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高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第1张图片


来自事务所的描述。Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt在伦敦北部的布伦特完成了第一个主要项目,一个典型的大型混合开发区。2011年这个项目在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出赢得了佣金。一开始接近于在场地上建造现有的被认可的方案,在说服客户从第一原理出发,建立一个完全不同的方案,从而最大限度地提高场地的价值后,这种做法确保了项目实施。

From the architect. Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt has completed its first major project in the form of an exemplary large-scale mixed- use development in Brent, North London. The practice won the commission in 2011 against stiff competition. Having initially been approached to build out an existing consent on the site, the practice secured the project after convincing the client to start from first principles and to build an entirely different scheme thereby maximising site value.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第2张图片
© Hufton+Crow

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第3张图片
Site Plan/场地平面图


The new development is made up of four blocks comprising 144 residential units, 1,800m2 of B1 office accommodation and five live/work units, as well as underground car parking spaces. The scheme delivers much-needed housing to the area, providing a mix of larger than average 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom units, 3- bedroom duplexes, and 4-bedroom houses.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第4张图片
© Hufton+Crow


The architectural and material quality creates buildings that are contextual and contemporary, reflecting the industrial urban history of the area. Buff brick is the primary component for buildings A – C. Building D is different in appearance and reverses the materiality of the others by being clad in wooden veneered panels (Parklex), reflecting both its orientation to the other buildings and its use, containing a significant area of B1 use class. These materials bring a timeless quality to the buildings.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第5张图片
© Hufton+Crow


The elevational treatment has been a key consideration throughout the design process. The three brick buildings have been designed with a unique composition to the front street, each enjoying its own identity.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第6张图片
© Hufton+Crow


The main facades comprise a carefully considered rhythm of recessed balconies and feature perforated brick screens. To avoid stacked repetition in the elevation, the apartments have been designed so that they are able to flip in plan. The ‘jali’ perforated brick screens add visual interest to the façade while providing privacy for the residents.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第7张图片
Duplex Unit/复式房屋


The larger rear block plays on a composition of projecting and recessed balconies. Balconies of differing widths and depths create a dynamic facade as a perfect backdrop to the relatively calm front blocks.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第8张图片
© Hufton+Crow


Double-height live/work units positioned to the front of the scheme, designed in collaboration with the artists’ charity ACAVA (the Association for Cultural Advancement through Visuals Art), add animation to street level.

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4 bed house/4室住宅


Ample amenity spaces are provided with a dedicated ‘play space’ to the north of the site. The courtyard spaces are designed to encourage social interaction among the residents and are accessed across the scheme. All apartments exceed London Housing Design Guide spatial standards and feature private amenity space in the form of large balconies and rooftop terraces.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第10张图片
© Hufton+Crow


Throughout the design process improvements were made to the wider public realm. Steps such as ensuring better highways and planting more trees help to improve the local area and benefit the existing community and future residents. A new controlled ‘home zone’ area minimises all but essential vehicular access, thereby creating an improved pedestrian realm.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第11张图片
Typical Apartment Layouts/公寓布局

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第12张图片
© Hufton+Crow

园林景观(来自Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt)的设计优化了公共空间的舒适性价值,鼓励社区的融合意识和一种参与感。景观还提供了对地面层的隐私保护,同时,精心设置的交通核心筒确保了被动监测系统的运行。

Landscaping (by Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt) has been designed to optimise the amenity value of the communal spaces, encouraging a sense of community and engagement. Landscaping also provides privacy at ground floor level while carefully positioned circulation cores ensure passive surveillance.

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第13张图片
© Hufton+Crow

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第14张图片
Live/ Work Unit/生活/工作单元

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第15张图片
Typical 2B/4P Unit Block D/典型的2室/4单元D座

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Typical Bay Elevation/立面图

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Site Section/剖面图

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第18张图片
Typical Bay Section/剖面图

高山之地 / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt第19张图片
Section Diagram/剖面图-图解

建筑设计:Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt
摄影: Hufton+Crow
承包商:Jaysam Contractors
结构工程: Pindoria Associates
机电工程:David Unerman Associates / Bannerman Consulting Engineers

Architects: Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt
Location: London Borough of Brent, Greater London, UK
Area: 17000.0 sqm
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Hufton+Crow
Contractor: Jaysam Contractors
Structural Engineer: Pindoria Associates
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer: David Unerman Associates / Bannerman Consulting Engineers
Total cost: £25m





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