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Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第1张图片
skyline of Melbourne | 墨尔本的天际线 ©John Gollings

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第2张图片
Eureka Tower is one of the tallest residential buidings in the world | 尤里卡大厦是墨尔本最高的住宅楼之一 ©John Gollings

尤里卡大厦坐落于澳大利亚墨尔本,毗邻CBD,共九十层,总高度近300米, 于2006年竣工,直到2020年Fender Katsalidis建筑事务所的另一超高层建筑Australia 108建成之前,尤里卡大厦一直是墨尔本最高的建筑,可谓是重新定义了墨尔本的天际线。其间的583套公寓在开售后的6个月时间里便售出了大部分,受欢迎程度远高于预期。

Standing 300 metres in height and comprising 583 apartments, Eureka Tower is one of the tallest residential buildings in the world.

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第3张图片
view of Melbourne CBD from Yarra River | 从雅拉河畔望向墨尔本CBD ©John Gollings

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第4张图片

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第5张图片

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第6张图片
artistic sculptural elements on the facade | 立面上的艺术雕塑元素 ©John Gollings

尤里卡大厦位于雅拉河(Yarra River)对面,占据城市艺术和文化区的整个街区,其在第五层区域设有酒店、办公空间、精品公寓、商业停车场、酒店设施和零售租赁等,南北拱廊与相邻的花园广场则将雅拉河和墨尔本CBD区相连。建筑结构内还融入了艺术元素,例如具有纪念性的理查德·斯金格雕塑和大胆制作的空间营造图形。

Occupying an entire city block, its five-level podium features a hotel, boutique office space, additional apartments, commercial car parking, hospitality facilities and retail tenancies, while a north-south arcade and adjoining garden plaza connect pedestrians to the Yarra River and the Melbourne CBD beyond. Art is also infused into the building fabric at grade level, including a monumental Richard Stringer sculpture.

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第7张图片
axonometric drawign | 轴测图 ©Fender Katsalidis

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第8张图片

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第9张图片
The building's gold crowned centerpiece echos with the sloping surface | 建筑物高耸的金冠与倾斜面形成了黄金呼应 ©John Gollings


The building’s asymmetric shoulders relate to the scale of urban forms to the east and west; and provide orthogonal counterpoints to the bold angularity, recesses and rakes of the building’s towering, gold crowned centrepiece.

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第10张图片
bird view of Eureka Tower | 鸟瞰尤里卡大厦 ©John Gollings

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第11张图片
reception area on the ground floor | 底层接待空间 ©John Gollings

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第12张图片
open space atmosphere | 开放的空间氛围 ©John Gollings


It is a formal triumvirate that creates both an ever-present and, seemingly, ever-changing sculptural marker for Melbourne, and an inordinately high proportion of corner apartments, adding to the cachet of its riverside location in the city’s arts and cultural precinct.

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第13张图片
slim elegant tower outline | 纤细优雅的塔楼轮廓 ©John Gollings

另外, 88 层被合并为一个公共观景平台,向游客充分展示了墨尔本的全景风貌,实现了“与社区建立广泛联系”这一设计目标。毫无疑问,自落成之日起,尤里卡大厦便已成为墨尔本的新地标。

Eureka Tower is also notable for the significant public observatory at its peak. Revealing previously unseen aspects of the city, it has become a magnet for Melburnians and tourists alike.

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第14张图片
site plan | 区位图 ©Fender Katsalidis

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第15张图片
master plan | 总平面图 ©Fender Katsalidis

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第16张图片
floor plan 26-52 | 26-52层平面图 ©Fender Katsalidis

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第17张图片
floor plan 53-65 | 53-65层平面图 ©Fender Katsalidis

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第18张图片
floor plan 66-68 | 66-68层平面图 ©Fender Katsalidis

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第19张图片
north elevation | 北立面 ©Fender Katsalidis

Eureka Tower尤里卡大厦 / Fender Katsalidis第20张图片
east elevation | 东立面 ©Fender Katsalidis

客户:Eureka Tower P/L
设计总监:Karl Fender, Nonda Katsalidis
设计团队:Gerard van Beek, Michael Fazzino, Rainer Strunz, Kathie Hall, Anne Clisby, David Lee, Nigel Fitton, Davin Smith, Joseph Lebbos, Glenn Purcell, James Rutt, Wayne King, James Mills, Falk Peuser, Barde Gregory, Annie McIntyre, Frank Rog, Jeremy Holloway, Andrew Gelson, Katy Roach, Edward Hosken, Jessica Lee, Andrew Ta, Minh Le
施工单位:Grocon Pty Ltd
结构工程:Robert Bird 集团
摄影:John Gollings

Project Data
Completed: 2006
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Year: 1999-2006
Client: Eureka Tower P/L
Gross Built Area:123,000sqm
Façade Material: glass
Typology: commercial, residential, high-rise
Program: apartments, hotel, public observatory, boutique office space, commercial car parking, hospitality facilities and retail tenancies
Design director: Karl Fender, Nonda Katsalidis

Project Team
Design team: Gerard van Beek, Michael Fazzino, Rainer Strunz, Kathie Hall, Anne Clisby, David Lee, Nigel Fitton, Davin Smith, Joseph Lebbos, Glenn Purcell, James Rutt, Wayne King, James Mills, Falk Peuser, Barde Gregory, Annie McIntyre, Frank Rog, Jeremy Holloway, Andrew Gelson, Katy Roach, Edward Hosken, Jessica Lee, Andrew Ta, Minh Le
Contractor: Grocon Pty Ltd
Structural Engineer: Robert Bird Group
Photographer: John Gollings

来源:本文由Fender Katsalidis提供稿件,所有著作权归属Fender Katsalidis所有。




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