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Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第1张图片

地点:日本, 神奈川県横须贺市
结构工程师:铃木彰 / ASA
面积: 176.65平方米
Architects: Yasutaka Yoshimura Architects
Location: Yokosuka Kanagawa, Japan
Client: Nowhere Resort
Structural Engineer: Akira Suzuki/ASA
General Contractor: Heisei Construction
Area: 176.65 sqm
Year: 2010
Photographs: Yasutaka Yoshimura, Chiaki Yasukawa

Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第2张图片

Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第3张图片
Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源为它的客人们提供了一个临时的“家”。Nowhere 度假休闲公司提供的这个周租服务是日本一种相对较新的度假娱乐营业场所,让不同的租户有机会以一周为基础居住在同一个家里。一周的期限相对于标准的月租来说很短,但相对于在酒店的一夜又很长,这种中间的长度产生了一种新的“家”的使用方式。
Nowhere but Sajima provides a temporary ‘home’ for its guests. The weekly rental service provided by Nowhere Resort is a relatively new method of operating resort properties in Japan, and allows different tenants the opportunity to inhabit a ‘home’ on a weekly basis. While the weekly term is short compared to a standard monthly rental and long compared to a hotel stay, this in-between length accommodates a new diversity of uses of a ‘home’.

Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第4张图片

Serving as a space for exhibitions, as a classroom or for wedding parties, the unit easily adapts to the imagination and invention of the tenant and in doing so also re-defines the range of activities that can take place in the ‘home’. As well as accommodating the functions of work and business, the ‘home’ again becomes the space of many life events beside the basic function of ‘inhabitance’. In acquiring a new program for use, the ‘home’ regains the richness of activity that can take place all around of life.

Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第5张图片

Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第6张图片
The building, a triangular block composed of tube-like volumes heading to the ocean, stands on a point of reclaimed land in a small fishing village. While the site meets the seawall and directly faces the sea, it is also faces other buildings across the water. To provide adequate privacy without the use of curtains, narrow tube-shaped spaces were bundled together and angled to provide openings toward the sea. The orientation of these tubes naturally blocks the line of sight from the adjacent apartments and while gazing down the length of the tube from inside only the ocean can be seen. While providing an escape from the tide of urbanism characterizing what we normally call a ‘resort’, the design still maintains the key aspects of the resort experience. We have created a place reminiscent of looking out to sea from the deck of a ship.

Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第7张图片

Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第8张图片
Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第9张图片
Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第10张图片
Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第11张图片
Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第12张图片
Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第13张图片
Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第14张图片
Nowhere but Sajima佐岛桃源 / 吉村孝康建筑事务所/Nowhere but Sajima / Yasutaka...第15张图片

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