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位于阿根廷峡谷的可根据气候自我调节的太阳能住宅——pablo senmartin建筑事务所
pablo senmartin's casa solar utilizes nature for climate self-regulation amid argentina ravine


Pablo Senmartin建筑事务所在阿根廷设计了一个住宅项目,名为“太阳能住宅”,该住宅可利用自然资源来实现建筑的可持续发展。建筑位于峡谷深处,利用天然洞穴作为建筑的支撑体,可起到对建筑的保护作用,且减少整体的视觉冲击感。空气中湿度的变化即可引起温度的变化,所以住宅周边的森林植被不仅可以遮光防风,还可以调节室内温度,具有双重保护作用。该住宅有着活动屋顶,可以根据不同季节、时间和天气条件而启闭,进而调节室内温度。在阳光充足的天气,屋盖会完全打开,并根据所需来调节室内的采光面积,从而提高室内舒适度,且能最大限度的节约能源。


Pablo Senmartin Arquitectos’ Casa Solar in Argentina reflects on architecture that becomes sustainable by using all available natural resources. The family house is positioned in the depth of a natural ravine, using the cavity for its support and to reduce its visual impact from the street, as well as for protection. The existing humidity is used as a temperature difference buffer, the forest vegetation acting as a double protective facade from the sun and wind. Further, solar energy is used in a controlled manner through a mobile roof that adapts interior spatial conditions depending on the day, time, and conditions of the weather. The roof cover’s motor is activated completely at times of full solar incidence, and of graduating according to the solar radiation necessary for interior conditioning — enhancing comfort and energy savings.
The architects utilize simple, locally produced, and low-cost materials for ease of transportation and assembly. The house appears introverted, blind and austere to the south and west streetfront, with a vertical exterior produced with fiber cement plates colored in dark wood like the forest, of varied thickness and width interspersed, which reduce the impact. Inside, the use of tongue-and-groove elliotis pine wood as cladding is framed and ordered through the profiles of the exposed steel structure which is resolved with reused demolition steel profiles.

▲ 建筑采用活动屋顶 | 所有图片均由Pablo Senmartin建筑事务所提供
topped by a mobile roof | all images courtesy of Pablo Senmartin Arquitectos

太阳能住宅的选址经过多方斟酌,最终选定的场地有着优美的自然景观。该住宅用地面积为1850㎡,建筑面积为250㎡,位置为Villa Parque Siquiman。该场地内有一个深10m的峡谷,是周边场地的排水沟,水最终汇集到San Roque湖。场地土壤多为岩石,穿插着灌木,可吸收一部分流经此处的水分。从远处看,湖景广阔无边,且颜色会随着不同的季节和时间产生变化。

在城市化进程不断加快的时代,设计师需要注重建筑与自然之间的对话,使得建筑对周边环境的影响降低到最小。Pablo Senmartin建筑事务所认为,简约的用地与造型,造就了一座可持续发展的建筑。太阳能住宅的设计标准为LEED v4,设计师合理利用当地的自然资源,并将其合理地应用在建筑中。

Casa Solar is a commission for a family that chose to live in an environment of high natural and landscape value. The house has an area of ​​250 square meters and is located in Villa Parque Siquiman, on a plot of 1850 square meters. The land consists of a ravine, 10 meters deep, which acts as a drain for the entire surrounding area, channeling rainwater towards Lake San Roque. The soil is rocky, interspersed with bushes and abundant mountain forest, which absorb part of the water that passes through the place. From the street, the views towards the lake are very wide and change depending on the time of day and year.
In a time of urbanization and urban sprawl, the need arises for project research to generate dialogue between architecture and nature, and to intervene in these sites with a low environmental impact — ‘where simplicity, austerity and sensitivity forge an architecture that is integrally sustainable,’ Pablo Senmartin Arquitectos notes. Casa Solar is based on the LEED v4 certification criteria, highlighting all the natural resources and materials available on the site, interacting with them in decision making.

▲ 太阳能住宅置身于优美的自然风光中,住户生活体验感高
Casa Solar houses a family that chose to live in an environment of high natural and landscape value


Pablo Senmartin建筑事务所认为,该建筑设计有多个开放社交活动空间,可以与自然景观对话,且室内外能够形成明显的对比效果。该建筑平面为L形,其两端均设计有架空灰空间,整个建筑的特色是活动屋顶。该住宅内部还设计有中央岛式厨房,旁边还有多功能社交活动空间。建筑还有着地下室、游泳池、露台、休闲区等活动空间。

A structural box of steel profiles leans with the cover accompanying the slope towards the lake. The steel box allows a 3 meter cantilever towards the park, lending Casa Solar a floating appearance when seen from below, resting its columns on the existing rocks and on reinforced concrete partitions that form a transitional basement. From the street, the access is approached by a 3 meter descent, leading to an intermediate level where an esplanade/viewpoint interacts with the landscape before transitioning into the blind side of the south facade.
‘The contrast upon entering is total when coming into contact with the fluid, luminous interior social space open to the landscape,’ shares Pablo Senmartin Arquitectos. An L-shaped distribution in two directions surrounds the empty and semi-covered space that features the mobile roof. The integrated social space, with a central island kitchen, enables multiple uses and seasonal adaptations in its interior-exterior relationships, and serves as a connector with the lower basement/pool/patio area, and with the upper rest and study area.

▲ 通过合理利用自然资源使住宅成为可持续发展建筑
the architecture becomes sustainable by using all available natural resources

Pablo Senmartin建筑事务所在设计该建筑时,更加注意建筑的留白空间设计,即灰空间。这种空间可根据天气的不同进行封闭或开放,以满足室内舒适度的需求。该空间还可作为室内外的过渡区域,使得室内空间与自然环境产生对话,创造了一个随时间的变化而变化的可持续建筑场所。


Instead of focusing on the form as a solid, as a construction and physicality, Pablo Senmartin Arquitectos pays attention to the gap, on the form of the void that matter itself leaves free. The empty space, missing from a solid volume, is expressed as a space of the possible, a lock that, when opened and closed, controls the sunlight, the climate, the use, and the interior spatial conditions of the house. This intermediate and interstitial space highlights the environmental and visual relationships with the natural context, creating a structure that evolves over time, with life, with humanity and with architecture.
Concern for the water resource, which is scarce most of the year and respect for the natural drainage existing in the ravine are contemplated, elevating the house from the ground, allowing free runoff and permeability, nourishing layers, and the existing vegetation cover. The pools located below are filled with rainwater from the sloping roof and, being integrated into the house, provide humidity and heat in winter and freshness in summer, as well as offering the possibility of a shaded swim during the summer. Finally, gray water is treated with a biodigester and reused for irrigation of the orchard and forest.

▲ 该住宅建于峡谷深处
positioned in the depth of a natural ravine

▲ 改变湿度可以控制温度,因而森林中的植被对建筑有着双重保护的作用
humidity is used as a temperature difference buffer, the forest vegetation acting as a double protective facade

▲ 该住宅设计有灰空间,有着合理的支撑体系,可作为室内外的过渡空间
the house uses its cavity for its support and to reduce its visual impact from the street

▲ 该建筑采用榫卯框架结构,整体结构井然有序
the use of tongue-and-groove elliotis pine wood as cladding is framed and ordered

▲ 太阳能住宅符合LEED v4的标准
Casa Solar is based on the LEED v4 certification criteria

▲ 建筑师采用当地材料设计,用料简单、成本低,还利于运输和安装
the architects use simple, locally produced, and low-cost materials for ease of transportation and assembly

▲ Pablo Senmartin建筑事务所的设计理念是崇尚自然、拥抱自然
Pablo Senmartin Arquitectos embraces nature

▲ 从远处看该,建筑就像是漂浮在半空中一样
the steel structure appears to hover from a distance

▲ 该建筑位于Parque Siquiman别墅区,用地面积为1850㎡
located in Villa Parque Siquiman, on a plot of 1850 square meters

▲ 项目所在位置为峡谷,周围所有的排水都需经过这里,然后汇集到湖里
the land consists of a ravine which acts as a drain for the entire surrounding area, channeling rainwater towards Lake San Roque

建筑设计:Pablo Senmartin建筑事务所

project info:
name: Casa Solar
architect: Pablo Senmartin Arquitectos | @arqpablosenmartin
location: Argentina




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