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With integrated, organic and open academic buildings setting a prevailing new trend in Shenzhen, campus building design no longer rigidly adheres to the conventional layout. Instead, it now focuses more on integration with communities to address the land shortage for urban public functions. While academic buildings within the urban area are mostly challenged by limited site or more needs for renovation than new construction etc., new school projects in urban periphery primarily have to consider how to utilize surrounding resources, enhance urban image along the roads and rationally provide integrated functions in campus design.

西南轴侧图 SW isometric view

深圳海曦(未来)小学位于盐田大梅沙旅游片区内,北侧为深圳著名旅游景点东部华侨城,南侧毗邻大型购物中心以及万科中心,东西两侧为住宅小区。学校位于大梅沙旅游片区,在享有东部华侨城的崇山峻岭、南侧人工湖及大海等丰富的景观资源的同时,需要在 30 班小学的设计任务之外,提供 497 车位的社会停车场。从传统的“封闭校园”转变到“学校教育设施向社区开放”之后,新的设计任务还包括整合利用周边资源、探讨学校空间的分时利用及其管理模式。

Shenzhen Haixi (Future) Primary School is located in Dameisha resort in Yantian District, with Shenzhen’s renowned tourist destination OCT East on the north, large shopping mall and Vanke Center on the south, and residential districts on the east and west. Favorably sited in Dameisha resort, the campus enjoys rich landscape resources including the high mountain ranges of OCT East, and the southern artificial lake and sea views. Apart from designing a primary school for 30 classes, 497 public parking spaces also need to be provided. Due to the transition from a conventional “enclosed campus” to “a campus with educational facilities open to the public”, the design also needs to incorporate available surrounding resources, explore alternating functions during different time periods for campus spaces and study the corresponding management mode.

鸟瞰图 Bird's eye view


The seemingly ordinary public parking functions provided on B1 and B2, in fact, affects building layout in a  number of  ways. After comparison of  multiple layout options, the site is  divided into east  and west parts. Building volumes are  mostly concentrated and orderly arranged in a rectangular area in the east part to maintain the original extension of urban space in longitudinal direction. A 200m standard track is provided in a triangular area in the west section along with several outdoor basketball courts and other sports areas. The multi-purpose building  right opposite the playground is designed with large steps under the elevated lecture hall for relaxation  and  game watching.

西立面图 West façade view

200米标准跑道 200m standard track

正交的柱网在停车位数量的最大化与建筑平面布局的灵活度中找到了平衡点。停车库的出入口分别设置于场地的东侧现有市政路与北面规划市政路,避免在同一条道路上造成拥堵。应对东北面嘈杂的交通界面,布置后勤、风雨操场、行政办公等非教学空间,同时屏蔽噪音干扰,向东结合综合楼围合出学校主入口,三排教学楼形成的 E 字形的建筑体量布置于南侧,半围合的内院朝向景观较好的西侧开口,提供了空间活动场地,同时保证东侧道路一侧的建筑体量完整,塑造出连续的城市界面。

The orthogonal grid design skillfully balances maximum parking spaces and flexible building layout. The entrance and exit of the parking spaces are separately provided on the existing municipal road on the east and the planned municipal road on the north to avoid traffic congestion. BOH services, all-weather playground, administrative buildings and other spaces for non-teaching purposes are distributed along the noisy traffic interface on the northeast. In this way, noises can also be blocked. Extending to the east and joining the multi-purpose
building, they together form the main entrance to the campus. Three rows  of  teaching buildings  are arranged in an E shape in the south. A half-enclosed inner courtyard is planned to face  the  better landscaped west side, creating spaces for activities. Meanwhile, buildings along the east roadside  can  remain  holistic,  establishing  a  continuous urban interface.

E字形教学楼 E-shape teaching building

一条 S 形的建筑长廊,由南至北整合并串联了教学区、行政区与后勤区多个节点,形成由点至面的多层次立体组合,它还连接了东侧校园主入口的动态广场、运动区和教学楼之间朝西的安静内院,多个庭院通过架空连廊相互联系、渗透,将传统校园的交通空间,扩展为同学们休闲、交往、观景的主要空间,功能高度复合的同时,营造了极具辨识度的校园新面貌。

An S-shape building corridor extending from south to north integrates and connects key nodes in the teaching, administrative and BOH areas, creating a multi-level system featuring individual and series of highlights. It also links up the dynamic square at the east main entrance, and the tranquil west-oriented inner courtyards between the sports area and the teaching buildings. Various courtyards are interconnected and integrated via elevated corridors, upgrading the conventional campus traffic spaces into major relaxation, interaction and viewing spaces for students. With such highly-integrated functional design, a highly recognizable new campus is established.

S形建筑长廊 S-shape building corridor


Campus buildings present a bright and warm overall appearance. The continuous east facade uses grating as a consistent architectural language, conveying an introverted campus style. The multi-purpose building facade, by adjusting grating size and interval, improves recognizability and provides easy orientation and way-finding, thus enhancing the public nature of the entrance space. The teaching building facade facing the playground is designed with semi-outdoor stairs, with bright colors of handrail design on the inner side. This not only injects fun elements into the buildings specially designed for elementary school students but also enhances the students’ sense of belonging in different teaching buildings.

立面格栅 Facade grating

色彩鲜明的室外楼梯 Brightly-colored outdoor stairs

局部细节 Partial details


Campus parking and public parking functions alternate during different time periods. On weekdays, school vehicles and pedestrian access are prioritized and the public parking spaces mainly serve parents picking up/dropping off students. During holidays, public vehicles to tourist destinations are prioritized to relieve tourist traffic burden. The alternating parking functions during different time periods can be managed relatively independently. In this way, the infrastructure also reciprocates tourist resources, thus realizing harmonious coexistence of school and public parking spaces.


总平面图 Site plan

一层平面图 F1 plan

二层平面图 F2 plan

A-A剖面图 A-A section

建设单位: 深圳市盐田区建筑工程事务署
使用单位: 深圳市盐田区教育局
代建单位: 核工业志诚建设工程有限公司
用地面积:18855.96  ㎡
建筑面积:45657.16 ㎡
设计建设周期:2013 年 -2019 年

Project Profile
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Designer: AUBE CONCEPTION (General Contractor for Design) Client: Bureau of Public Works of Yantian District, Shenzhen User: Education Bureau of Yantian District,  Shenzhen
Construction Agent: The Nuclear Industry Zhicheng Construction Engineering Company Limited Site: 18,855.96 ㎡
GFA: 45,657.16 ㎡
Dates of Design & Construction: 2013-2019 Photographer:  Hu Mingjun





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