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Effortlessly Modern and Minimalist Home Environments Redefine Traditional Luxury, Provide Urban Oasis Amidst Bustling City Centre

Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第1张图片

Mason Studio作为一家屡获殊荣的室内设计工作室,以其意向性的设计手法受到业界瞩目。工作室将其独具一格的“少而精”之设计理念运用于深圳市中心豪华住宅“华润城润玺一期”项目中。两套样板间的设计既具装饰感、又融合了极简主义精神,传统而不乏趣味,令人印象深刻。轻松而现代的居住环境为住户在繁忙的城市中心营造了一处隐居之所。

Mason Studio, the award-winning interior design studio recognized for their intentional design approach, has applied their distinctive ‘less but better’ design philosophy to a new luxury residential project in the heart of Shenzhen City, China. For the Runxi Residences, Mason Studio has designed two eye-catching residential interior spaces that are at once ornamental and minimalist, traditional and playful - providing effortlessly modern-looking home environments meant to offer residents a retreat from Shenzhen’s busy city centre.

Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第2张图片

华润城润玺一期项目由华润置地开发,共有四座60层高的住宅楼,毗邻深圳大沙河。Mason Studio为润玺一期量身定做的设计简约而震撼,去除所有无关的视觉噪音,突显精选的家具和饰面。通过融入严格筛选的高品质材料,最大化设计的视觉冲击,透显出精致的沉稳感。

Mason Studio, the award-winning interior design studio recognized for their intentional design approach, has applied their distinctive ‘less but better’ design philosophy to a new luxury residential project in the heart of Shenzhen City, China. For the Runxi Residences, Mason Studio has designed two eye-catching residential interior spaces that are at once ornamental and minimalist, traditional and playful - providing effortlessly modern-looking home environments meant to offer residents a retreat from Shenzhen’s busy city centre.

Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第3张图片

为了使居住空间独特而富有生机,Mason Studio构想了年轻夫妇和多代家庭等多样化客群的需求和生活方式。由此孕育而生的两套样板间极好地诠释了克制性装饰这一概念。精而再精的细节处理重新诠释了本地市场对豪宅的传统认知,为住户在喧嚣都市里营造了一隅宁静的隐居之所。

To bring these unique residential spaces to life, Mason Studio envisioned the needs and lifestyles of a diverse homeowner demographic, including young couples and multi-generational families. The resulting two model suites (part of four, 60-story towers developed by China Resources Land and situated along the Dasha River) are a lesson in restrained ornamentation. Minimal detailing provides a new interpretation of what a traditional luxury home can look like within this marketplace while creating a sense of calm and a retreat from the surrounding city for residents.

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为了达到精致而有震慑力的效果,Mason Studio将以下设计重点融合:


To achieve Mason Studio’s refined yet highly impactful design, the studio incorporated:

•A restrained material palette that puts focus on craftsmanship, thanks to a select number of subtle, high-quality finishes, including wood paneling and hand-crafted wall treatments, all meant to create visual consistency.

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•The use of rare and beautifully-bold natural stones, including those chosen for flooring and the specialty marble patterning found throughout kitchen and bathroom spaces, which act as artwork integrated into the interiors.
•A considered approach to every piece of furniture chosen to ensure the utmost functionality, while creating maximum comfort.
•Thoughtfully integrated lighting, including recessed track lighting which highlights artwork and specialty objects, and various ambient, task and accent levels that ensure comfort to the eye at every level.

Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第6张图片

两套住宅的细节中流露出精良工艺和独特品质,令人出乎意料而难忘。精妙的设计旨在吸引生活方式大胆、事业成功的年轻专业人​​士、家庭和夫妇。除了两套样板间之外,Mason Studio还参与设计了润玺一期大堂和公区。

Created to attract young professionals, families and couples who are bold in their lifestyle, successful in their careers and appreciate the unique qualities of the fine craftsmanship that is displayed in the details, Mason Studio’s design for Runxi Residences is unexpected and unforgettable. In addition to these two interior suites, Mason Studio has also been engaged to design the lobby and common amenity spaces for the Runxi Residences.   



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为显示润玺住宅对家庭成长变化的良好适应性,Mason Studio对两个样板间的设计进行了单独的考量。


Designed to showcase how Runxi Residence’s suite spaces are adaptable as families grow and evolve, Mason Studio’s two model suite designs differ in their design considerations.  

B Suite
A 1,300 sq. ft. suite that creates clear, visual harmony designed for busy young professionals and growing families

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Mason Studio认为,将简约而精致的细节结合可以创造出极致的奢华感。这套120平米的住宅专注年轻专业人士和新兴家庭这些客户群体,以轻松通透的色调为主,融合了微妙的中性色彩和独特的照明、雕塑和主题墙等令人眼前一亮的装置。

Mason Studio believes that combining pure yet refined details can create the ultimate sense of elevated luxury. Designed with busy young professionals and burgeoning families in mind, this 1,300 sq ft. model suite centers around a light and airy palette and incorporates a mix of subtle neutrals, matched with eye-catching accents, including: unique lighting fixtures, sculptural art installations and feature walls.

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在这间住宅的设计中,Mason Studio特立独行地选择了浅色色调,突破本土市场对奢华概念的传统认知。定制的木镶板、中性厨房、微妙的大理石细节以及手工完成的石膏墙等设计处处体现了设计的整体色调。

Here, a unique choice was made to incorporate lighter tones, a reflection of Mason Studio’s boundary-pushing approach to the traditional perception of luxury in this market, which are reflected in the custom wood paneling, a neutral kitchen, subtle marble detailing, and the hand-crafted plaster wall treatments integrated throughout the home.

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Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第11张图片

通过去除无关的视觉噪音,Mason Studio将各个房间融通连贯,营造出宁静的氛围。极具质感的饰面和简洁醒目的家具为空间增添了和谐度和平静感。

By removing extraneous visual clutter, Mason Studio creates consistency throughout each room and unifies the space, to achieve a sense of calm. Textured finishes and pure yet stand-out furnishings add to the overall feeling of harmony and calm within this suite’s design.


D Suite
A 2,050 sq. ft. modern and mature space meant for a sophisticated multi-generational family

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在这间190平米大户型样板间的设计中,Mason Studio选择了更加戏剧化和有质感的色调。暗色的饰面和低对比度的中性色调材料,更加彰显世俗的都市风格。  

In this larger, 2,050 sq ft suite design, Mason Studio has chosen a more dramatic and textured palette. From darker finishes and a mixture of materials that are low in contrast and neutral in colour, this suite design channels worldly, urban sophistication.

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Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第14张图片


Here, the marble wall in the living space provides a graphic backdrop without being too bold or distracting. Throughout the space, integrated lighting spotlights unique architectural features as well as artwork and specialty objects. The larger kitchen space serves as a hub for the home while providing a separate, closed environment for cooking thanks to a pocket sliding door and a unique glass wall partition that remains visually open to its surroundings. Finally, the master bedroom space is bold yet relaxing – a dramatic dark plaster finish and integrated lighting draws the eye into the room.

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Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第16张图片

该套住宅意在满足多代家庭的种种需求,Mason Studio希望通过设计让住所体现主人的成就,同时成为摆脱快节奏都市生活的僻静之所。

Designed to meet the needs of a sophisticated, multi-generational family, this suite is not only designed as a reflection of residents’ achievements, but also a space for family to escape from their hectic, fast-paced lifestyle and the surrounding city.

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Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第19张图片

Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第20张图片

室内设计:Mason Studio
主创建筑师:Ashley Rumsey, Stanley Sun
面积:120平方米& 190平方米
摄影:Courtesy of Mason Studio
设计团队:Onyi Chan, Jacqueline Pereira
客户: 华润置地
合作方:建筑设计 - SCDA

Project name: CR City Runxi Phase 1 - Model Suites Design
Interior Design: Mason Studio
Lead designer: Ashley Rumsey, Stanley Sun
Project location:Shahe West Road and Kefa Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Status / Completion year: Completed / 2020
Gross built area (square meters): 120sqm & 190sqm
Photo credits: Courtesy of Mason Studio
Design team: Onyi Chan, Jacqueline Pereira
Client: China Resources Land
Collaborators: Architecture Design - SCDA
Materials and brands used in the project: Poggenpohl kitchens, Grohe plumbing fixtures, Bosch Appliances


Mason Studio新作 | 简约而震撼的深圳华润城润玺滨江住宅第21张图片

Mason Studio是一家总部位于加拿大多伦多的室内设计事务所。事务所综合在世界各地项目的设计经验,以尖锐独特的眼光,塑造各种融合艺术和自然科学的空间。其项目遍布全球,团队专注于各种类型和规模的设计工作。高端国际酒店、时尚品牌商店、高层住宅、创意体验景点设计等项目屡获殊荣。他们坚持对每个项目进行深入地了解和探索,贯彻以人为本的设计理念。

Mason Studio is a Toronto-based interior design studio that combines art, science and human experiences to create a wide array of projects. From award-winning luxury hospitality, retail and multi-unit residential design projects to experimental exhibitions, Mason Studio’s practice spans the world. International experience and a unique perspective enable the studio to create meaningful experiences to enrich clients and consumers’ lives.  


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Ashley Rumsey对Mason Studio每个项目的设计愿景和团队管理都有高标准的要求。她追求空间设计的意义和功能,极力推动Mason Studio独特的研究性设计过程。她综合跨领域设计师团队的经验和技术,开拓思路,全面考量设计对其终端用户、设计流程和客户目标的影响,让每个项目的设计尽善尽美。

Stanley Sun的设计远见由科学、美术和室内设计的经验结合而成。面对新的设计挑战,他首先观察人们如何体验建筑环境,然后透过对自然科学和人性的研究,塑造自然合理的设计方案。在设计过程中,Stanley特别擅长光学照明的应用,通过照明设计影响用户的身心感受。

Founder Introduction:
Ashley Rumsey brings the highest level of standards to both the design vision of projects and to the management of the Mason Studio team. An advocate of purposeful design, Ashley has been a key part of the development of Mason Studio’s innovative research-based process. She ensures design decisions are thoughtfully evaluated based on their potential contribution to the end user, design process, and client’s goals. Her collaborative approach ensures a broad-based perspective, leveraging the skills and knowledge of the entire team to fully inform each design project.
Stanley Sun’s design vision is informed by a unique blend of formal studies in human sciences, fine arts and interior design training. Approaching each new design challenge with a combined scientific and humanistic perspective, he first observes how people experience and react to the built environment to then create a rational and intuitive design solution. Of particular interest to Stanley’s practice is the science of light, and the physiological and psychological response people have to lighting.

来源:本文由Mason Studio提供稿件,所有著作权归属Mason Studio所有。




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