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墨西哥的这座公园很“线性”——宽 20 米,长2.1 公里第1张图片

Taller Capital 在墨西哥的线性公园实践“追溯式基础设施”
Taller Capital practises "retroactive infrastructure" for linear park in Mexico


建筑工作室 Taller Capital 在墨西哥城建造了一座线性公园,公园内设有人行道,使用的材料优化了保水和防尘性能。

该项目名为 Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard,位于墨西哥城北部城区。

Architecture studio Taller Capital has created a linear park in Mexico City that incorporates a walkway and made with materials optimised for water retention and dust mitigation.
Called Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, the project was located in an urban area north of Mexico City.

墨西哥的这座公园很“线性”——宽 20 米,长2.1 公里第2张图片
▲ Taller Capital 在墨西哥林荫大道上建造了一座线性公园
Taller Capital has created a linear park in a Mexican boulevard

这座线性公园翻新了 2.1 公里长的空置中轴线,中轴线穿过城市的一个住宅区。

该结构宽 20 米,便于行人使用,并设有供当地社区使用的休闲区,据工作室估计,它将为沿线的 2 万多名居民提供服务。

The project saw the renovation of 2.1 kilometres of a vacant median that runs through the city, passing through a social housing complex.
Twenty metres wide, the structure allows for easy pedestrian use and features recreation areas strewn about its length for use by the local community, and the studio estimates it will serve more than 20,000 individuals who live alongside it.

墨西哥的这座公园很“线性”——宽 20 米,长2.1 公里第3张图片
▲ 该项目包括一条高架人行道和多个休闲区
The project comprises an elevated walkway strewn with recreational areas

据 Taller Capital 公司称,这条林荫大道建于21世纪初,目的是为日益增长的人口提供便利。然而从路面挖掘出的材料堆积在那里不经处理,造成了小规模的沙尘暴。


According to Taller Capital, the boulevard was constructed in the early 2000s to facilitate the growing population, and though the median was dug it was never completed. The excavated materials from the roadway sat there, creating small dust storms.
"It works as a retroactive infrastructure: it is a device to control dust storms, absorb rainwater, facilitate non-motorized mobility to connect with the Mexibus stop, and bring ports and recreational facilities to the nearby community," said the studio.

墨西哥的这座公园很“线性”——宽 20 米,长2.1 公里第4张图片
▲ 其中包括健身区和游乐场
It includes fitness areas and playgrounds

Taller Capital 受农业、领土和城市发展部委托设计休闲空间,但该工作室认识到,该项目提供了一个改善该地区基础设施的机会,因为该地区的人行通道非常少。




Taller Capital was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Territory and Urban Development to create the recreational spaces, but the studio recognised that the project provided an opportunity to improve the infrastructure of the area, which has very few pedestrian corridors.
"We were commissioned to design public recreational and sports facilities along the median strip," the studio told Dezeen.
"However, we realized that it could not become only that, but it should mainly work as an infrastructure, both in terms of pedestrian mobility and dust control," it continued.
"We were able to redesign traffic lanes at the ground level, broadening sidewalks, designating specific areas for parking and allowing two car lanes at each side of the strip."

墨西哥的这座公园很“线性”——宽 20 米,长2.1 公里第5张图片
▲ 公园内填满了火山碎石,以帮助蓄水
It was filled with volcanic gravel to aid in water retention




该公园于 2021 年开放,目前已得到广泛使用,一些区域还举办了展览会和音乐会,超出了最初的计划。

Taller Capital 公司表示:“如果这个地方能继续满足它迄今为止所展示的目的,我们可以想象,未来它将变得更加热闹,使用率也会更高,因为树木会不断生长,在白天直射的时间里会有树荫遮蔽。”

To ensure the safety of the pedestrians, the structure was elevated, a move which also allowed for the soil conditions necessary to plant a series of trees for shade.
The studio included volcanic gravel along the elevation to allow for water absorption and to control dust. It also noted that the gravels consistency means that very little maintenance will be required during the lifecycle of the boulevard.
The route also connects the community with a transportation hub at its north end.
Opened in 2021, the park has already enjoyed use and areas have seen a number of fairs and concerts that go beyond its original program.
"If the place continues serving the purpose it has demonstrated to satisfy up till today, we can imagine that in the future it will become more lively and used, as the trees will have grown and shade will be provided during direct daylight hours," said Taller Capital.

墨西哥的这座公园很“线性”——宽 20 米,长2.1 公里第6张图片
▲ 沿线种植了树木,希望这些树木能够长成树荫
Trees were planted along its length in hopes that they will grow to provide shade

墨西哥的这座公园很“线性”——宽 20 米,长2.1 公里第7张图片

墨西哥的这座公园很“线性”——宽 20 米,长2.1 公里第8张图片

摄影:Rafael Gamo

The photography is by Rafael Gamo.




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