After a successful selection in 2015 was collected for the area's lap landscape & urban design on a gebieds perspectief for oostzijderveld in zaandam. intention is to approximately 400 housing. the programme consists of land-based homes and apartments in both buy and rent (social) and fits within the woonvisie of the municipality and offers wide variety.
In 2015, the ontwikkeladviseur presented an initiative to housing on the oostzijderveld / uht area to achieve. at the end of august 2015 is a municipality zaanstad intentieovereenkomst closed in order to investigate the feasibility of this initiative. during the feasibility phase in 2015 four urban offices have set a vision for the area. the developer and city landscape and urban design zaanstad have lap joint winner and zecc as assessed on the basis of a first program and urban design.
The oostzijderveld (also uht area) in zaandam - north is about 4.7 hectares and lies between the station kogerveld zaandam, the fire station and the a7. after several years in the area has been, is now in sight woningbouwontwikkeling. in early april 2006, the college decided to start negotiations with ontwikkeladviseur bv and terra cotta spandrels on the realization of housing on the former uht - field. the developments should boost the environment and quality for advancement to allow for zaanse residents but also for new residents from the metropoolregio amsterdam (mra). the development should also give a boost to the surrounding area. in april 2017 was the agreement of the council at the start of the development.
The metropoolregio amsterdam (mra) has a great pressure on the housing market. in zaanstad's ambition to make supported the expansion of the number of dwellings in zaanstad and developments in the oostzijderveld / uht wear that. because the objective of these developments will have a positive impact on the existing districts should have the expectation that the surrounding neighborhoods will respond positively. to check this and interests of the residents to the stakeholders in the planning process by a participatietraject are involved in both the new zoning as the preparation of the gebiedsperspectief.
For the architectural and landscape quality leading to a kwaliteitsteam composed in the design and implementation is essential for the desired quality. the kwaliteitsteam (consisting of city, urban planning and landscape architect, supervisor. developer: architect, landscaper) plans to elaborate a preliminary design with a ontwerpnotitie towards the desired effect. in addition, for a larger area where the oostzijderveld / uht within, the municipality established a gebiedsperspectief and guide and framework used by the kwaliteitsteam.
The team is working on the omgevingsvisie oostzijderveld as part of the larger gebiedsperspectief in cooperation with the municipality of zaandam and beautiful noordholland.