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HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第1张图片
© HPP Architects

来自HPP的供稿:热情洋溢,灵活多变的红白相间的屋顶! HPP被委托为埃尔弗特(Erfurt)扩建体育场, 增加了三个新看台和一个可以举行各种活动和会议的主楼。

Emotion and flexibility under a red and white roof. HPP have been tasked with the renovation of the Erfurt Arena and the addition of three new stands and a new main building housing events and conference spaces.

HPP将为埃尔弗特市(Erfurt)体育场扩建增添一个新屋顶、三个新看台和一栋主场馆。埃尔弗特市政府2014年底与 HPP 和 Köster工程公司签订了项目合同。

HPP Architect’s design will see the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt with a new roof, three new stands and a new main building. Erfurt City Council  awarded the contract to the joint venture comprising HPP and Köster GmbH end of 2014.

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第2张图片
Sketch 建筑模型

体育场坐落于图林根州的首府, 这次扩建的主题为热情和灵活。 热情的主题体现在整个体育场将可以容纳1.85万观众。新看台的屋顶与原来西看台连成一体形成一个独立的区域,更增添了体育场宏大的气氛。 灵活性则体现在新的主场馆可以提供举办各种活动和会议的场地。体育场不光是红白埃尔弗特足球俱乐部(FC RWE)的主场所在, 同时也是各种国内外体育赛事、音乐会、 各种大型会议和其他重要活动的最佳场所。

The design for the multi-purpose arena in the capital of the State of Thuringia takes as its theme Emotion and Flexibility. The emotion will be created by the stands filled with 18,500 spectators enclosing the arena. The unbroken roof of the new stands will be meet that of the existing West Stand to form a single unit and reinforce the atmosphere in the arena. The flexibility will come from the events and conference are in the new main building. The arena will not only be home to FC Rot-Weiss Erfurt but will also be the location of national and international athletics championships, concerts, congresses and other major events.

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第3张图片
球场现状 © HPP Architects

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第4张图片
球场现状 © HPP Architects

HPP项目合伙人,设计总监 Antonino Vultaggio 先生对该项目的规划评价说到, “ 将体育场设置成景观退台的形式可以降低体育场的视觉高度, 同时强调体育场的横向形体。主场馆是多功能集中的场所,并与埃尔弗特南方公园连接到一起。

Antonino Vultaggio, HPP’s project partner and Head of Design, said of the urban development, “Setting the arena into the terraced landscape reduces its perceptible height and at the same time, emphasises the horizontal. The main building will serve as a statement of function, opening onto Erfurt’s South Park”.

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第5张图片

Master Plan 总平面图

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第6张图片
© HPP Architects

通过北面的大广场和南面的出入口可以进入体育场, 而历史建筑马拉松门就坐落于原露天站台之间

The arena is accessed via the main concourse to the north and via the southern entrance, the historic Marathon Gate that sits between the existing open-air stands.

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第7张图片
© HPP Architects


While the circulation space will remain open and freeform, the internal area will be enclosed on all eight sides.
Enclosing the stands under the roof not only contributes to the atmosphere but also to the acoustics; the new single-tier stands will be positioned as close to the cinder track as possible in order to make the stadium experience the best ever.

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第8张图片
© HPP Architects

在足球赛事期间, 主场球迷们将就坐于新建的南面的球迷区,而客场球迷们将与主场球迷区分开,位于北看台。
体育场红白相间的条纹不仅仅是为了迎合埃尔弗特的球迷们,主要还因为这个也是德国体育协会的主色调, 是代表着埃尔弗特,图林根州的首府的颜色。

During football matches, the home fans will have their new fan block in the South Stand, visiting fans will be kept well apart and will find their places in the North Stand.
The red and white livery of the arena has not been chosen only to please the FC Erfurt fans, these colours are also those of the German Athletics Association, the State of Thuringia and of its capital, Erfurt.  

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第9张图片
© HPP Architects

墨西哥风的红白图纹的屋顶赋予了这座多功能体育场独一无二的特征。梯形屋面下的主结构分成左右两个桁架,主支撑为混凝土结构,桁架为悬臂式钢结构,整个东面的看台屋顶部分由主场馆,包括看台, 主体建筑和屋顶来支撑,由此形成了一个既高效又经济的结构解决方案。

The rhythm of the roof is based on the Mexican wave and gives the multi-purpose arena its unique character. The substructure that is covered by trapezoidal sheets is divided into two sections. The roof supports are formed of concrete discs, the roof beams are cantilevered steel trusses. The entire length of the eastern roof segment will be carried by the main building such that the stands, main building and roof together form a highly-effective and economical support solution.

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第10张图片
groundfloor 1f 一层平面图

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第11张图片

Groundfloor 2f 二层平面图

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第12张图片
section aa

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第13张图片
section bb

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第14张图片
section big 剖面图

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第15张图片

elevation east 东立面

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第16张图片

elevation south 南立面

“项目从2011年5月开始得到获奖提名到最终获得埃尔弗特市政的设计合同的道路是尤其的坎坷呀”,Andreas Bausewein 市长在会议上总结道。“我非常高兴这个项目最终落实到了经验丰富的HPP和Köster 公司来设计完成。 ”
埃尔弗特体育场的施工不会影响其正常使用。 体育场预计于2016年/17年的赛季前竣工。

“The path from submission of the grant award notice in May 2011 to finally being awarded the contract by Erfurt City Council was at times particularly stony”, summarised Lord Mayor Andreas Bausewein following yesterday’s council meeting. “I’m very pleased that we have been able to secure the services of the experienced duo of HPP Architects and Köster to construct the arena.”
The construction works at the Erfurt Arena will not interrupt operations. Completion is due in time for the start of the 2016/17 season.

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第17张图片

HPP将打造埃尔弗特多功能体育场/ HPP to build the Multi-purpose Arena in Erfurt第18张图片

建筑设计:  HPP建筑事务所
项目:          埃尔弗特多功能体育场
地点:          德国埃尔弗特市 Erfurt
业主:          埃尔弗特市政府
项目性质:        竞赛
监督:          Euskirchen市体育场咨询研究所有限公司
合作伙伴:  Köster GmbH 和 HPP Architects
总承包商:        Köster GmbH, Osnabrück
建筑设计:        HPP Architects, 杜塞尔多夫
合伙人:        Gerhard G. Feldmeyer
项目合伙人:  Antonino Vultaggio
团队:          Oliver König, 马海涛, Patrick Tetzlaff
HOAI阶段:   1-5
球场容量:  18,611 观众:
9,495 坐席
7,509 站席
(其中 5,422 为主场粉丝)
1,210 business seats
343 优先席
44 轮椅席
10 是视觉障碍人士看席
主场馆:        最多2,000 人;
15 小型会议室;
2 大型会议室和2 内部会议厅
总建筑面积:        7,136 m2 主场馆
1,065 m2 足球场
景观设计:          KraftRaum, Krefeld
Architect:HPP Architects
Project:        Multi-purpose Arena Erfurt
Location:        Erfurt
Client:  Landeshauptstadt Erfurt
Procedure:  Negociated procedure
Supervisor:  Institut für Sportstättenberatung GmbH, Euskirchen
Joint Venture Partners:          Köster GmbH and HPP Architects
General Contractor:          Köster GmbH, Osnabrück
Architecture:          HPP Architects, Düsseldorf Studio
Managing Partner:        Gerhard G. Feldmeyer
Project Partner:   Antonino Vultaggio
Team:  Oliver König, Haitao Ma, Patrick Tetzlaff
HOAI Phases:        1-5
Capacity:  18,611 football spectators:
9,495 seated
7,509 standing
(of which 5,422 for home fans)
1,210 business seats
343 premium seats
44 spaces for wheelchair users
10 spaces for the blind
Events Area:        max. 2,000 guests;
15 small conference rooms;
2 large conference rooms and 2 internal conference spaces
GFA:          7,136 m2 main building
1,065 m2 stadium
Landscape Architecture:   KraftRaum, Krefeld

via: HPP建筑事务所




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