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Guillaume Bontemps/Ville de Paris. Image Courtesy of Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Over 100 Years of Olympic Heritage: What Became of the 1924 Paris Olympic Venues?


巴黎的近代史与奥运会的历史息息相关。1900 年,巴黎举办了第二届奥运会,开启了城市改造和建筑发展的历程,为奥运会做好了准备。其中最重要的变化是 1900 年开通的地铁 1 号线,它将世界博览会的举办地与万森纳奥运会的举办地连接起来。仅仅 24 年后,这座城市就举办了一届最具影响力的奥运会。这届奥运会首次通过电视转播,大大提高了知名度。也正是在这届奥运会期间,奥运村的概念诞生了。巴黎一个多世纪前建造的一些基础设施和场馆到现在仍在使用,其中部分场馆现在又成为奥运赛事的主办地。

The recent history of the city of Paris is entangled with that of the Olympic Games. In 1900, Paris hosted the second edition of the Games, starting a journey of urban adaptations and architectural developments that prepared the city for the event. Among the most important changes was the introduction of Line 1 of the metro, inaugurated in 1900 to link the locations of the Universal Exhibition with those of the Olympic Games in Vincennes. Just 24 years later, the city hosted one of the most influential editions of the Olympic Games. The event, the first to be broadcasted on the airwaves, contributed to a substantial rise in the popularity of the Games. It was also during this edition that the concept of the Olympic Village was born. Several of the infrastructures and venues built over a century ago are still in use in Paris, with some of them returning now as hosts of Olympic events.


Yves du Manoir Stadium, Colombes An aerial view of the Olympic Stadium at Colombes, near Paris, taken on the opening day. Image © Wikiedia, uner Public Domain license

科隆布是巴黎西北部的一个郊区,1924 年奥运会在这里举行。运动员们第一次住进了奥运村,内部有可移动的小木屋、自来水、邮局、美发沙龙和餐厅等设施。在奥运村附近,伊夫-杜马诺瓦体育场成为奥运会最大、最重要的场馆之一。这个场馆是由以前的赛马场改建而成,根据建筑师Louis Faure-Dujarric的设计,对奥运会场地进行了全面翻修,最多可容纳 45000 名观众。一个世纪前,这里曾是田径、足球和橄榄球比赛的举办地。1924 年奥运会后,这座体育场在经过多次翻新后仍在使用。 2024 年,这座历史悠久的体育场将举办曲棍球比赛。

Yves du Manoir Stadium, Colombes
Colombes, a suburb in the north-western area of Paris, became the central location of the 1924 Olympics. For the first time, athletes were accommodated in an Olympic Village created with portable wooden houses complete with running water, and amenities like a post office, hairdressing salon, and a restaurant. Near the Olympic Village, Yves du Manoir Stadium became one of the largest and most important venues of the Games. The arena, a converted former racecourse, was completely refurbished for the Games to accommodate up to 45,000 spectators, following the designs of architect Louis Faure-Dujarric. A century ago, it served as the location of the track and field, football, and rugby competitions. After the 1924 Olympics, the stadium continued to be in use, having been renovated multiple times. Now, in 2024, the historic arena will host field hockey events.

图雷尔游泳池(现为Georges Vallerey游泳池)

Jean-Baptiste Gurliat - Ville de Paris. Image Courtesy of Paris 2024 Olympic Games

图雷尔游泳池建于 1924 年,位于巴黎 20 区,曾举办过巴黎奥运会游泳比赛,见证了 100 米自由泳纪录的打破。多年来,这个场馆经过多次翻修,并于 20 世纪 80 年代安装了可伸缩屋顶。其内部的泳池至今仍在使用,但今年将不再作为奥运会比赛场馆,因为游泳和残疾人游泳项目将在南泰尔的拉德芳斯竞技场举行。花样游泳、跳水和水球预选赛将在圣丹尼斯水上运动中心举行,这是为 2024 年巴黎奥运会建造的唯一永久性体育设施。

Tourelles Swimming Pool (now Georges-Vallerey Swimming Pool)
Built in 1924 in the 20th arrondissement, the Tourelles pool has hosted the swimming competitions of the Paris Games, having witnessed the breaking of the 100m freestyle swimming record. Over the years, the venue has been renovated multiple times and fitted with a retractable roof in the 1980s. The pool is still in use to this day, but it will not return as an Olympic venue this year, as the Swimming and Para-swimming events will be held at the Arena La Defence in Nanterre. The synchronized swimming, diving, and water polo qualifying will be held at the Saint Denis Aquatic Center, the only permanent sports facility to be built for the Paris 2024 Games.


Jacques-Anquetil Velodrome in Vincennes. Image Courtesy of Paris 2024 Olympic Games

雅克-安克蒂尔自行车赛场(Jacques-Anquetil Velodrome),在当地被称为 "la Cipale",至今仍是万森森林地区自行车爱好者和自然爱好者的挚爱地。这条 500 米长的混凝土赛道建于 1896 年,铁制看台由Gustave Eiffel设计,并于 1900 年成为奥运会比赛场地。1924 年,这里举办了自行车、击剑、摔跤、拳击和举重比赛。尽管已被宣布为历史古迹,但这条赛道已不再符合目前的奥运标准,因此自行车和残疾人自行车比赛将改在圣昆廷-伊夫林国家自行车馆举行。

Jacques-Anquetil Velodrome in Vincennes
Jacques-Anquetil Velodrome, locally known as “la Cipale,” remains to this day a beloved location among cyclists and nature lovers in the Bois de Vincennes area. The 500-meter concrete track was built in 1896, with iron stands designed by Gustave Eiffel, and it became an Olympic venue in 1900. In 1924, the venue hosted cycling, fencing, wrestling, boxing, and weightlifting events. Despite having been declared a historical monument, the track no longer meets current Olympic standards, so the cycling and para-cycling events will be held instead at the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines National Velodrome.


Palace of Versailles. Image © Mistervlad via Shutterstock

1924 年,著名的凡尔赛宫曾是奥运会射击项目的比赛场地。一个世纪后的今天,凡尔赛宫将再次成为奥运会的比赛场地,用于举办马术和现代五项的比赛。根据官方网站介绍,为筹备赛事,修复项目和临时设施建设工程正在进行中。这些工程包括修复荣誉门和北翼的屋顶,还会在花园中增设一个新的接待区。

Versailles Palace
In 1924, the famous Palace of Versailles served as the setting for the shooting events of the games. Now, a century later, the palace grounds will once again serve as an Olympic venue, this time for the equestrian and modern pentathlon competitions. To prepare for the events, restoration projects and temporary facility construction works are underway, according to the official website. These include the restoration of the Honor Gate and the roof of the North Wing, as well as the addition of a new reception area in the gardens.


Velodrome d’Hiver [Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 35. Années 1908, 1909 et 1910 / Jules Beau. Image © Wikiedia, uner Public Domain license

1903 年,位于格勒内勒区的冬季自行车赛场落成,1924 年被用作举办奥运会的击剑、举重和拳击比赛的赛场。然而,1942 年,这个赛马场又添了一页黑暗的历史,因为法国警方曾在这里拘留了数千名犹太人,然后将他们驱逐到集中营。之后,这座建筑于 1959 年被拆除。

Velodrome d’Hiver
Inaugurated in 1903 in the Grenelle district, the Velodrome d’Hiver was used in 1924 to host the fencing, weightlifting, and boxing competitions of the Olympic Games. In 1942, however, a dark page of history was added to the story of the Velodrome, as it was used by the Frenc police to detain thousands of Jews before deporting them to concentration camps. The building was demolished in 1959.

Jean-Baptiste Gurliat - Ville de Paris. Image Courtesy of Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Jean-Baptiste Gurliat - Ville de Paris. Image Courtesy of Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Jean-Baptiste Gurliat - Ville de Paris. Image Courtesy of Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Jacques-Anquetil Velodrome in Vincennes  [Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 12. Années 1899 et 1900 / Jules Beau : F. 5v. Vue de l Exposition de Vincennes, 1900. Image © Wikiedia, uner Public Domain license




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