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松岛住宅 / architect-K第1张图片

Songdo House



From the architect. Design Direction.

Busan City suddenly had swollen by the influx of refugees during Korea War. The refugees had built irregular shape's homes according to the topography of mountains in Busan City in a short time. Numerous alleys has stemmed from the relations of the houses. Now, 65 years after Korea war, the irregular houses’s urban fabric becomes a unique feature of Busan City. The view suddenly appearing through alleys and houses forms a distinguish urban landscape from other cities.

松岛住宅 / architect-K第2张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan


AAWH is a project to compose city alleys in a space, House. A curvy mass was naturally extended from the east hill of the site to sea. In accordance with the mass, the main circulations were set on each floor. Eight stairs crossing the main circulations and One tube bridge were placed in the mass. In this process, spaces emerged and programs were defined. In the mass, alleys and spaces coexist. User can constantly combine new route with the alleys in the house. Windows of limited visibility provides new awareness the landscape of the hill and sea.

松岛住宅 / architect-K第3张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan



Program Proposal.
Songdo Beach was the first Public Beach of the nation. It had time receiving spotlight as luxury vacation spot and honeymoon destination before and after Korean Liberation. In the storm of developing in 1960s~70s, bad quality’s commercial facilities like raw fish house had occupied the beach and people had hesitated to visit the beach. After experiencing the damaging effects of these indiscriminate development, a variety of restrictions and the efforts of citizen community has made water clean and transformed the beach into a favorite place for family vacationer.

松岛住宅 / architect-K第4张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan


Once Songdo Beach was called as Napoli of Korea. We proposes a resort type residence that includes a public gallery as an alternative to the positive development of Songdo Beach. In and out space of the house are filled with views of nature and recreation program. Ocean Gallery which can be open to the public will act as a beneficial cultural element in the dense commercial area. It is recovering the original value of closest beach from the old downtown of Busan and also exploring the possibility as new residential area with the good environment. Actually, after the house completion, well-designed houses with recreation programs are springing up around the site.

松岛住宅 / architect-K第5张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan



Materials Expression
In AAWH, exposed concrete, bamboo formwork exposed concrete, pine formwork exposed concrete, wood bricks, basalt bricks, metal panels were used. These materials provide the flow of the circulations and highlight the alleys in the spaces, and therefore the spaces of programs are defined by them. Because the space can be defined by the other elements, we name the space Dependent-Independent Space.

松岛住宅 / architect-K第6张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan

松岛住宅 / architect-K第7张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan

松岛住宅 / architect-K第8张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan

松岛住宅 / architect-K第9张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan

松岛住宅 / architect-K第10张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan

松岛住宅 / architect-K第11张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan

松岛住宅 / architect-K第12张图片
© Yoon Joonhwan

松岛住宅 / architect-K第13张图片
Site Plan/总平面图

松岛住宅 / architect-K第14张图片
Floor Plan/楼层平面图

松岛住宅 / architect-K第15张图片
Floor Plan/楼层平面图

松岛住宅 / architect-K第16张图片
Floor Plan/楼层平面图

松岛住宅 / architect-K第17张图片
Floor Plan/楼层平面图

松岛住宅 / architect-K第18张图片

松岛住宅 / architect-K第19张图片

松岛住宅 / architect-K第20张图片

松岛住宅 / architect-K第21张图片

松岛住宅 / architect-K第22张图片

摄影:Yoon Junhwan
场地面积:1111 .53m2
占地面积:454.02 m2
总建筑面积:1644 .72m2

Site Area: 1,111.53m2
Site Covering Area: 454.02m2
Total Floor Area: 1,644.72m2
Architects: architect-K
Location: Busan, South Korea
Project Year: 2014
Photographs:Yoon Junhwan





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