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常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第1张图片

来自专筑编辑陈晓东,范思慧的报道,城市商品房、 餐厅和商店的综合使用修复了因城市中心道路拆除所引起的区域机理的破坏。设计平衡了内外环境: 既满足了社区居民对高质量的、 现代的、 静谧的居所的要求,同时为社区配备充满活力的零售商店,行人过道,在尺度和材质上都尊重周围建筑物。

From the architect. This mixed-use development of urban market-rate homes, restaurants and shops continues the repair of the neighborhood fabric damaged by the removal of the Central Freeway. The design was developed as a balance of inside and out: equally addressing the needs of residents for high- quality, modern, peaceful homes with the needs of the community for vibrant retail, a place for pedestrians, and a texture and scale that respects the surrounding buildings.

常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第2张图片

常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第3张图片

设计的开始就考虑到项目该如何与公共空间相衔接,采用的是将项目从原先位置"拉回"的谨慎的策略,有效地释放公共空间打造舒适和 人性化的空间。该项目通过设计灵活利用并加宽的人行道和一个方便的入口将对边缘区的利用最大化,鼓励商用空间和行人进驻常春藤街。

The beginning basis of the design was a consideration of how the building would touch the public space, and the strategy used throughout is the ju- dicious “drawing back” of the building from the property line, effectively re- turning space to the public realm to create the comfortable, human-scaled edges. This building maximizes the site edge with lively uses, widened sidewalks, and a gracious entry sequence, encouraging retail spaces and residential stoops to connect outward to the street.

常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第4张图片

街角酒吧被强化,产生如同Hayes Valley中心的繁忙的单行道的感觉。在这条尺度较小的横巷里,商铺装饰一致的玻璃横窗,暗示了小区的类型性,并能通过该装饰让日光照入店中。

An emphasis on the corner bays creates a gateway feeling as the busy one-way traffic approaches the heart of Hayes Valley. At a smaller scale, transom windows line the retail arcade, referencing the common typology of the neighborhood and bringing daylight into the shops.

常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第5张图片

常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第6张图片

主入口在拐角处,是该项目人气最旺的一面,在常春藤大街更小、 更安静的一侧。入口成为一个引导居民从熙熙攘攘的高夫街遁入的"缓冲"入口,。

The main entrance is around the corner from the building’s most public face, on the smaller and quieter Ivy Street. The approach to this entrance has been arranged as a “decompression” sequence that guides residents from the bustle of Gough Street towards the sanctuary of the building.

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常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第8张图片


Inside, units are designed with modern simplicity, maximizing views with floor-to-ceiling windows and continuing the connection to outside. Just as the ground floor of the building has been pulled in away from the edge to create additional public space, the units above extend, pushing private space out over the busy sidewalks.

常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第9张图片

街角的邻里模式为住户们创造了一个附赠的独一无二的空间。屋顶有户外趣味厨房、 一个奢华的普罗梯亚木花园和一个消磨时间的庭院。外围圈的一盆盆竹子将空间隔开,居民可以用各种绿植装饰庭院。

The neighborhood-inspired pattern of bays creates unique edges for the units, adding interest. The rooftop has an outdoor entertaining kitchen, a lavish protea garden, and a patio for lounging. A perimeter of bamboo defines the common space, which is lined with planters available to residents for gardening.

常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第10张图片


On the smaller scaled Ivy Street, as height limits drop, the building chang- es tone and becomes a row of three-story townhouses. By moving the trees into planters between the street parking, pulling the building a few feet back from the property line, and lifting the first living floor off street level via indoor stoops, the design widened the sidewalk for pedestrians and buffered the townhouses from the fully public realm.

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常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第20张图片

常春藤街300号/ David Baker Architects第21张图片

建筑设计:David Baker Architects
项目地点:美国加州 三藩市常春藤街300号
摄影:Bruce Damonte
开发商:Ivy Grove Partners
承包商:Cahill Construction
景观设计:Fletcher Studio
结构工程:Murphy Burr Curry
照明设计:Horton Lees Brogden
多媒体设备:Robison Engineering
设计/制作:Pacassa Studios
户外装置:OHIO Design

Architects: David Baker Architects
Location: 300 Ivy Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA
Year: 2014
Photographs: Bruce Damonte

Developer: Ivy Grove Partners
Contractor: Cahill Construction
Landscape: Fletcher Studio
Structural Engineer: Murphy Burr Curry
Civil Engineer: Sandis
Lighting Designer: Horton Lees Brogden
Mep: Robison Engineering
Design/Fabrication: Pacassa Studios
Outdoor Furnishings: OHIO Design

编辑: ray,卢荣姝




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