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The Evolution of Architecture in the Philippines Through the Years




The history and culture of the Philippines are reflected in its architectural heritage, with numerous influences from other nations paving the way for the contemporary designs we see today, a mixité of cultural influences amongst Western-style buildings. Philippine architecture has grown along with the progress of the nation and its people, but memories of a glorious past are still embedded within the nation’s history.
The current Philippine architecture is an outcome of authentic growth that has enriched the reception of its influences. Its architectural landscape is a contrast between small traditional huts; towering Spanish colonial fortifications; American Commonwealth architecture; and today’s contemporary, concrete structures of the cities. As a result, the Philippines has become an architectural melting pot. This article will explore the ways in which architecture in the Philippines has since evolved from its initial, humble designs, to the towering structures we see today.

© Derk Roelofsen / Flickr

Bahay Kubo

菲律宾群岛共有大约7640个岛屿,其中2000个岛屿无人居住,因此有巨大的空间和丰富的自然资源用于建造房屋,祖先的部落利用这些资源建造了第一个已知的菲律宾房屋。Bahay Kubo(尼帕小屋)是一种由尼帕、竹子和其他本地材料组成的小木屋。由于设计简单,易于执行,而且材料容易获得,许多居民至今仍采用这种建造方式。时至今日,Bahay Kubo已成为农村社区和热带度假区的常见建筑景观。

With approximately 7640 islands–2000 of which remain uninhabited–the Philippine archipelago has immense space and vast natural resources for the act of building homes, which the ancestral tribes used to their advantage in building the first known Filipino home. Bahay Kubo (Nipa Hut), is a small hut comprising of nipa, bamboo, and other native materials. Many citizens to this day still adopt this style of habitation due to its simple design, ease of execution, and its readily available materials. To this day, the Bahay Kubo is a common sight in rural communities, as well as in tropical resorts.

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Bahay na Bato

西班牙殖民时代为菲律宾带来了石头和砖石建筑,这加速了基础设施的发展,即道路和桥梁,同时带来了另一种菲律宾传统住宅Bahay na Bato(石屋)。这种建筑以土坯墙为结构基础,以木材为主要材料,是大型开放式上层建筑,这种源自中美洲的西班牙风格非常适合多自然灾害的菲律宾气候。

The Spanish colonial era brought about stone and masonry construction in the Philippines, which led to the development of infrastructure, namely roads and bridges, paving the way for the introduction of another traditional Filipino home, Bahay na Bato (Stone House). With adobe walls as its structural foundation and wood as the main materials for the large open-layout upper levels, the Hispanic style that originated from Central America was ideal for the Philippine climate fraught with natural disasters.

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随着1898年殖民权从西班牙转移到美国,菲律宾在建筑方面取得了一些进展。其中之一是对卫生价值的强调,这为通过桶式水利系统引进厕所或cubeta奠定了基础。从而引入规划良好的街区概念,称为"卫生区"(Sanitary Barrio),以及后来的 " tsalet "。


With the transfer of colonial power from Spain to the United States in 1898 came a number of architectural advancements in the Philippines. One of these was the emphasis on sanitary values, which laid the foundation for the introduction of a toilet, or a cubeta, through a pail conservancy system. This led to the introduction of the concept of a well-planned neighborhood called Sanitary Barrio, and later tsalet.
Defined as ‘the crossbreed of the tropical features of vernacular buildings with hygienic structural principles and modern materials’, tsalet designs brought about simplified functions of the Filipino home. Private garages had become commonplace, as well as the occupants’ bathroom and kitchen now being situated inside the home, employing modern features such as the flush system and modern shower.

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Amidst the American colonial period came about further major architectural developments, including the origin of the most common type of occupancy in the country, the bungalow. These low-rise homes sport a pitched roof and a horizontal shape, with the roof typically made of galvanized iron, walls made of concrete, and equipped with a yard, a garden, or covered car port–if not all three.
This traditional Filipino house is often found in urban areas, as they are easier and less expensive to build than a multi-story home. With caring for elders being significant in Filipino culture, the bungalow is also ideal for senior residents due to its size, ease of maintenance, and suitability for movement through the home. Bungalows also offer more privacy to their occupants who can utilize the surrounding trees and fences to block the windows.

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Townhouses are another common type of home in the Philippines, typically found in the early residential developments in urban areas. Subdivisions across the country have adopted this type of design, providing an urban feel without having to live in the city center. Townhouses are considered ‘starter homes’ for new families, especially as they are the most economical in terms of lot area and overall cost of building and maintenance.

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Now arriving at the most recent and contemporary style of home in the Philippines, condominiums have taken over major cities as a result of the comfort and convenience they provide to make them the ideal residence for city dwellers. Residents have direct access to gyms and recreational facilities, without the added worry about maintaining yards and garages. These types of homes come with their own building security, landscapers, repairmen, housekeepers, and all kinds of services. Its visual impact paints the skylines of the country’s central city hubs today.

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Image © Kenneth Paige / Flickr


随着联排别墅和公寓等新设计的继续流行,像Bahay Kubo风格的平房组合仍在不断地被重新定义。期待菲律宾向世界上更多的建筑风格开放,并继续保持自己的文化底蕴,只有时间才能告诉我们什么是菲律宾居民的明天,以及菲律宾建筑进化的未来。

From influences of the Mediterranean coast to minimalism, many home designs can be seen in the Philippines, but the above remain the basis of what most homes look like in the country. Advancements in home building technology and materials, as well as the introduction of new architectural concepts, have since changed the definition of a Filipino home.
As new home designs amongst townhouses and condominiums continue to rise in popularity, combinations like Bahay Kubo-styled bungalows are still repeatedly being redefined. As the Philippines opens up to more of the world’s architecture and continues to stay true to its own, only time will tell as to what the Filipino home dweller can look forward to in the future, as well as what the next step in the evolution of Filipino architecture shall entail.

© CristanPago74 / Shutterstock

Image © N8Allen / Shutterstock

© Derk Roelofsen / Flickr

Image © Didier Torregrossa / Flickr

Image © Bo Insogna / Flickr

Image © Christian Bederico / Flickr

© Brian Hermon / Flickr

Image © Michael D. Edwards / Shutterstock

Image © Jacques Vandersraeten / Flickr

© Derk Roelofsen / Flickr




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