©Yu Xu
| 来自事务所的描述。设计师为浙江省天台第二小学这个项目做了独特的设计,该项目不仅创造了一个优美的环境,而且还将作为示范型学校创造一个可以熏陶学生德、智、体、美全面发展的良好环境。这个项目有效的解决了老城区改造用地面积紧张的问题。
From the architect. The project for the TianTai No.2 Primary School strives for a unique design that will serve as a model school which provides a beautiful environment for the cultivation of knowledge, culture, physical fitness, art and ethics for elementary school children. The project effectively solving the problem of land shortage in the old city.
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©Shengliang Su
| 如果按照常规的方式将操场建在教学楼一旁,200米环形跑道将占去40%的用地,那样的话,整个学校就会非常局促。但是,又要确保学生有一个操场作为活动场地。所以为了解决学校用地面积不足的问题,设计师将200米的跑道放在了教学楼楼顶,这样学校增加了3000多平方米的活动空间。这样学校就相当于一下子增加了一个3000多平米的活动场地,组成了一个统一的教学楼整体。同时,椭圆型的教学楼给学生们带来了一种内向性的安全感。
The 200m running track calls for 40% of the land if we put the playground on the ground as the normal way, then the space of the campus will be very cramped. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure students a playground to have sports and activities. With land scarce, the 200m running track was projected onto the roof level, giving an additional 3000+ sqm of usable area on the ground as well as the oval shape of the school building, creating a sense of inwardness and security for the students.
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©Shengliang Su
| 考虑到屋顶上存在跑道,该建筑楼层被设计成了恰当的四层,而不是五层,这样的层高与周围建筑很协调,关系也就显得很是和谐。为了创造更多可用的绿色活动场地,该建筑被旋转至跟场地边界线形成15度角,在场地边界与建筑外墙之间产生了一个小的带型小广场空间。
Lifting the running track also allows for a total project height of 4 floors instead of 5 as originally required, creating a more harmonious relationship between the new school and the surrounding urban context. In order to create more available green courtyard spaces, the building is twisted about 15 degrees, creating smaller pockets of space between the site wall and the exterior envelope.
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©Shengliang Su
| 楼顶跑道有三层护栏以确保师生安全。最外一层有1.8米高的强化玻璃防护墙,中间有一层50 厘米宽的绿色隔离带,最内层防护是1.2米高的不锈钢栏杆。为了解决噪音问题,设计师也做了巧妙的安排,跑道下方,每隔50厘米就有一个弹簧减震器被安装在了塑胶地面以下,这样就通过双层结构来减震,减少了活动带来的噪音。
The rooftop track has 3 layers of guardrail to guarantee the safety of students. The exterior layer is 1.8m high tempered glass wall, the middle layer is 50cm wide green belt, the interior layer is 1.2m high stainless steel guardrail. For the issue of noise, the spring cushions are put every 50x 50cm under the plastic track, thus reducing the further kinetic noise by means of the double-layer structure.
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©Shengliang Su
©Shengliang Su
©Shengliang Su
©Shengliang Su
©Shengliang Su
©Shengliang Su
©Shengliang Su
©Yu Xu
| 项目信息:
建筑设计事务所:LYCS Architecture
地点:中国 浙江 台州 天台
摄影:Yu Xu, Shengliang Su
项目团队:HaoRuan, Yuan Zhan, Gary He, Shanliang Jin, Lina Chen
| Project Credits:
Architects: LYCS Architecture
Location: Tiantai, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China
Area: 10190.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Yu Xu, Shengliang Su
Project Team: HaoRuan, Yuan Zhan, Gary He, Shanliang Jin, Lina Chen
Architect Of Record: Zhejiang University Urban Research & Design Institute
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| 出处:本文译自www.archdaily.com/,转载请注明出处。
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