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90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第1张图片

Bamboo pavilion by AtArchitecture references traditional Indian handlooms and construction


东北展亭(Northeast Pavilion)是孟买工作室 AtArchitecture 为展示印度东北部当地的工艺和建筑技术而设计的永久性竹制建筑。

东北展亭位于法里达巴德(Faridabad)的苏拉昆德湖(Surajkund Lake)附近,由 AtArchitecture 为苏拉昆德手工艺博览会(Surajkund Craft Fair)设计。


Northeast Pavilion is a permanent bamboo structure created by Mumbai studio AtArchitecture to showcase local craft and construction techniques from the northeast of India.
Located on a site near Surajkund Lake in Faridabad, the Northeast Pavilion was designed by AtArchitecture for the Surajkund Craft Fair, a three-week event that takes place every year to celebrate Indian handicrafts.
During this year's event, the pavilion was used for handloom demonstrations by local craftspeople.

90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第2张图片
▲ 东北展亭是 AtArchitecture 设计的一座永久性竹结构建筑
Northeast Pavilion is a permanent bamboo structure by AtArchitecture




Northeast Pavilion has a rectangular form broken into eight cylindrical courtyards, intended to represent the northeast region's eight states, which are Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim and Meghalaya.
With most households in the region weaving their clothes at home, the handloom was used as a reference throughout the design. This includes the use of bamboo for the pavilion's structure, which makes a direct reference to the materiality of Indian handlooms.
Bamboo was also chosen as it is a traditional construction material in this region of India.

90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第3张图片
▲ 它的特色是用竹瓦覆盖的弧形屋顶
It features a curved roof covered in bamboo shingles



"The households' looms are usually made of bamboo, and the spaces in which the looms are operated have also influenced the semi-open character of the gallery spaces," AtArchitecture told Dezeen.
"Bamboo is a traditional building material in the northeast region and with this project, we wanted to draw attention to, and raise awareness of, this traditional and sustainable material," the studio added.

90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第4张图片
▲ 它是苏拉昆德工艺品博览会而建
It was created for the Surajkund Craft Fair



Northeast Pavilion's rectangular plan is topped by a double-curved saddle roof, with which each of the eight courtyards intersects at a different height.
This design means the internal courtyards each feel like unique exhibition spaces, aiming to represent the differences in each of the region's eight states.

90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第5张图片
▲ 它结合了场地内现有的树木
It incorporates existing trees on the site


展馆内还直接融入了周围的景观,庭院内保留了古树,一条蜿蜒的小路引领游客穿过展馆,来到占地 40 公顷的博览会场地。

Clad in bamboo shingles, the roofscape is also intended to mimic the region's local terrain and hilly landscape.
The surrounding landscape is also directly accommodated within the pavilion, with ancient trees preserved within the courtyards and a meandering path leading visitors through the space and out into the 40-hectare grounds of the fair.

90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第6张图片
▲ 展馆被庭院分割
The pavilion is broken up by courtyards



虽然 AtArchitecture 在竹子建筑方面有一定的经验,但它还是与当地工匠合作完成了更为复杂的细节,包括用于建造波浪形屋顶的细木工。

这需要来自该地区的 90 名工人前往工地,在 60 天内建成,整个快速施工过程是一项重大挑战。

Further nods to the different states in northeast India are made throughout the courtyards, such as in the one at the pavilion's centre that represents Meghalaya.
Here, a circular pool of water sits uncovered by the roof to cast rippling reflections of the sky above, referencing Meghalaya's reputation as the wettest place on Earth.
Though AtArchitecture has some previous experience in bamboo construction, it collaborated with local artisans to create the more intricate details, including the joinery used to deliver the wave-like roof.
This required 90 workers from around the region to travel to the site. The structure was built in 60 days, but this quick construction process was not without significant challenges.

90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第7张图片
▲ 一个包含水体的中央庭院
A central courtyard contains a body of water

AtArchitecture 表示:“该项目的快速施工包括在现场进行设计和绘图,这有助于融入当地景观、细微差别和公平流通。”

AtArchitecture 补充说:“与当地工匠的合作令人兴奋,加深了我们对印度东北部八个邦的土著文化和部落手工艺的了解。”

"The fast-track construction of the project involved developing designs and drawings on site, which facilitated adaptation to the local landscape, contextual nuances and fair circulation," said AtArchitecture.
"The collaboration with the local artisans was inspiring and deepened our understanding of the indigenous culture and craftsmanship of the tribes in the eight north-eastern states of India," it added.

90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第8张图片
▲ 一条小路蜿蜒穿过亭子
A path winds through the pavilion

竹子是一种生长速度极快的巨型草种,在世界各地都能大量、快速地生长。Atelier One 的工程师Chris Matthews最近在接受采访时说,这种材料的强度和可用性使其能够在建筑中占据主导地位。


Bamboo is an extremely fast-growing species of giant grass that grows abundantly, quickly and cheaply around the world. In a recent interview with Dezeen, Atelier One engineer Chris Matthews said the material's strength and availability give it the potential to be as dominant in construction as concrete and steel.
Elsewhere in India, bamboo has also been used to create a canopy for a Goan restaurant and woven screens for an artist's residence in the capital New Delhi.

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90 名工人在 60 天内用竹子编制出一座有八个庭院的凉亭第28张图片

图片:Suryan Dang

photography are by Suryan Dang.




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