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在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第1张图片


但我们要相信,无论拆迁还是改造,无论是103卢湾还是101黄浦,城市的格局在变大,人口在移动,有一点不变的,是从EXPO2010开始的,“better city,better life”。

Why Choose a Food Market?
Yongnian Road, an old road in Shanghai.
Yongnian Food Market, an old food market in Shanghai.
The road and the food market, which are located in multiple neighborhoods, have forty years of history. People here have become accustomed to them. As time changes, the road needs demolition and the food market over the road also needs upgrading.
We believe that one thing never changes regardless of demolition or transformation, Luwan or Huangpu, enlarging urban space or moving populations, that is, “ better city better life ” starts from Expo 2010 will never end.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第2张图片
▲ 改造前永年菜场外景

这也是裸筑更新建筑事务所接下本案的原因:“better city,better life.” 我们始终认为,这句口号不应该只是2010年世博会期间的一句简单宏大叙事,而更应该是后世博时代,上海“可持续更新”的方方面面。



It is also the exact reason why Roarc Renew takes this case, better city better life. We always believe that it is not only a simple yet grand slogan for Expo 2010, but also a reflection of all aspects of sustainably renewable Shanghai in post-Expo era.

Since our founding in 2016, Roarc Renew has finished a series of projects, from transformation of an old rivet plant MIXPACE to upgrading historical buildings of Carlowitz & Co. by the Bund and renewal of commercial space at Parkside (today’s Joy City), we had built a better understanding of city renewal. We are eager to have a chance to join in more social livelihood projects and implement our ideas about “weak design”, accumulating more experience of various sorts in the aspect of city renewal.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第3张图片
▲ 裸筑更新项目

永年菜场  改造观




Transformation Points
Transformation of a food market is actually a very simple thing. To put it in an emotional way:
People living in nearby alleys,
Direction varies, but target stay same,
To have a diverse and better life.
Life and liveliness in the alley continue,
Yongnian Food Market remembers them all.
Feelings are something should be constrained. A small food market can be a part of the renowned painting, like Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, which expresses memories, feelings, history and humanity.
However, for Roarc Renew, we like it to be simple when needed, food market should be a simple place. No room for sensational here.
Feelings are excessively consumed in this age. We are frequently made overexcited and simplicity is a rarity now.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第4张图片
▲ 永年菜场原貌




What Else can a Food Market be?
This is normally how a design starts. All designers think about it.
For the food market of Casa Lakeville several blocks away, the answer is simple. It will be definitely a good choice to integrate a modern community with a food market.
However, Yongnian Food Market does not boast natural advantage in geological conditions. Since its birth, it has been playing the essential role to provide necessities for surrounding 20,000 households. It needs not to be fashionable to pander to the aesthetics of this age. In actual practice of transformation, the ideal of “multi-functional complex with Internet thinking” was never coming to mind as priorities was always about rent, budget and utility.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第5张图片
▲ 永年菜场周边居民环境



It is Simply a Food Market.
This food market mostly serves for those regular residents coming to buy foods. We don’t want to cater to some features of online sensation with design aesthetics of this age, as we know that it need only to be a better place for buying food.
Therefore, we need to focus on problems existing in this place, e.g. unclean shopping environment, disorderly stalls, dim lighting system, obscure roadmap, wrecked and disorderly posters in and out of the market, as well as defective floor drains, ceiling, waterproofing system, equipment, anti-theft system and firefighting system.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第6张图片
▲ 原菜场正门入口狭窄,门头低矮,空间局促易造成拥挤

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第7张图片
▲ 原菜场店铺摊位搭建随意,破旧凌乱



在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第8张图片





Countryside in the City
A food market in conventional sense should never become a modern fresh food supermarket after renewal. It is one of a few places where modern city dwellers can get close to nature directly, so it is expected to be something like a countryside part in a city. A modern fresh food supermarket never focus on this, and Roarc Renew intends to create a space to express the essence.

Design Points
There are four design points for prudent transformation, i.e. exterior signage, interior signage, entrance and main spatial materials, and a design theme of countryside in city.
The word “prudent” shows our awe to livelihood projects. We pursue exquisite life in the design, but we should avoid over-designing, which might scare residents or give people an inexplicable sense of distance. The ecology of livelihood project is rather fragile. We need to protect the “ecology and relationship” while doing the basics right in transformation project.  


在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第9张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第10张图片


Exterior Signage
We present a quality of countryside in design of exterior signage. Corrugated asbestos boards are used as a background texture of the exterior signage. They are widely used as roofing materials of rural houses. The corrugated asbestos boards create an effect of place allusion. Then the impression of countryside in city can be found in alleys of Shanghai.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第11张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第12张图片


The whole exterior signage, as an independent geometry, separates buildings and streets organically and makes them in order. This is exactly what Roarc Renew expects to show in urban renewal.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第13张图片



Flow is a key part in this design. We stick to the principle of fewer corners, more direct flow and clear view. We also leave some spaces for elderly-oriented design, e.g. protective rails and easy slope at the entrance. We also considered convenience for freight flow and garbage cleaning.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第14张图片
▲ 改造前菜场平面布置图,流线单一,易造成拥挤。

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第15张图片
▲ 改造后菜场平面布置图,疏散动线,空间更加流畅。

内店招 – Joints建筑节点思维

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第16张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第17张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第18张图片


Interior Signage - Joints
We solve the problem of cumbersome interior signage with joints. Gypsum board suspension is the commonly used practice, which is wasting and makes the space cumbersome. Joints are mature node products of us. They make the space graceful and orderly, the signage is dismountable and replaceable and the lighting is more organized.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第19张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第20张图片

我们在每跨铺位的平面组织形式里,创造一种帐篷的“轻盈”, “麻布”作为主布面材料,从自身属性表达一种自然肌理,将 “自然乡野”的气质传达给空间。而带有审美的解决问题,才是整个设计最本质的表达。

A lightweight feeling of tent is used for each stall. Linen, as a main fabric, reflects a natural texture and conveys the quality of natural countryside to the space. An artistic solution is the essence of the whole design.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第21张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第22张图片


Joints signage is excellent in building properties. The steel wires can be handled easily and the replaceable linen are all designed specific to the special environment of the food market.


在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第23张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第24张图片

用 “石笼”的景观立面做法,影射“城市乡野”的入口仪式感。将石头替换成更有机的,“松果”,“麦穗”,“松木”,“卵石”,来重新拼合出一组“断层地质图”。这样的氛围营造的尺度感,在于对材料本身的研究,自然有机物永远不会带来距离感。并且,石笼里的干蒸松木自身散发出来的木质清香,也是裸筑臆想中的嗅觉上的仪式感,伴随着视觉的体验与“水果铺”的入口功能,共同创造感知上的“城市乡野”。

We refer to the landscape façade of gabion and attempt to create a special sense at the entrance. More organic pine cones, ears, pines and cobbles, instead of stones, are used to create a sense of layering. And organic materials will always be the ones bringing people close in the atmosphere. The fragrance of dry pines in the gabion brings a special sense in smell. Together with visual experience and fruit shops arranged at the entrance, it created a real countryside feeling in the city.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第25张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第26张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第27张图片


在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第28张图片

空间主材质的选定,也是基于成本及后续运营所考量的。自洁,卫生,经济以及菜场规范要求,导致了 “白方砖”成为唯一一种业主认可的立面铺装材料。但我们还是在砖的缝隙上做了设计:将原本的黑灰缝改编成为橙色缝,当每一条橙色缝隐在空间中但又发挥着其“鼓舞人心”的能量之后,整体空间一下子从黑白色的沉闷,转向“视觉跳动”,但由于是缝隙的细微,并不会影响整体空间的洁净与明亮。

Main Materials
We take cost and future operation into account when determining main materials in the place. White quadrels turn out to be the sole façade material accepted by the employer for its self-cleanness and cost-effective nature. But we can still make some design on brickwork joints by turning the original dark gray joints to orange ones, which light up the space suddenly while not affecting the cleanness and brightness of the place as a whole.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第29张图片

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第30张图片


在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第31张图片



In addition to solutions for all these problems, we can then make this place a little bit more comfortable. This is always what Roarc Renew do in city renewal: to give a logically closed solution specific to certain problem.
Hence, cleanness, sanitation, pleasing and cost really make sense in design and are the key words of this design logic.

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第32张图片
▲ 统一的摊铺及店招设计,空间更加有秩序

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第33张图片
▲ 统一的门店规划

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第34张图片
▲ 立柱被包裹在摊铺内,可安置插座面板等,公共区域开阔流畅,不再被柱子遮挡

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第35张图片
▲ 水产摊位有了统一的操作台,台面设计一来便于商家换水拿货,二来防止污水外溢

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第36张图片
▲ 摊铺内设计了储存柜,商家收纳更加有序

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第37张图片
▲ 不同品类的摊铺设计根据功能需求做了区分

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第38张图片
▲ 鲜肉摊铺配有更整洁卫生的展示冰柜和操作台

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第39张图片
▲ 宽敞整洁的过道,动线明晰

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第40张图片
▲ 永年菜场开市场景

在“better city,better life”的后世博时代,“城市更新”也可以体现在民生项目...第41张图片
▲ 永年菜场开市场景

菜场改造 | 黄浦永年 | 裸筑更新

施工顾问:唐远华 澳洋展示道具厂 , 张成华结庐装饰
摄影师:OscarLok, Freeman
主要建材:钢丝 麻布 石棉瓦楞板 瓷砖 结庐水磨石

Better City Better Life.
Project: Yongnian Food Market, Julu Foods Group
Location: Shanghai, China
Completion time: 2019
Base area: 1,000 square meters
Building area: 1,000 square meters
Architectural and interior design: Roarc Renew (
Principal architect: Bai Zhenqi
Design team members: Xu Leqian, Lu Huiqin, Sheng Mengxuan, Yang Junyi, Wu Yejing
Construction consultants: Tang Yuanhua from Aoyang Demonstration Tool Plant, and Zhang Chenghua from Shanghai Jielu Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.
Photographer: OscarLok, Freeman
Employer: Shanghai Julu Foods Group
Main building materials: Steel wires, linen, corrugated asbestos boards, ceramic tiles, Jielu terrazzos
Design Period:2018.11-2019.01
Construction Period:2019.03-2019.05




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