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“For my new hotel project, situated opposite Bologna railway station, I wanted to develop a particular concept that would enable me to “construct” a place dedicated to business tourism, located in the throbbing hub of one of the most active cities in Italy, still a pillar of thought and of Western history.Bologna is in fact the home of one of the oldest universities on the planet, as well as one of the most active trade fair sites in Europe.
The first reflection stems from the fact that some places, even if not characterized by especially “strong” elements from the scenic and monumental standpoint, nevertheless possess other reference values useful for the construction “in situ” of a new element of the architectural and social scenario.
After playing a leading cultural and social role for almost 1000 years without interruption, Bologna is still fully active as a place of exchange between cultures.
This is fundamentally due to the intelligent mental openness of this city towards everything that is complementary, different and new.  Like any other meeting and exchange venue, Bologna functions as a crossroads of habits, customs, languages and thus also of writings.
It therefore seemed to us to be consistent to adopt writing as the unifying and descriptive element of this new “place” dedicated to tourism. This is why certain languages/writings were chosen to denote the convergence of the various cultures.
The other conceptual assumption that we found particularly interesting and synchronous with the theme of designing places, like the one in question, dedicated to movement (those that describe non-domestic spaces, resting places, places of transit, refreshment and sleep) is that of the relationship between writing and travel.
In every culture descriptions of travel and of the places and the people one meets convey a sense of surprise, of the unexpected, or even of wonder. Through an interpretation of a journey formulated from memory or from the excitement of the account, writing presents a transformed version of reality.
We therefore decided to select certain symbolic writings to imbue our new place with a little magic, chosen from among those that are mainly linked with travel stories or travelogues.
The interior of the hotel uses typographical elements and excerpts from stories of travel to decorate its interior.
A common characteristic of the selected texts is that they narrat the adventures, the impressions and also the exploits of great travelers, whether they made a real voyage, like Marco Polo, an interior journey, like Rama or an epic journey like Ulysses.

在不断的探索中,我们还惊喜的发现十分有趣的可以与设计主题契合的与动区设计有关的 设计理念,即关注文学作品和旅游之间的内在关系。

Hotel Bologna by Studio Marco Piva第1张图片
Hotel Bologna by Studio Marco Piva第2张图片

By Sophie - Categories: Bathroom, Bedroom, Dining Room, Furniture, Hall and Entrance, Hotels, Interior Design, Kitchen, Staircase, Terrace   Add a comment
The writing is on the wall for this 2004 project in Bologna, Italy by Studio Marco Piva.

墙上的作品是献给这座2004年竣工的建设项目,该建设项目由意大利博洛尼亚的Marco Piva工作室设计完成的。

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From some of these written accounts we chose an excerpt, then a phrase linked to a particular place or landscape, and then, finally, the letters that make up a word to create a graphic device that characterizes the hotel’s settings and accompanies the contemporary traveler.
After this research I wanted to create a story of my own, “Idiom X”, an invented and encrypted account of a journey in the future, on a planet of the Solar System of the star Maris.”

通过这次有趣的经历,我想创作出一个自己的故事,Idiom X”,将来的某天,一个加密的我自己的旅行将呈现在这里,给更多的旅游者们带来方便和旅游情趣。

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Hotel Bologna by Studio Marco Piva第32张图片




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