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Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第1张图片

建筑师:GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所
建筑师负责人:Guillermo Reynes,         Alvaro Perez
摄影:Jose Hevia
•        西班牙,帕尔马,GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所,住宅装潢类
Architects: GRAS Arquitectos
Location: Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Architects In Charge: Guillermo Reynes, Alvaro Perez
Area: 950 sqm
Proyect Year: 2013
Photographs: Jose Hevia
•        Houses RefurbishmentSelected Works Gras Arquitectos Palma Spain

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第2张图片

EXTREME CONTRAST: extension of a single-family detached home in Mallorca.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第3张图片

The intervention in an existing building, and even more so with the ambition of this project, is always a delicate matter.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第4张图片

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第5张图片
In this case the client wanted to add many programme requirements to the current house: an indoor pool, a game room and several rooms in addition to reorganizing the existing dwelling.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第6张图片

It was chosen, after much research, to extend the house through an exercise of EXTREME CONTRAST.
The possibility of intervening in the façades of the existing house to adjust them to a more current aesthetic was cast aside; instead the contemporary language of the new volumes was emphasized to maximise contrast.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第7张图片

最终建成了一系列环绕和拥抱老房子的“盒子”,形成了原建筑与新“盒子” 钢结构之间的创新结合。此种结合提高了这两个建筑体:新建筑体的框架强调了老建筑,而新建筑通过与老建筑的鲜明对比脱颖而出。
The result is a series of “boxes” that surround and embrace the old house, generating an innovative combination between the existing building and the new “boxes” of steel. This combination enhances both architectures: the framing of the new volumes highlights the old, of little value and the new stands out greatly in contrast to the former.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第8张图片

The materialisation of the project was in line with the concept; the original building was left in the same state, painted white, with sloping Arab tile roofs and wood carpentry, whilst the extension was done with Corten steel searching for rotundity of the elements.
Corten steel is a material that clearly contrasts with the already existing dwelling, as required by the concept. It is also a “living” material that changes over the years; acquiring the patina that test of time provides to noble materials.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第9张图片

The combination of both languages creates interesting situations and new programmes for the dwelling. The entrance sequence, which is essential in a house, is enhanced by architectural intervention: a new volume conceived as porch wraps-up arrivals; and the volume that houses the new bathroom of the main room projects over the garden creating a new porch which emphasises the exit to the garden, as well as it offers spectacular views over the bay of Palma. At the far ends of the house both the new bedroom as well as the game room project from the main volume stretching the house and spanning more garden and providing further views. Finally the indoor pool and spa are below ground level.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第10张图片

This unique space features a swimming pool, a small spa area and gym. A large window to the south maximizes the relationship with the surroundings and views, so that the SPA can become a semi-outdoor space. Aiming to provide this space with the maximum warmth, close attention has been paid to the materials in this area: the volume of concrete that forms the SPA is covered with IPE wood on both ground and ceiling, creating a continuous space that surrounds the pools, these in turn mollify in white marble to brighten the space. This way, users forget that they are in a buried space.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第11张图片

The result is a very cosy environment suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第12张图片

Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第13张图片
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第14张图片
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第15张图片
Ground Floor 底层楼层图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第16张图片

First Floor 一层楼层图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第17张图片

Basement 地下室平面图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第18张图片

Roof Plan 屋顶平面图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第19张图片

Section 截面图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第20张图片

West Facade 西侧外表图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第21张图片

South Facade 南侧外表图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第22张图片

Initial Scheme 原规划图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第23张图片

Extension Scheme 扩建规划图
Kubik扩建项目/ GRAS Arquitectos建筑事务所/Kubik Extension / GRAS Arquitectos第24张图片

Final Scheme 最终规划图

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  • 文若
  • 2013.07.19 16:26
    • 1
  • dreamer
  • 2013.07.30 11:11
    仅仅是以附加盒子的方式与原有建筑对比是否足够?能否呼应原建筑中的廊柱形式?能否呼应原建筑中坡屋顶的形式?  新建的建筑给我的一种好的感觉我觉得仅仅是由耐候钢本身的材料属性带来的,是否可以从建筑元素的重新解读中与原有老建筑产生联系?
    • 0
  • remon
  • 2013.07.24 09:50
    最能反应时间的材料 可惜翻新了...........对比反而减少了
    • 0
  • baoxiaofeng
  • 2013.07.22 00:00
    • 0

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