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‘十分通透’艺术展/ Rietveld Landscape/‘Pretty Vacant’ Installation / Rie.....第1张图片

•        由Alison Furuto发布
•        荷兰,乌德勒支,Rietveld Landscape,文化艺术展
•        by Alison Furuto
•        Cultural Installation Rietveld Landscape The Netherlands Utrecht

日前展出的“十分通透”艺术展由Rietveld Landscape设计研究工作室设计,旨在鼓励游客对于荷兰中央博物馆( Centraal Museum)的空闲空间产生崭新的视角,该艺术展将持续至2014年1月31日。其蓝色窗口为博物馆空间带来了崭新的光线,此举弥补了该座中世纪教堂建筑,使其更加完善。
Currently on display until January 31, 2014, the ‘Pretty Vacant’ installation by design and research studio Rietveld Landscape encourages visitors to take a fresh look at the empty spaces of the Centraal Museum in The Netherlands. The blue window literally and figuratively sheds a new light on the space and complements the architecture of this medieval chapel.

‘十分通透’艺术展/ Rietveld Landscape/‘Pretty Vacant’ Installation / Rie.....第2张图片

窗口的设计源自Rietveld Landscape早期名为‘Vacant NL’的艺术展中的“负面空间”。 ‘Vacant NL’艺术展是2010年威尼斯建筑双年展(Venice Architecture Biennale)荷兰提交的作品。此座Gerrit Rietveld在威尼斯设计的展厅之中的艺术馆展现了荷兰从十七世纪到二十一世纪之间10000座废弃的公共建筑的巨大潜力。
The window is based on the ‘negative spaces’ of Rietveld Landscape’s earlier installation ‘Vacant NL,’ which was the Dutch submission for the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2010. The installation in the Gerrit Rietveld-designed pavilion in Venice showed the enormous potential of 10,000 disused public buildings in the Netherlands from the seventeenth to the twenty-first centuries.

‘十分通透’艺术展/ Rietveld Landscape/‘Pretty Vacant’ Installation / Rie.....第3张图片

中央博物馆(Centraal Museum)旨在获得艺术、设计和建筑之间的交汇,而Rietveld Landscape的作品正符合中央博物馆(Centraal Museum)的宗旨。Rietveld Landscape是一个年轻的工作室,代表了此种交汇新发展的卓越的方式。博物馆馆长埃德温•雅各布斯(Edwin Jacobs)形容他们为“空间干预领域的天才,现有的建筑或理论描述均无法与之相媲美。他们是各种意像真正的新的思想家。
Rietveld Landscape’s work fits in well with the Centraal Museum’s aim to acquire work at the intersection of art, design and architecture. Rietveld Landscape is a young studio that represents in an outstanding way the new developments at this intersection. Museum Director Edwin Jacobs described them as “the talents in field of spatial interventions, without equivalent in any existing architectural or theoretical discourse. They are real new-thinkers in images.”

‘十分通透’艺术展/ Rietveld Landscape/‘Pretty Vacant’ Installation / Rie.....第4张图片

通过收购Rietveld Landscape设计的此艺术展,加之获得蒙德里安基金(Mondriaan Fund)的支持,中央博物馆已实现了其将‘Vacant NL’添加到“荷兰收藏”( ‘Collectie Nederland’)之中的雄心壮志。
Through the acquisition of this installation by Rietveld Landscape, with support from the Mondriaan Fund, the Centraal Museum has realized its ambition of adding ‘Vacant NL’ to the ‘Collectie Nederland’.

‘十分通透’艺术展/ Rietveld Landscape/‘Pretty Vacant’ Installation / Rie.....第5张图片

‘十分通透’艺术展/ Rietveld Landscape/‘Pretty Vacant’ Installation / Rie.....第6张图片

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