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英国鬼才建筑工作室在南美的新作——Ean大学(Universidad Ean)
Heatherwick Studio's first South American building to feature basketry-informed facade


英国建筑事务所赫斯维克工作室(Heatherwick Studio)公布了其在南美洲的首个项目——一座大学建筑。这座建筑拥有多彩起伏的立柱,灵感来自于南美洲本土的编织手法。

新作品有七层高,位于哥伦比亚首都波哥大(Bogotá)的72街道(Calle 72),未来将作为Universidad Ean的可持续设计学院和工作坊。


UK architecture practice Heatherwick Studio has unveiled designs for its first building in South America, a university building with colourful, undulating columns informed by indigenous weaving practices.
Located in Bogotá, along the city's Calle 72 thoroughfare, the seven-storey building will be part of the Universidad Ean and will host the school of sustainable design and workshops.
Renderings show a facade made up of a series of colourful, undulating columns that travel that height of the building.
Garden terraces are placed intermediately along the columns, which rise to meet the building's various floors. Colourful, geometric columns can also be seen along the sides of the building.



赫斯维克工作室在一份声明中表示,这座建筑的设计是向包括哥伦比亚吴南人(Wounaan)独有的篮筐编织技艺(Werregue basketry)在内的当地传统手工艺致敬。



建筑前方还设计有一个公共空间。 七层建筑将作为校园的新中心,作为场地现有遗产结构的补充,它将为城市提供一个罕见的新型公共空间。

赫斯维克工作室的合伙人Eliot Postma补充说:“创造力在波哥大这座城市随处可见,是它独有的内在特征。我们希望学生们在进入这座建筑之前就为他们的校园感到自豪。通过这样一个公共广场,能让他们得以在繁忙的城市环境中感受到温馨的公共绿洲。”

Each of the building's storeys features glazed facades with wooden framing.
"The design pays homage to the local craft traditions including Werregue basketry, a form of weaving unique to Colombia's Wounaan indigenous community," said the studio in a statement.
Werregue basketry is characterized by similar oval silhouettes and is most commonly made of natural palm fibre and coloured with vegetable dyes.
The studio also said it is working to develop "innovative facade materials" to accommodate the "high levels of sunlight" at Bogotá's altitude, which sits at 8,660 feet (2,640 metres) above sea level.
The project will also incorporate a public space in front of the building.
"The building will serve as a new centre for the campus," said the team."Complementing the existing heritage structures on the site, and providing a rare new public space in the city."
"Creativity is intrinsic to the city of Bogotá," added Heatherwick Studio partner Eliot Postma.
"You see it everywhere. We want students to feel proud of their campus before they even enter the building, arriving through a public square that offers passers-by a welcoming communal oasis amidst the hard urban surroundings."





Renderings show a plaza populated with circular seating that mirrors the forms of the facade, as well as a central lightwell that connects to a subterranean level.
The landscaping will comprise species from Bogotá's "cloud forest" – the natural parks surrounding the city, the second most biodiverse in the world.
The project is expected to break ground in 2025.


The images are by Nod.




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