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via Yumi Endo

Wearable Architecture: 11 Architecture-Inspired Jewelry Lines




Let’s face it. You can spot a design enthusiast from miles away thanks to his or her remarkably unique style. Whether it’s their one-of-a-kind backpack or customized sneakers, they’ll make sure they turn heads wherever they go. While some love to "go big or go home" with their outfits and accessories, others choose a more subtle approach to their styling. Thankfully, some creative minds have stretched their love of architecture and geometry and developed unique jewelry pieces inspired by their interests.
To all the architects, designers, artists, expressionists, and people outside the design world with really good taste, here’s a list of architecture-inspired jewelry that will undoubtedly stand out. Get those credit cards out because we promise, you won’t be able to resist.

via Gravelli


WALLY /€272.00,Gravelli


WALLY / €272.00, Gravelli
Gravelli designed an entire line of jewelry and accessories made out of concrete and surgical steel. These geometric handmade earrings are one of many pieces designed by the Czech brand which show their creativity in working with the architectural material.

via Ortogonale


混凝土戒指/ $47.42,Etsy

粗野主义不仅仅是建筑风格的专属名词。 Ortogonale以极简主义风格设计了一系列充满工业风格的珠宝,并且非常百搭,尤其适合喜爱性冷淡风的人群。

Concrete Ring / $47.42, Etsy
Brutalism is not only exclusive to buildings. Ortogonale have designed a selection of brutalist jewelry with minimal designs, suitable for all tastes.

via Grace and Robot

Grace and Robot

3D印花建筑耳环/ $52.65,Etsy


3D Printed Architectural Earrings / $52.65, Etsy
Apparently, trusses are not only for structural support. English jewelry brand Grace and Robot combine architecture, art, and technology, and create jewelry pieces that are entirely 3D printed.

via Yumi Endo

Cut by Yumi Endo

Delaunay /$45.00,Yumi Endo

CUT by Yumi Endo 是一个位于纽约的设计工作室,它重视设计和技术。这个珠宝系列的灵感源于设计师Yumi所游览的各个城市的建筑风格与细部。如果您认为她的配饰令人印象深刻,那么可以了解一下设计师的灵感来源,即黑白城市照片。

Delaunay / $45.00, Yumi Endo
CUT by Yumi Endo is a New York City-based design studio which plays around design and technology. The jewelry line is inspired by architectural details and patterns which are found in New York City and other countries Yumi, the designer, has visited. If you think her accessories are impressive, take a look at how the designer developed her designs from black and white city photographs.

via Diego Delgado-Elias

Diego Delgado-Elias

如果说首饰需要拥有多种不同的功能,那么你可以看看这款饰品。总部位于巴黎的Diego Delgado-Elias建筑事务所设计了一系列受建筑工具启发的银戒指,这些作品还可以用作三角尺、量角器、水平仪和比例尺。戒指采用拉丝银手工制作,并采用3D打印和激光切割方法进行组合。

Talk about multi-functional. Paris-based architect Diego Delgado-Elias has designed a series of silver rings inspired by architectural tools: a set square, a protractor, a level, and an architectural scale. The rings are handcrafted in brushed silver and finished using a combination of 3D printing and laser cutting methods.

via Adorn Milk

Adorn Milk

Plisse手镯/ $70.00,Adorne Milk

Adorn Milk是专门为喜欢建筑设计的人而设的珠宝店。他们的作品是高品质的手工配饰,灵感来自于结构元素和动态图案,首饰范围很广,从手镯到耳环、胸针和发饰一应俱全。

Plisse Bracelet / $70.00, Adorne Milk
Adorn Milk is a specialized jewelry shop for people who love architecture + design. Their pieces are high-quality handmade accessories inspired by structural elements and dynamic patterns, and range from bracelets to earrings, brooches, and hair pieces.

via Shekhtwoman

via Shekhtwoman

都市风景戒指/ $99.00,Etsy

戴着这个代表城市标志性建筑的戒指,可以很好地表达你对一座城市的热爱了。北卡罗来纳州的珠宝制造商Ola Shekhtman设计了这款城市风格戒指,其中运用银、金和铂金等材质。

Cityscape Rings / $99.00, Etsy
Nothing shows your love for a city more than wearing a statement ring that represents its iconic landmarks. North Carolina-based jewelry maker Ola Shekhtman created city-inspired rings with materials ranging from silver, gold, and platinum.

via Archetype Z Studio

via Archetype Z Studio

Archetype Z Studio
三角袖口手镯/ $32.00,Archetype Z Studio

多面雕刻的爱好者Alia Hasan,受几何形状的不规则性及其复杂性的启发,设计了这款三角形袖口手镯,手镯通过3D打印制成,然后用黑色染料着色。

Triangulated Cuff Bracelet / $32.00, Archetype Z Studio
A fan of faceted structures, Alia Hasan, was inspired by the irregularity behind geometric forms and the complexity in which they appear. The triangulated cuff bracelets are 3D printed and are then colored in black dye.

via Tournaire

Philippe Tournaire

纽约建筑戒指/ $3,500.00,Tournaire


New York Architecture Ring / $3,500.00, Tournaire
New York City: a lavish city needs a lavish ring to match it. This gold and diamond ring is a perfect representation of the "concrete jungle" and is quite the statement piece.

via Vicky Ambery Smith

Vicki Ambery Smith


Smith’s designs are ornate small-scale jewelry inspired by real and imaginary buildings throughout the world. Her rings possess striking details of Renaissance and contemporary buildings, transforming them into works of art rather than just jewelry.

via Sketchadesign


巴黎城市项链/ $29.00,Etsy

Sketcha jewelry为所有建筑和旅行爱好者设计了一系列城市景观项链。项链可以镀上金色或银色,并且将巴黎、伦敦、东京和纽约的天际线连接在一起。

Paris City Necklace / $29.00, Etsy
Sketcha jewelry has created a series of cityscape necklaces for all the architecture and travel lovers. The necklaces can be plated with gold or silver with skylines that vary from Paris, to London, Tokyo, and New York.





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