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Image © EFFEKT Architects for SPACE10

10 Technologies for Accessible, Affordable Cities





Major cities are facing major crises. The United Nations estimates that by 2050, almost one billion people with disabilities will live in cities, representing 15% of total city dwellers. With urban landscapes awash with inaccessible subways, shops, and bathrooms, the UN has declared that poor accessibility represents a major challenge for cities. At the same time, most cities around the world are struggling to provide safe, respectable, affordable housing for their citizens, with rent accounting for more than 50% of some incomes. The World Economic Forum recently warned that “a world in which only a few can afford housing is not sustainable.”
At a time when the future of urbanism is increasingly being defined by new technologies designed to enhance the everyday life of the user, architects and urbanists must remember that a smart city is an accessible city, and also an affordable city. As discussed at the beginning of our monthly study on accessibility, it is important to note that a truly accessible city is one where people of all abilities, incomes, races, genders, and religions, can live and thrive in an urban environment centered on the human experience.
This is not to suggest that technology does not have a role to play. In fact, as we are about to see, both architects and end-users are being exposed to a wide variety of smart innovations to further advance the cause of universal design, from navigating the city for a wheelchair user, to building homes in urban centers for an affordable housing market.


Image © AccessMap

AccessMap - 无障碍路线地图


AccessMap - Accessibility for Mobility

Mapping apps are not a new phenomenon for cities. However, in the hilly city of Seattle, where many neighborhoods have no pavements and 10% to 20% slopes, the University of Washington has developed an app allowing pedestrians with limited abilities such as wheelchair or crutches to map accessible routes. AccessMap can be programmed to avoid steep inclines, and instead seek even terrain with crossings, to the user’s preference.

Image © Brokenlifts.orgLicensed under CC BY 2.0

Wheelmap - 大众的可达性


Wheelmap - Crowdsourced Accessibility
Where AccessMap focuses on Seattle, developed and maintained by a dedicated team, Wheelmap takes the same principle and creates a worldwide, open-source platform for wheelchair accessibility. The map works similar to Wikipedia, where anybody can contribute and mark public spaces according to criteria of Green (fully accessible), Yellow (partly accessible), and Red (not accessible). Using OpenStreetMap as a base, the platform shows 157 types of places, and is available in 25 languages. The service is available as a web application, and for smartphones as an app.

BlindSquare - 提升视障人士的可达性

AccessMap与 Wheelmap的目的是给那些行走不便的人带来便利,让他们能够自如地在城市中活动,而BlindSquare这一应用则是专注于视觉障碍人士。该程序使用GPS定位系统,收集使用者周边的环境信息,并且通过语音发出指令,帮助视障人士更好地活动,还可以进行公共交通定制服务,明确指出站点以及街道的交叉路口。

BlindSquare - Accessibility for the Visually Impaired
While AccessMap and Wheelmap aim to make cities accessible to those with mobility issues, BlindSquare seeks to accomplish the same goal for the visually-impaired. The app uses GPS to locate users, and gathers information about their surroundings. Activated through voice commands, the app helps the blind and visually-impaired to navigate cities, find cafes, and can also be tailored for public transport to highlight next stops and street crossings.

Image © Avanti Avanti Studio & Design for All Foundation

Reading Madrid - 无障碍标识

世界许多城市都采用了无障碍标识系统,例如Legible London、WalkNYC、 Rio on Foot等等。Reading Madrid是一种新趋势,该系统在Dimas García的指导下,由Applied Wayfinding和西班牙当地公司Paisaje Transversal、Avanti Avanti Studio、Urban Networks、Paralelo 39共同设计研发,其目的是通过寻路模块系统和战略性交互式装置来提升城市的安全性与可达性。

Reading Madrid - Accessible Signage
Cities across the world are embracing accessible signage, with initiatives such as Legible London, WalkNYC, and Rio on Foot. Furthering this trend is Reading Madrid, a combined effort by Applied Wayfinding and local Spanish firms Paisaje Transversal (urban strategy), Avanti Avanti Studio (Design for All), Urban Networks, and Paralelo 39 (urban designers and architects), under the guidance of Dimas García. The project aims to improve legibility, safety, and autonomy in cities through a system of wayfinding cubes, and strategically-placed interactive fixtures. Read more from our in-depth analysis here.

Image © Eric Bronson/Michigan Photography

Stretch | Color -孤独症谱系障碍患者的可达性

建筑师兼教授Sean Ahlquist与MSU剧作者Dionne O’Dell共同合作,为孤独症谱系障碍患者设计了感官戏剧体验,其目的是提高此类患者与周围世界的互动。最新的版本改编于最初的2D项目“Stretch|Color”,新版本结合了3D开发结构,成为O’Dell剧作的一大亮点。研究者相信,该体系在感官表现领域能够有全新的可能性,提升使用者在学校、博物馆等公共场所的各项体验。

Stretch|Color - Accessibility for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Architect and professor Sean Ahlquist, along with MSU playwright Dionne O’Dell, has created a sensory theater experience for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) challenges, designed to enhance the ability of those with ASD to interact with the world around them. Emerging from an initial 2D project titled Stretch|Color, the latest adaption features a 3D developed structure serving as a focal point for a play written by O’Dell. The creators believe it holds new possibilities in the realm of sensory performance, enhancing the user's experience of schools, museums, and public places throughout cities. Read our article on the project here.


PRISM - 住宅建造应用程序

Bryden Wood、Cast以及伦敦市长共同推出了这款全新的应用程序,目的是加速城市的住宅建设。这款程序名为“PRISM”,能够针对高品质工业化住宅进行设计与施工,满足使用者的大规模需求。而伦敦也将成为世界上第一座使用此类免费应用程序的城市,充分利用了精准的住宅信息和革新技术。设计师们相信,通过应用程序能够促进更大范围的合作,并且也会进一步地发展社区。

PRISM - Housebuilding App

Bryden Wood, Cast, and the Mayor of London have launched a new app to speed up the capital’s homebuilding. The freely-available app, titled PRISM, is aimed at the design and construction of high-quality, factory-built homes to address the current demand of 50,000+ houses per year. London will be the first city in the world to make use of a freely-available app of this kind, sharing precision housing knowledge and leveraging technology to revolutionize the design process. The designers believe that making the app opensource will encourage greater collaboration, and will allow this innovation to be used and further developed by the global community. Read more about the technology from our previous article here.

Vulcan -3D打印住宅

3D打印能够为城市住宅的未来发展节约能源,提升经济效益。德克萨斯州奥斯汀的一家施工公司ICON近期与非盈利住房机构New Story共同合作,开发了一款3D打印机,这款名为“Vulcan”打印机能进行住宅的施工,它能够在12到24小时之内打印面积为650平方英尺的单层住宅。

Vulcan - 3D Printed Housing
3D printing offers tremendous economic and efficiency savings for the future of housing in cities. ICON, a construction company based in Austin, Texas, has recently partnered with New Story, a non-profit focusing on housing, to create a 3D printer that can build houses for $4000. The printer, called the Vulcan, is capable of printing a 650sqft, single-story home out of cement in 12-24 hours. Learn more about the project here, or read our in-depth analysis in 3D printing as a solution to affordability in cities here.

Image © EFFEKT Architects for SPACE10

宜家城市乡村项目- 预制住宅

宜家的家具设计精致且简约,该公司目前也将这种DIY家具模式扩大到住宅与城市规模之中。“民主设计日(Democratic Design Days)”是宜家公司一年一度的活动,今年的主题是“城市乡村”项目,该项目是宜家公司与SPACE10、EFFEKT Architects共同合作,目的是从诸多方面来提升人们的生活品质。共享社区给不同类型的家庭与生活环境带来了多种选择,其中既适用于单人,也适用于团队,同时再到多代家庭。住宅应用了适应性模块建设系统。

IKEA's Urban Village Project - Prefabricated Housing
Known for simple, well-designed, flat-pack furniture, IKEA is proposing expanding their DIY-model to a much larger scale: entire city centers. Democratic Design Days is an annual event where IKEA introduces its upcoming brands and collaborations, this year featuring The Urban Village Project, a collaboration between SPACE10 and EFFEKT Architects. With an overarching goal of improving our quality of life, The Urban Village Project includes a multi-faceted approach. Shared living communities provide a variety of options for different types of families and living situations: from a single person, to a group of roommates, to multi-generational families, the housing is designed to be adaptable within a modular building system. Learn more from our article on the project here.

Image © iBuild

iBuild - 强大的自我建设者


iBuild - Empowering Self-Builders
iBuild is a citizen-centric app that facilitates the home self-construction process. Highlighted by the World Bank as a potential solution to affordable housing in emerging countries such as Indonesia, the technology sources contractors to get quotes for projects, purchase materials, and track the progress of construction projects. The goal of the app is to empower citizens to take control of the construction process, improve transparency, and collect data to inform policymaking.

Image © Pushish Images / Shutterstock

IBM Blockchain - 分散化建筑


本文信息来源于United Nations、The World Economic Forum、The World Bank、The Guardian、The Atlantic、Medium。

IBM Blockchain - Decentralized Building
Also identified by the World Bank as a disruptive technology with the potential to address housing affordability, Blockchain has been touted as the future of business. A secure, transparent, efficient digital ledger has the potential to streamline the land titling process, and provide a tamper-proof method of documentation for the transfer of land. With almost 20% of urban slum dwellers having no formal tenure on their homes and no way for finance for home improvement, Blockchain offers the potential for networks of community workers to survey and map land/property ownership in a transparent, decentralized, cost-effective way.

This article uses information sourced from the United Nations, The World Economic Forum, The World Bank, The Guardian, The Atlantic, and Medium.



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