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国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第1张图片


From the architect. The design of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights is driven by the concept of creating a Space for Action. The design is inspired by great urban spaces from around the world that are synonymous with historic civil and human rights events: the National Mall in Washington, Tiananmen Square in Beijing and Tahrir Square in Cairo.

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第2张图片
© Mark Herboth

该建筑的标志性的结构是两面引人注目的曲面墙。坚固的墙壁创建并界定了活动空间,这里有各种项目和交互式展览,使我们想起民权的成就,让我们意识到当前全球的人权问题。 该建筑的设计受到连接的启发,连接个人和看似兴趣不同的团体,并使他们能够找到共同点。

The iconic form of the Center is defined by two bold, curving walls. These powerful walls create and define the Space for Action where the Center and its various programs and interactive exhibits remind us of civil rights accomplishments and make us aware of current, global human rights issues. The Center’s design is inspired by the links that connect and empower individuals and groups of seemingly divergent interests to find common ground.

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第3张图片

该中心的宽敞广场邻近可口可乐博物馆和亚特兰大市中心乔治亚水族馆,欢迎着四面八方的行人。设计有几乎30英尺的高度变化,为两个楼层提供了同一水平面入口。低层入口通向伊万•艾伦Jr .大道的大广场,其特色是优雅的玻璃和钢材水雕塑,用来庆祝民权和人权。

Located adjacent to the World of Coca-Cola and the Georgia Aquarium in downtown Atlanta, The Center’s spacious plazas welcome pedestrians from all directions. With almost 30 feet of elevation change, the design offers at-grade entrances on two building levels. The lower level entrance opens onto a generous plaza at Ivan Allen Jr. Boulevard that features an elegant glass and steel water sculpture celebrating civil and human rights.

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第4张图片
© Mark Herboth


The upper-level plaza faces Pemberton Place, an elliptical pedestrian park that links The Center to other major Atlanta cultural venues. A grand exterior stair wraps the building’s east side connecting the upper and lower plazas. The stairway and terraced landscape overlook an area planted with indigenous grasses intermingled with native shade trees.

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第5张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第6张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第7张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第8张图片
© Mark Herboth

在曲面外墙内部,该中心巧妙地将游客和美国民权运动的重要历史以及当前全世界人权问题联系到一起。该项目面积42000平方英尺,共三层 ,每层都有画廊和活动空间。展览设计者是总部位于纽约的洛克威尔集团。

Within the curved exterior walls, The Center's building program is configured to connect visitors to each other, the important stories of the Civil Rights movement in the US and current human rights issues throughout the world. The 42,000 square foot building program is arranged on three levels with gallery and event space on each. The exhibit designer is New York-based Rockwell Group.

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第9张图片
© Mark Herboth


The lower level features the special gallery dedicated to the Morehouse College Martin Luther King, Jr. collection and a large multi-purpose room overlooking the lower plaza. A monumental stair connects the lower level to the main lobby above. An array of east-facing windows along this path brings daylight deep into the building.

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第10张图片
First Floor Plan/一楼平面图

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第11张图片
© Mark Herboth


Visitors access the primary building entrance and lobby from Pemberton Place – on the middle floor of the three story structure. From this lobby, one can enter the Civil Rights exhibit and galleries. A stairway leads visitors up to a sweeping balcony overlooking the lobby, Centennial Olympic Park and downtown Atlanta beyond. Both the Civil Rights and Human Rights exhibits culminate on the upper floor in a gallery of shared accomplishments that opens to the balcony and lounge.

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第12张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第13张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第14张图片
© Mark Herboth


Reflecting the diversity of humanity, the two curving walls that define the building’s form are clad in architectural panels of varying size and earth tones. A green roof features an extensive planting system that contributes to the sustainable design. Together, The Center's architecture and exhibits become a true Space for Action and create an experience that inspires each visitor through recognition of our shared history and the role we all play in supporting civil and human rights.

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第15张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第16张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第17张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第18张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第19张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第20张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第21张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第22张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第23张图片
© Mark Herboth

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第24张图片
Site Plan/场地平面图

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第25张图片
Ground Floor Plan/底层平面图

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第26张图片
Second Floor Plan/二楼平面图

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第27张图片

国家公民和人权中心 by The Freelon Group Architects + HOK第28张图片
© Mark Herboth

建筑设计:The Freelon Group Architects, HOK
摄影:Mark Herboth 
项目设计:Phil Freelon, FAIA LEED AP BD+C
项目经理:Gude Management Group in partnership with Cousins Properties
广场雕塑:Larry Kirkland Studio
照明顾问:Fisher Marantz Stone
结构设计:Walter P Moore and Sykes Engineering
土木工程:Long Engineering
机械和管道:Newcomb & Boyd
电气:Davis Pullen Engineers, Inc
承包商:H.J. Russell & Company, C.D. Moody Construction Company and Holder     Construction Company, Joint Venture
造价工程师:Cost Plus
展览设计:Rockwell Group
人权展览策展人:Jill Savitt
创意总监 (展览):George C. Wolfe
媒体内容:Batwin + Robin
互动内容:2nd Story
展览图片:Rockwell Group and MGMT
展品制作:Design & Production
展览照明:Fisher Marantz Stone
人权海报壁画:Paula Scher, Pentagram

Architects: The Freelon Group Architects, HOK
Location: 100 Ivan Allen Junior Boulevard Northwest, Atlanta, GA 30313, USA
Area: 42000.0 ft2
Project Year: 2014
Photographs: Mark Herboth 
Design Architect: Phil Freelon, FAIA LEED AP BD+C
Architect of Record: HOK
Project Manager: Gude Management Group in partnership with Cousins Properties
Landscape: HOK
Plaza Sculpture: Larry Kirkland Studio
Lighting Consultants: Fisher Marantz Stone
Structural: Walter P Moore and Sykes Engineering
Civil: Long Engineering
Mechanical And Plumbing: Newcomb & Boyd
Electrical: Davis Pullen Engineers, Inc
Contractor: H.J. Russell & Company, C.D. Moody Construction Company and Holder     Construction Company, Joint Venture
Cost Estimator: Cost Plus
Exhibit Design: Rockwell Group
Human Rights Exhibition Curator: Jill Savitt
Chief Creative Officer (Exhibits): George C. Wolfe
Media Content: Batwin + Robin
Interactive Content: 2nd Story
Exhibit Graphics: Rockwell Group and MGMT
Exhibit Fabricator: Design & Production
Exhibit Lighting: Fisher Marantz Stone
Human Rights Posters Mural: Paula Scher, Pentagram
Human Rights Defender Portraits: Platon
The People's Portfolio Hall Of Fame Portraits: Rossin





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