漆开始逐渐脱落,露出下方的红砖,这也为这座建筑带来了沧桑感。

In comments to the press, Meier described the house and his way of looking at the space within:
“In the Smith House, as in every house that we design there is a search for clarity and for a basic geometric form. This geometry helps to create certain areas of compression, energizing tensions between openness and closure, between solid and void, between opacity and transparency. The intention in every building is rendered graphic by this geometric ordering of pace developed in a way that is always related to scale, to human scale and to the struggle to make the wholeness of the architecture clear, lucid, lyrical, and real."

In the five decades that have passed since Smith House was built, both the internal and external life of the house has remained largely unaltered. The house has remained with the Smith family and is now owned by Carole Smith's son, Chuck Smith. In the newer photographs taken by Mike Schwartz, white paint on the brick chimney has started to chip away, revealing spots of red below that give the home some age and character.

© Mike Schwartz

© Mike Schwartz



Q: Richard, how does the house make you feel?
A: There is a precision to the construction and design of the house that is important, and means a great deal to me. I remember having a long conversation with the contractor when he was laying down the house according to our drawings, and he kept saying that he was missing one eighth of an inch, and at the end of the process he was never able to find that one eighth of an inch.

© Mike Schwartz



Q: How has the house maintained its status in the architectural community?
A:  Because of the unique qualities of the site and the design, people became very anxious to see it.  In the 60’s design in America was more conventional and this house was much more modern, open, transparent and inviting.
My relationship with the clients at the time, and the fact that they have welcomed visitors and maintained the house in such an extraordinary way make the Smith House very special.

© Mike Schwartz


Both the building and the architect have been distinguished with honors in the 50 years since the project was built. Smith House was awarded AIA’s Twenty-five year award, conferred to projects that have stood the test of time and continue to set standards of excellence for their design and significance. Richard Meier won the Pritzker Prize; at 49, he was the youngest architect to receive his profession’s highest accolade.

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects


Meier is also founder of Richard Meier & Partners. Among its best known works are: this very house, the Smith House in Darien, Connecticut; the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California; the United States Courthouse in Islip, New York; the Atheneum in New Harmony, Indiana, and the Douglass House in Harbor Springs. The later was added to the Natonal Register of Historic Places.  

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects

Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects

摄影:Mike Schwartz

Architects:Richard Meier & Partners
Architect in Charge:Richard Meier
Area:3251.0 m2
Project Year:1965
Photographs:Mike Schwartz





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