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魁北克国家艺术博物馆pierre lassonde场馆开幕/OMA第1张图片

pierre lassonde pavilion at MNBAQ set to open in quebec city


魁北克国家艺术博物馆宣布其新馆——pierre lassonde场馆将于2016年6月24日开幕。该场馆由OMA建筑事务所设计,设计结合了博物馆现有建筑,使主体面积扩大了近90%。该设计连接了魁北克城市的街道空间,延伸了临近国家战争公园的景观空间。场馆将在魁北克省庆(国家法定假日)期间开幕,将举办六场新展览以及持续三天的免费公共艺术表演。

the musée national des beaux-arts du québec (MNBAQ) has announced that it will open its new building, named the ‘pierre lassonde pavilion’, on june 24, 2016. designed by OMA, the major addition increases floor space by 90 percent, while bringing together the museum’s existing buildings. the scheme also extends the street life of québec city and the landscape of the neighboring parc des champs-de-bataille. the pavilion opens with six new exhibitions and three days of free public programs during ‘la fête nationale du québec’ — the province’s national holiday.

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image by iwan baan / © OMA


“对于博物馆来说,这次设计仿佛是一次战略性的行军部署,因为它原本是公园中的一间博物馆,但是他们得到的这块基地又正对着城市的主干道grand allée大道,”重松向平解释道。


MNBAQ’s mission is to promote and preserve québec art, from the 17th century to contemporary periods, and to showcase international art within québec city. more details of the new 14,900 square meter (160,382 square feet) structure were unveiled at a press event in new york, where shohei shigematsu — OMA partner leading the design — expanded on the concept behind the project.
‘it was a very strategic move for the museum, because it used to be a museum in the park, but they acquired a site facing the grand allée — which is the main boulevard of the city,’ explained shohei shigematsu.
‘the park and the city and the museum can all extend at the same time at this strategic point. so it’s not just a museum extension, but also an extension of the art and the city. art becomes the catalyst between the park and the city.’

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建筑主体面积增加了90%/the major addition increases floor space by 90 percent. image by iwan baan / © OMA


‘our design stacked three gallery volumes in a cascade that continues the topography of the park. the activity of the city extends below, providing a new point of interface between the city and the park,’ continues shigematsu. ‘the façade is a triple-glaze, for which we have used three panes of different glass. the first one is textured, the last one is fritted, and one is regular glass, which creates this kind of depth.
this also creates a ghost of the structure as a pattern. this is a textured glass so it captures different lights. it changes from very crisp — almost like ice or metal — to a typical green glass that has some resonance or some synergy with the church’s copper roof.’

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26.5米长的悬臂限定了新的城市广场空间/a dramatic cantilever of 26.5 meters shelters a new urban plaza. image by iwan baan / © OMA

新建筑的后方是位于魁北克国家战争公园的博物馆现存的三间场馆(分别建于1867年,1933年和1991年),该三家场馆也交由provencher_roy architectes事务所进行翻新。OMA事务所的扩建部分通过一条130米长的地下通道与这个建筑群相连,同时正对grande allée大道上呈现出透明的外观。

behind the new building, realized in collaboration with provencher_roy architectes, the museum’s three existing pavilions (dating from 1867, 1933 and 1991, respectively) stand within the historic parc des champs-de-bataille. OMA’s addition connects with this complex via a 130 meter-long (427 feet) subterranean passageway, while simultaneously presenting a transparent façade towards the adjacent grande allée.

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夹层楼连接了临时和永久的展览空间/mezzanines link the temporary and permanent exhibition spaces. image by iwan baan / © OMA

场馆内部,无柱画廊、礼堂、咖啡屋和博物馆商店依次布置在逐渐缩小的三个建筑体量中。这些堆叠的体块从花园一侧延伸到道路的上方。正对着grande allée大道的是一间12.5米高的大厅,其最高层向外延伸26.5米,创造了一个戏剧化的悬臂但也庇护了这个新的城市广场。建筑师注重室内的景观视线的设计,做到了移步换景。当你沿着巨大的旋转楼梯或者一个弹出式的楼梯时,随时可以看到花园、城市以及博物馆遗址的风景。建筑内部,夹层空间连接了临时和永久的展览空间,此外,上部以及屋顶露台也为户外展览和活动提供了场所。

inside the pavilion, column-free galleries, an auditorium, a café, and a museum store are all housed in three volumes of decreasing size. these stacked components rise in tiers from the park to the streetfront. a grand hall 12.5 meters in height (41 feet) faces the grande allée, where the uppermost tier’s dramatic cantilever of 26.5 meters (87 feet) shelters a new urban plaza. orchestrated views from a monumental spiral stairway — as well as an extruded pop-out stair — orient the visitor to the park, the city, and the remainder of the museum. within the volumes, mezzanines link the temporary and permanent exhibition spaces, while above, roof terraces provide space for outdoor displays and activities.

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建筑采用三层玻璃为室内捕捉光线/tripled-glazing has been used to filter light inside the building. image by iwan baan / © OMA

魁北克国家艺术博物馆董事会主席pierre lassonde说:“我们非常开心,再过几周这座由OMA建筑事务所精心设计的场馆将迎来第一批参观者,我们也非常感谢OMA事务所帮助我们庆祝魁北克艺术节。通过这座功能丰富且具有重要象征性的扩建项目,我们博物馆现在对于魁北克城市居民的服务已经上升到一个新的高度,同时也享誉全世界。

pierre lassonde, chair of the MNBAQ board of directors, said, ‘we are delighted to be only weeks away from welcoming the public into this brilliantly conceived design by OMA, which will do so much to help us celebrate the art and artists of québec. with this beautifully functioning and symbolically important addition, our museum now rises to a new level of service for the people of québec city, and a new prominence for visitors from around the world.’

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巨大的旋转楼梯有助于引导参观者的视线/orchestrated views from a monumental spiral stairway help orient the visitor. image by iwan baan / © OMA

“魁北克的世界历史遗迹现在也有了新的地标建筑,”行政董事兼首席策展人line ouellet补充说。“清新且巧妙地pierre lassonde场馆屹立在基地上,完美地融入周边的环境,同时通过出乎意料的设计挖掘出城市区域的潜力。场馆内包含了丰富的展览画廊、礼堂、咖啡和其他设施,它可以让我们实现博物馆的各种可能性需求。”

‘the world heritage site of québec city now has a new landmark,’ added line ouellet, executive director and chief curator. ‘lucid and ingenious, the pierre lassonde pavilion simultaneously stands out on its site and weaves itself into its surroundings, bringing out the potential of the urban situation with a logic that is as impeccable as it is unexpected. with its spacious exhibitions galleries, auditorium, café and other amenities, it will enable us to realize our museum’s highest possibilities.’

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建筑内部呈现出雕塑般的形式/internally, the building takes on a more sculptural form. image by iwan baan / © OMA


the museum will present six new exhibitions dedicated to québec art from 1960 to the present, as well as large scale works to inaugurate the new pavilion. MNBAQ will celebrate the opening of the pavilion, which coincides with québec’s national holiday, by offering three days of free admission and an open-air festival.

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从建筑底部向上仰视/looking upwards through the stacked volumes. image by iwan baan / © OMA

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参考魁北克国旗的礼堂蓝色座椅/the blue seats of the auditorium reference the flag of québec. image by iwan baan / © OMA

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屋顶露台为户外表演和活动提供场所/roof terraces provide space for outdoor displays and activities. image by iwan baan / © OMA

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从基地后方的公园远眺建筑/the building viewed from the park at the rear of the plot. image by iwan baan / © OMA

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image by iwan baan / © OMA

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image by iwan baan / © OMA

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image by iwan baan / © OMA

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image by iwan baan / © OMA

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image by iwan baan / © OMA

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image by iwan baan / © OMA

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image by iwan baan / © OMA

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image by iwan baan / © OMA
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image by iwan baan / © OMA

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二层平面图/floor plan / level 2

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三层平面图/floor plan / level 3

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四层平面图/floor plan / level 4

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A-A剖面图/section AA

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B-B剖面图/section BB

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D-D剖面图/section DD

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E-E剖面图/section EE

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概念分析图/Concept diagram

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功能分区图/programmatic diagram

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功能分区图/programmatic diagram

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项目模型/project model

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项目模型/project model

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项目模型/project model

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项目模型/project model

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项目模型/project model

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项目模型/project model





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