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Erre Q Erre replaces parking lot with stone pavilion in Mexico City


Erre Q Erre建筑事务所在墨西哥城设计了环境文化中心,这是一座覆盖着石材的展亭和花园,取代了原有的Bosque de Chapultepec大型公园中的停车场。


Local architecture studio Erre Q Erre has created the Environmental Culture Center, a stone-clad pavilion and garden that replaces a parking lot in Bosque de Chapultepec, a large park in the centre of Mexico City.
The 90,000-square-metre project was designed as an "environmental node" to strengthen the park's environment biologically and culturally by adding more diverse plant life and public spaces.

▲ Erre Q Erre事务所设计了墨西哥城的文化环境中心
Erre Q Erre designed the Environmental Culture Center in Mexico City



The Environmental Culture Center comprises a large stone pavilion and a garden crisscrossed with "biocultural walks" meant to improve pedestrian connectivity in this section of the park.
It is part of the city's master plan to revitalize the park and the project was selected via a competition held jointly by the local and federal governments.

▲ 其中包含了花园中心的展亭
It consists of a pavilion in the centre of a garden complex


Erre Q Erre事务所认为:“该项目的空间布局来自于环境文化中心的战略定位。”


Its design is meant to improve the area's biodiversity and reflect the various biomes found in the Valley of Mexico region.
"The spatial configuration of the project arises from strategically locating the Center for Environmental Culture," said Erre Q Erre.
"It is delicately incorporated into the geometry of the lake and a natural slope with existing vegetation, which provides an optimal space to place a set of volcanic stone steps that serve as containment, rest and contemplation for the new landscape or environmental setting."

▲ 屋面覆盖着深色石材
The roof is clad in dark stone



At the centre of the complex is the semi-circular forum. It has a 2,000-square-metre roof made from black volcanic stone that slopes up from the ground and is supported by massive steel trusses.
Underneath the overhanging roof, more stone was used to clad pillars that punctuate the curved glazing that provides views of the gardens. Inside, a stone floor and stone seating is framed by the semi-circular structure.

▲ 这可以对公众进行环境教育
It educates the public on the environment


Erre Q Erre事务所认为:“展亭的建筑语言需要成为景观的另一个元素。”


The structure references the volcanic landscapes of Pedregal, a volcanic landscape in the southern part of the city.
"The architectural language of the pavilion aims to be one more element of the landscape," said Erre Q Erre.
"This has been achieved thanks to the integration of the geometry of the roof with the topography of the site, and with the use of materials already used in the Chapultepec forest, such as volcanic stone."

▲ 钢桁架支撑着倾斜屋面
Steel trusses support the sloping roof

建筑师将Cemex Vertua混凝土应用于基础之中,这可以减少50%的排放物,混凝土模板也可以在内部的饰面中重复使用。


Cemex Vertua concrete was used for the foundation, which the studio said reduced the emissions by 50 per cent. The formwork for the concrete was reused in the interior finishes.
Rainwater collection channels were included in the roof and in the forum area, with the water stored in collection tanks and used to help irrigate the gardens.

▲ 半圆形结构可用作室外论坛区域
The semi-circular structure holds an outdoor forum area





The gardens include a variety of plants separated into plots by stone walls.
A primary irrigation channel runs from the adjacent lake and links up with smaller channels that can be opened and closed.
The pathways through the garden take formal inspiration from the lake shore and all lead towards the "node" of the pavilion and forum.
"The Biocultural Walks adopt trajectories in the form of a concentric spiral that gives continuity to the curved lines that define the outline of Menor Lake," said the studio.

▲ 它替代了公园中的停车场
It replaces a parking lot in the park


"Its tours start from the existing cultural equipment at different points around the perimeter of the land and intuitively come together in the Center for Environmental Culture," the studio added.










建筑设计:Rafael Ponce Ortiz (lead architect), Juan Ansberto Cruz (project partner), Margarita Gorbea Angeles, Cesar ávila, Oscar Díaz Gaspar, Abigail Esparza, Diego Bueno de la Paz, Valerio López Acevedo
景观工程:Juan Ansberto Cruz Gerón, Paola Patricia González Ordaz, Fabiola Alvarado, Gerardo Tapia, Eduardo Santiago, Perla Flores
植物设计:Secretaría del Medio Ambiente, Rodrigo Canjay Torres, Pamela Vélez, Fortino Acosta
工程与环境设计:Dr. Alejandro de Alva, Amado Ríos, Edgar Ojeda Sotelo, Oscar Ramírez, Coral Rojas Serrano, Javier Cuauhtémoc Blancas Ponce
几何与结构设计:Eric Valdez Olmedo, Axayacatl Sánchez
博物馆研究:Adriana Miranda
项目协调:Gabriel Orozco
摄影:Marcos Betanzos

Project credits:
Architecture: Rafael Ponce Ortiz (lead architect), Juan Ansberto Cruz (project partner), Margarita Gorbea Angeles, Cesar ávila, Oscar Díaz Gaspar, Abigail Esparza, Diego Bueno de la Paz, Valerio López Acevedo
Landscape engineering:  Juan Ansberto Cruz Gerón, Paola Patricia González Ordaz, Fabiola Alvarado, Gerardo Tapia, Eduardo Santiago, Perla Flores
Vegetable proposal: Secretaría del Medio Ambiente, Rodrigo Canjay Torres, Pamela Vélez, Fortino Acosta
Engineering and environmental design: Dr. Alejandro de Alva, Amado Ríos, Edgar Ojeda Sotelo, Oscar Ramírez, Coral Rojas Serrano, Javier Cuauhtémoc Blancas Ponce
Geometry and structural design: Eric Valdez Olmedo, Axayacatl Sánchez
Museography: Adriana Miranda
Project coordinator Chapultepec Nature and Culture: Gabriel Orozco

The photography is by Marcos Betanzos.




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