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威尔士Life House/John Pawson第1张图片

John Pawson's Life House is a Welsh countryside retreat built from dark and light bricks


伦敦设计师John Pawson完成了阿兰•德波顿组织的第七个住宅项目:建筑静卧在威尔士山谷之中,拥有暗色的建筑表皮,室内则恬淡素雅。

John Pawson从日本住宅和本笃会修道院中获得灵感,设计了这幢260平方米的公寓,希望“为来访者带来极度的宁静感”。

London designer John Pawson has completed the seventh property in Alain de Botton's Living Architecture series: a Welsh valley retreat with a dark skin and a pale interior (+ slideshow).
The British designer took cues from both Japanese houses and Benedictine monasteries with his design for Life House, a 260-square-metre property intended to "immerse the visitor in a zone of extreme calm".

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第2张图片


“在这幢建筑中,我希望打造一个现代化的住所,游客在这里能够进行思考与自省、沉浸在自然之中,感受自然与空间的静谧。” 极简主义大师Pawson表示。

Its features include a dark, peaceful chamber buried into the hillside, a contemplation space facing the Welsh mountains, and a room dedicated to bathing.
"In this house I wanted to create a modern, secular retreat, where guests can experience the benefits of introspection, solitude and immersion in nature," explained Pawson, who is famed for his minimal style of architecture.

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第3张图片

Life House在威尔士被称作Tyˆ Bywyd,位于兰德林多德韦尔斯附近的小山坡中,是威尔士的第一幢度假式居住建筑。

阿兰•德波顿——著名作家与哲学家,在2010年成立非营利组织以促进英国当代建筑的发展。Living architecture其他的租赁项目还包括MVRDV设计的令人惊异的平衡别墅和由FAT和 Grayson Perry共同设计的梦幻般的埃塞克斯别墅。

Life House – or Tyˆ Bywyd, as it is called in Welsh – is located on the lower slopes of a valley near Llandrindod Wells. It is the first Welsh property in Living Architecture's portfolio of holiday homes.
Alain de Botton, a writer and philosopher, established the company in 2010 to promote contemporary architecture to the UK public. Other properties if offers for rent include a dramatically cantilevered Suffolk barn by MVRDV and a fairytale-inspired Essex cottage by FAT and Grayson Perry.

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第4张图片



Unlike these two examples, which form eye-catching additions to the landscape, Pawson's property is designed to be as subtle as possible, fading into the background like a shadow.
To create this sombre appearance, its exterior is predominately formed from just one material – a black Danish brick.

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第5张图片



The same material provides the walls inside the building, but the tone changes to a very pale grey.
Over 80,000 handmade bricks were used in total, and are complemented by other simple finishes including polished concrete floors and Douglas fir timber ceilings.

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第6张图片



The floor plan is organised around two corridors that together form an L shape. One, known as the dark corridor, leads down to the submerged chamber where guests are invited to lie down in darkness.
The second, or light, corridor ends with a similar space located outdoors, where the same exercise is encouraged.

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第7张图片



A combined kitchen, dining area and lounge are positioned at the heart of the building.
There are also three bedroom suites, all dedicated to different activities. The bathing suite features a grand bathtub, the music suite is fitted out with a sound system and a curated music selection, and the library bedroom is filled with a broad collection of literature.

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第8张图片



All of these rooms have large windows, allowing guests to enjoy the landscape during all activities.
"The location is wonderfully remote and I wanted to create a sanctuary where people feel at home, but never insulated from the elemental character of the surrounding landscape," added Pawson.

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第9张图片

Living Architecture开始接受Life House的预订,Life House是“一个静谧、适合沉思和休养的居所”。

阿兰•德波顿表示:“我们希望通过Life House重塑现代世俗的清修式居所,回到早期的东方佛教和西方哲学所提倡的恬淡生活。”


Living Architecture will start accepting bookings for Life House imminently. The company has billed the property as "a retreat where serenity, contemplation and restoration are foremost".
"With Life House, we were looking to reinvent the monastery for a secular modern age, based upon the concept of a retreat, to take us back to the earliest days of Buddhism in the east and of Stoic philosophy in the west," said Alain De Botton.
"In both cases, the busy city was held to provide certain opportunities while at the same time, cutting us off from others," he added. "Chiefly, the risk is that we will forget to make time for ourselves, and omit to understand our own minds – and our need for calm and perspective."

威尔士Life House/John Pawson第10张图片

John Pawson unveiled his design for Life House back in 2013/早在2013年,John Pawson公布了Life House方案设计。

John Pawson于1981年在伦敦创立了事务所,项目包括克里斯托弗•凯恩的第一家店和众多的宗教空间,例如圣莫里茨教堂。


摄影:Gilbert McCarragher.

John Pawson established his London office in 1981. His portfolio includes several minimal boutiques, including Christopher Kane's first store, and numerous religious spaces, like the St Moritz Church.
He is currently working on the new home for London's Design Museum, and recently completed a clifftop holiday home in Japan.
Photography is by Gilbert McCarragher.





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