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Nem Architectes flushes French hillside villa in pink for Lancôme perfumery


总部位于巴黎的 Nem Architectes 公司为美容公司兰蔻翻新了位于法国格拉斯的一栋别墅,将其改造成一个名为 Domaine de la Rose 的亮粉色旅游景点。

别墅内有休息室和会议空间,可以举办香水制作工作坊、活动和展览,是游客了解兰蔻品牌和香水的好去处。Nem Architectes 还在地下增设了香水蒸馏器和仓库。

Paris-based Nem Architectes has renovated a villa in Grasse, France, transforming it into a bright pink tourist destination named Domaine de la Rose for beauty company Lancôme.
The villa contains lounge and meeting spaces that can host perfume-making workshops, events and exhibitions, designed as a place where visitors can learn about the Lancôme brand and perfumery. Nem Architectes also added a perfume distillery and warehouse underground.

▲ Nem Architectes 为兰蔻庄园的一栋建筑披上了粉红色的外衣
Nem Architectes covered a building on the Lancôme estate in pink.

Domaine de la Rose 位于世界香水之都格拉斯的兰蔻庄园内,周围环绕着用于制造香水的花圃。

Nem Architectes 告诉 Dezeen:“这个设计的目的是创造一座实用的可持续发展建筑,既要美观、现代、典范,又要展示品牌的奢华、非凡的传统和艺术性。”

Surrounded by floral gardens used to make perfume, Domaine de la Rose is located on the Lancôme estate in Grasse, which is known as the world's perfume capital.
"The purpose of this design is to create a functional, practical, and sustainable building that can be both beautiful, contemporary and exemplary while showcasing the brand's luxurious and exceptional heritage and artistry," Nem Architectes told Dezeen.

▲ 它位于格拉斯的山坡上
It is located on a hillside in Grasse. Photo by Passage Citron

工作室拆除了庄园内的所有建筑,只保留了 Domaine de la Rose,将其漆成醒目的粉红色,并用当地生产的粉红色运河琉璃瓦重新铺设屋顶。


The studio removed all buildings on the estate except for Domaine de la Rose, which was painted striking pink and reroofed with locally-made pink glazed canal tiles.
The villa is comprised of a pair of two-storey wings connected by a single-storey lobby. The upper levels of both wings open onto the roof of the lobby below, creating a terrace with views of the surrounding hills.

▲ 俯瞰周围景观的露台
A terrace overlooks the surrounding landscape


Nem Architectes 将其改造的别墅形容为一块巨石,内部和外部都是鲜艳的粉红色,在郁郁葱葱的绿色景观中显得格外醒目。

Nem Architectes 说:“这是一个大胆而醒目的景象,它赋予了兰蔻品牌具体而独特的形式。”

Nem Architectes 还说:“对于游客来说,这座庄园也可以被视为一种生活和感官体验。他们的视觉、嗅觉和听觉在整个房屋和花园中都受到了刺激,就像使用兰蔻香水一样。”

A path cuts through the centre of the building. One side features a circular tunnel entrance to the lobby, while the other entrance is sheltered by the terrace above, propped up by a column that appears like a stack of rocks.
Nem Architectes described its overhaul of the villa as a monolith, with a vibrant pink interior and exterior that stands out against the lush green landscape.
"It is a bold and striking sight, and it gives a tangible and unique form to the Lancôme brand," said Nem Architectes.
"The estate can also be seen as a living and sensorial experience for the visitors and guests," it continued. "Their visual, olfactive and acoustic senses are stimulated throughout the house and the garden, as they would be when using a Lancôme perfume."

▲ 建筑屋顶重新铺设粉色瓷砖
The building was reroofed with pink tiles

出于可持续发展的考虑,Nem Architectes 选择翻新现有建筑,而不是建造新建筑。


Nem Architectes chose to renovate the existing building rather than build a new one for sustainability reasons.
The studio added lavender and rice straw in timber frames to the exterior, which was closed off with rigid wood fibre insulation boards to improve insulation.

▲ 一些内部空间也进行了粉色翻修
Some of the interior spaces were also overhauled in pink

Nem Architectes 表示:“我们很早就决定要翻新这座建筑,而不是将其完全夷为平地,换上新的建筑。”

“这一决定符合 Nem Architectes 和兰蔻对可持续发展的关注,因为它既节约了资源和能源,又向当地的建筑遗产表示了敬意。”

"It was decided early on that the building should be rehabilitated as opposed to completely levelled and replaced with a new one," said Nem Architectes.
"This decision is in compliance with Nem Architectes and Lancôme's concern for sustainability, as it saves resources and energy while paying homage to the local architectural heritage."

▲ Domaine de la Rose 的设计目的是让游客了解香水的制作过程
Domaine de la Rose was designed as a destination for visitors to learn about perfume-making

Nem Architectes 由 Lucie Niney 和 Thibault Marca 于 2008 年创立。


Nem Architectes was founded in 2008 by Lucie Niney and Thibault Marca.
Other pink buildings that have been featured on Dezeen include a cultural institution in Lima that was renovated to have pink walls and an apartment renovation in Mexico with arched openings.











图片:Cyrille Weiner unless stated

The photography is by Cyrille Weiner unless stated.




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