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2006年,MEP平行开发项目组织了一场设计竞赛,旨在为FIM在沃州设计一座新的总部建筑,LOCALARCHITECTURE建筑事务所和Danilo Mondada建筑设计院共同在这次竞赛中获得了优胜。然而由于FIM内部管理变动,该项目被取消。2013年,公司调整了项目功能,重新邀请建筑师进行了新一轮方案选拔,LOCALARCHITECTURE建筑事务所的方案中标。

Elegant and iconic, the new headquarters of the FIM (International Motorcycling Federation) had to wait ten years before taking shape on a site in the outskirts of Geneva where road and railway meet.

It was in 2006 that LOCALARCHITECTURE and Bureau d’Architecture Danilo Mondada won the competition (conducted by the MEP – Mandat d’études Parallèles – parallel development selection process) for the extension of the International Motorcycling Federation’s main headquarters in Mies in the canton of Vaud. Following a change of administration at the FIM the project was abandoned. A new selection procedure with invited architects was launched in 2013, with a modified functional programme. At this point the mandate was awarded to LOCALARCHITECTURE.

▼ 圆形的建筑外观,the circular building


公园中的建筑A pavilion in a park新的国际摩托车运动联合会总部位于连接日内瓦和沃州的铁路和州际公路之间,其所在坡地上长满树木,周边环境如同公园一般自然美丽。建筑位于基地地势较低处,圆形的结构给附近的人们留下了深刻印象。

Set between the railway and the cantonal road connecting Geneva to the canton of Vaud, on a sloping terrain with trees, the new international headquarters of the motorcycling world has the air of a pavilion in a park. The building occupies the lower part of the naturally landscaped plot, an imposing circular presence when seen from the adjacent roundabout.

▼ 建筑位于公路边,四周植物葱郁,building along the road, surrounded by lush plants


▼ 总平面图,建筑位于公路和铁道之间,周边树木繁茂,site plan, building between the road and the railway, with trees around


动感加速度Acceleration, speed and kinetics建筑设置在基座上,上方宽阔的圆形平屋顶由精巧的柱子支撑,在地区多样化的建筑环境中显得卓尔不群,成为了人们关注的焦点。

Set on a base which raises it above ground level and protected by a wide flat roof supported by fine columns, the building stands out as the focal point in a diverse architectural context.

▼ 纤细的柱子如森林一般连接屋顶和地面,slim columns connecting the roof slab and the ground like forest


建筑主体为圆形,椭圆形地基和屋面相互错开,由森林般的柱网连接,让人感受到摩托车世界的速度和动感。 当人们从州际公路或铁道上经过时,富有节奏感的垂直柱网和后退的立面将呈现给他们一种动态的效果。人们可以通过基地边的步道进入建筑。主入口与道路直接相连,次入口被设在北侧,连接员工停车场。

Its circular forms evoke the movement and speed of the motorcycling world, suggested by the dynamic arrangement of the offset oval slabs connected by a forest of pillars. The vertical rhythm of the pillars and the depth of the façade produce a kinetic effect when viewed by passing drivers on the cantonal road or passengers on the railway.The building is accessed by a path adjacent to the site. The main entrance connects directly to the access road while a secondary entrance on the north side of the building connects to the staff car park.

▼ 错落的柱子充满节奏感,pillars with vertical rhythm



光与透明性Light and transparency新的FIM总部取代了原有的建筑,包括地上两层和地下室,一层设有两个入口,与立面垂直。两个入口明确了楼层的网格布局,将使用者引入了中央大厅,他们可以从这里进入不同的功能区域。主要的公共空间位于建筑一层,东侧为礼堂和训练室,南侧为咖啡厅和展区。空间采用模块化设计,可以根据不同的需求而变化。

The new FIM building replaces the former headquarters, which was demolished. It comprises two storeys over the existing basement level and is accessed by two entrances, perpendicular to the façade, on the ground floor. They define the regular grid of the floorplan, leading users to a central hall which provides access to the various functions. The ground floor houses the major communal spaces: the auditorium and the training room on the east side, the cafeteria and exhibition space to the south. The spaces are designed to be flexible and modular.

▼ 一层平面图,两个入口相互垂直,室内布局规整,椭圆形屋顶和地面相错,富有动感,first floor plan, perpendicular entrances defining regular layout. The oval roof and ground staggered, creating a dynamicoutlook



At the heart of the building, with natural lighting from the skylight domes, is a monumental staircase that connects the two levels. Its spiral form extends the upward movement of the entrance hall, leading towards the administration and management facilities on the upper storey. Cast in concrete as a single unit, its triangular underside suggests a vertebrate structure – like a spinal column bearing the transparent framework of the building as a whole.

▼ 大厅中部的楼梯,下部呈三角形,如同建筑的脊柱,the spiral stair in the center of the hall, like the spine of the building with triangular underside


▼ 圆拱天窗照亮空间,skylight domes give light to the space


▼ 二层空间明亮通透,bright and transparent space on the upper floor


用户体验User comfort建筑的技术设施最大化保证了其使用的灵活性。外围的办公区中设有热敏板系统,可以通过天花调整室内温度,抬起的地板下设置了通风系统和电网。大厅以及通道区域除了一层的地暖设施外没有设置任何技术装置,空间简洁开阔。一层外侧的遮阳系统和二层上方伸出的屋面根据当地太阳运行的轨迹设计,有效控制了由于光照造成的季节性过热,创造了舒适的使用环境。

The building’s technical facilities were developed to ensure maximum flexibility for its users. In the peripheral office areas, the thermally active slab system provides heating and cooling from the ceiling, while the ventilation system and electricity network are fitted below the raised floor. The hall and circulation areas are free of all technical installations except for the floor at ground level, which is heated. Building acoustics are managed via circular baffles arranged on the office ceilings. Seasonal overheating from solar energy is managed at ground level by a system of external blinds and on the upper storey by the oversized roof slab, its contour designed to match the sun’s pathway across the sky.

▼ 夜景,伸出的大屋顶有效提供遮阳,night view, extended roof provides shade to the interior


▼ 二层平面图,second floor plan


▼ 立面图,elevation


▼ 剖面图,section


Architects: LOCALARCHITECTURE, Lausanne

Construction management: Thinka Architecture studio, Onex

Civil engineering: INGENI, Ingénierie Structurale, Carouge

Heating/Ventilation/Plumbing/Electricity engineers: Amstein Walthert, Geneva

Acoustical engineering: Architecture & Acoustique SA, Geneva

Lighting: Etienne Gillabert, Paris

Façade design: BCS SA, Neuchatel

Surveyor: Olivier Peitrequin, Nyon

Location: Route de Suisse 11, CH-1295 Mies (VD), Switzerland

Client: FIM – Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (International Motorcycling Federation)

Geographic coordinates: 502080 / 128150

Design: Ma: April 2014 – March 2016

Ground area: 72,250 m2

Built area (footprint) : 1,054 m2

Gross usable area: 1,500 m2

Volume (SIA – Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects standards): 5,540 m3

Administrative building

On two levels over existing basement level, with central circulation zone

Ground floor:

1 auditorium seating 100

1 training room seating 30

1 exhibition space

1 cafeteria

1 logistics office

1 mail room

1 IT office

2 meeting rooms

Upper storey:

2 presidential offices

6 management offices

4 group offices



Chinese text: gooood




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