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Snarkitecture and Formantasma create street installations for Exhibit Columbus



A pure white shed-like structure sandwiched between two brick buildings is one of several installations that have popped up along a main thoroughfare in Columbus, Indiana.

Snarkitecture剧场是华盛顿街的五个装置作品之一/Snarkitecture's Playhouse is one of five projects created for Washington Street Installations


这个项目由当地设计师Jonathan Nesci策划,五个国际画廊被要求选择一个设计师或工作室合作,共同创造与繁忙街道相呼应的临时干预装置。

The series of Washington Street Installations was created for the Exhibit Columbus festival, which opened last weekend in the city – an unlikely mecca for modernist architecture that was recently used as the subject of a movie by director Kogonada.
For the project, curated by local designer Jonathan Nesci, five international galleries were asked to choose a designer or studio to create a temporary intervention that responded to the busy street.

Snarkitecture在现有的两座砖建筑通道之间插入白色山墙屋顶休憩处/Snarkitecture inserted a white gabled-roof shelter in an alleyway between two existing brick buildings.


Chicago's Volume Gallery selected New York-based Snarkitecture, which inserted a white gabled-roof shelter in an alleyway between two existing brick buildings. The Playhouse is designed to look longer than it actually is, and has benches along its two sides for members of the public to use.

剧场的设计看起来比实际更长/Playhouse is designed to look longer than it actually is


"Using forced perspective to create the illusion of unexpected depth, Playhouse is an immersive environment open to all, but only fully able to be explored by children due to the diminishing scale," said the project's organisers.

Formafantasma的楼梯是由上釉的火山砖制成的/Formafantasma's Stairway to Columbus is made from glazed volcanic brick

阿姆斯特丹的duo Formafantasma被伦敦材料公司Dzek选中。为哥伦布展设计的楼梯装置包含一面窗户,位于旧基金大楼外,由上釉的火山砖组成。

Amsterdam duo Formafantasma was picked by London materials company Dzek. Their Stairway to Columbus installation made from glazed volcanic brick incorporates a window, and is located outside the Heritage Fund building.

装置包括一面窗口,作为一座“迷你博物馆”/The installation incorporates a window that will act as a "mini museum"

组织者说:“在哥伦布展览的过程中,这个窗口将作为一座迷你博物馆,分享很少见到的文件、建筑模型和其他当地的历史瑰宝,这些均由哥伦布建筑档案的Formafantasma和Tricia Gilson共同策划。”

"Over the course of Exhibit Columbus, this window will serve as a mini-museum, sharing rarely seen documents, architectural models, and other local historical gems curated by Formafantasma and Tricia Gilson of Columbus' Architectural Archives," the organisers said.

Cody Hoyt用彩色混凝土砖照亮了第七和华盛顿街道的拐角/Cody Hoyt has used coloured concrete tiles to brighten up the street corner at Seventh and Washington

纽约的Patrick Parrish画廊选择了布鲁克林设计师Cody Hoyt,他曾用彩色混凝土砖点亮了第七和华盛顿街道的拐角。当地生产的三角形砖模仿了Alexander Girard设计的座椅靠垫的颜色,而这些座椅位于建筑设计师Eero Saarinen的著名住宅磨坊主屋和花园里。

Cody Hoyt, a Brooklyn designer chosen by New York-based Patrick Parrish Gallery, has used coloured concrete tiles to brighten up the street corner at Seventh and Washington. The locally produced, triangular bricks mimic the colours of Alexander Girard-designed seat cushions at the Miller House and Garden – architect Eero Saarinen's famous residence in the city.

当地生产的三角砖模仿了Alexander Girard设计的座垫颜色/The locally produced, triangular bricks mimic the colours of Alexander Girard-designed seat cushions


"Hoyt [has created] a vibrant motif that invites visitors to imagine new ways to use this corner as a platform for events and happenings," said the team.

Pettersen & Hein增加了一系列丰富多彩的混凝土街道家具/Pettersen & Hein has added a range of colourful concrete street furniture

在最后的两项干预措施中,丹麦工作室Pettersen & Hein增加了一系列色彩缤纷的混凝土街道家具,而墨西哥城的Productora则设计了9个圆形座椅,与街道上现有的建筑元素相贴合。

For the final two interventions, Danish studio Pettersen & Hein has added a range of colourful concrete street furniture, while Mexico City's Productora has designed nine circular seats that fit around existing architectural elements along the street.

Productora的圆形座椅与现有的建筑元素相融合/Productora's circular seats fit around existing architectural elements

Pettersen & Hein是由哥本哈根画廊Etage项目提出的,而Productora的设计则是基于布鲁塞尔的Maniera的构思来源。

Pettersen & Hein was put forward by Copenhagen gallery Etage Projects, and Productora's involvement was Brussels-based Maniera's idea.

九个小凳子点缀着繁忙的华盛顿街/The nine stool are dotted along busy Washington Street



Exhibit Columbus runs until 26 November 2017. Other installations created for the event include a circle of stones arranged across a field by Aranda\Lasch.
Photography is by Hadley Fruits.





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