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9 Things You Didn’t Know about Frank Gehry !



1.真正的名字是Frank Owen Goldberg

虽然在关于他的文章和书籍中重复出现了这个错误信息,但是他的名字并不是以Ephraim Goldberg。Ephraim是他祖父给他起的希伯来名字,但他从未被家人用过。他从建筑学院毕业后,把姓改为盖里,以排除反犹太主义。

Considering the architects who have left a stigma in contemporary architecture, Frank Gehry pops up to mind automatically. The geometric abstraction of his buildings makes his work recognizable worldwide. His success made him a celebrity, a star architect, known for his ingeniousness, marketing leadership, even some scandals, and failures. “Context is the whole thing,” says Goldberger, who has been following his career since his early years. (Budds D., 2015). So, what is the background story, the philosophy of this engaging personality? What are the elements that formed the architect Frank Gehry? Here are 9 things you didn’t know about him.

1.His real name is Frank Owen Goldberg
Although many writers repeat this misinformation in articles and books about him, he wasn’t named Ephraim Goldberg. Ephraim was the Hebrew name his grandfather gave him but was never used by his family. (Reinhart A., 2010) He changed his surname to Gehry after he graduated from architecture school to preclude anti – Semitism.

Frank Gehry演示了他的纸板书桌的耐久性/Frank Gehry demonstrates the durability of his compressed cardboard desk- Photo by Ralph Morse (1972)



2. There is an ichthyological inspiration in his early designs
As a Jewish kid, Frank Gehry grew up in a house where there was always live carp in the bathtub for Sabbath suppers. (Reinhart A., 2010) In spite of the urban legend surrounding this story, his fish-shaped figures have not occurred from this childhood experience. He defines their origin in a speech he gave in 1980’s, criticizing postmodernism and its attachment to the past, the existing of fish before the human being. What he was seeking in these designs were the feeling of movement and the undulating surfaces.

巴塞罗那-奥林匹克新港/El pez dorado del Puerto Olímpico de Barcelona – Photography: CORBIS



3. Los Angeles has a great impact on his work
L.A. is a city of mobility, constant movement, and ephemerality. Although Gehry was born in Toronto in 1929, he spent most of his life there and got influenced by its character and rhythms. “Gehry’s architecture starts out by accepting L.A. for what it is”: the lack of typology, the temporary nature. He has a unique way of integrating into the city; he will respect the procedure, but never a given environment or context. (Moneo R., 2004) His buildings are the landmark, not a mild intervention.

1979秋季,Frank Gehry在南加州建筑学院演讲/Frank Gehry lectures at the Southern California Institute of Architecture, Fall 1979. Photography of the SCI-Arc Media Archive.

4. 他的建筑是由无趣的组合而定义的

这位解构主义建筑师说:“我最喜欢的是将项目分解成尽可能多的单独部分。对他来说,形式并不是封闭和完美的; 他正在寻求初步想法进入项目之中,这也使得客户更多地参与从而得到最终的结果。他是一位自由的精神建构者,他认为,对建筑和材料的新观念可以创造一个新的建筑。

4. His buildings are defined by an absence of interest in composition
“What I like best is breaking down the project into as many separate parts as possible,” says the deconstructivist architect. For him, the form is not something closed and perfect; he is seeking the evolution of his preliminary idea into the building process, which also allows the client more involvement in the final result. He is a free spirit builder who believes that a fresh look at construction and materials can create a new architecture. (Moneo R., 2004)

Frederick Fisher, Robert Mangurian, Eric Owen Moss, Coy Howard, Craig Hodgetts, Thom Mayne, and Frank Gehry at Venice Beach, 1980. ©1980 Ave Pildas.

5. 盖里忽略了建筑的传统特征


5. Gehry ignores the traditional representation of architecture
Floor plans, sections, and elevations are his kryptonite. Once he creates the basic masses in sketches – scribbles, as he calls them – he is no longer interested in the concept of the designing process. He believes that this is a trap meant to cage the architect between the original idea and the reality of construction. However, model making is essential to his experiments with volumes and shapes, and along with the computer technology he has been developing to solve structural problems, he accomplished the impossible: to turn an abstract sketch into a building. (Keskeys P., 2016)

Frank Gehry草图/Frank Gehry Sketch – Courtesy of Gehry Partners, LLP


盖里以雕塑式的建筑设计为突出特点。他的每个项目都有弯曲的形式,棱镜,运动和躁动不安的概念。 “创新只能来自更像艺术家的人,而弗兰克•盖里(Frank Gehry)则是在这种层次结构中超越所有人的艺术家。”因此,他的建筑物是艺术品,脆弱的物体,需要在不断变化的城市环境中生存。

6. He works more like an artist rather than an architect
The sculpturesque of his designs is Gehry’s identifying characteristic. Curvy forms, prisms, notions of movement and restlessness are present in each one of his projects. “Innovation can only come from people that are more like artists, and Frank Gehry is the artist who stands above all others in such hierarchy.” (White S., Wright G.P., 2003). Thus, his buildings are works of art, fragile objects that need to survive in an ever-changing urban environment.

Foggy’s owner Gehry at the helm, with Foggy’s owner, Richard Cohen (right). Photography: Todd Eberle


盖里是一名游艇爱好者,并在几个项目中使用了帆船的形状,如毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆和巴黎的路易威登基金会。他在2008年与德国造船厂德国Frers合作设计了Foggy,这是Richard Cohen的一艘船,因为是86岁的盖里设计领域的巨大转变而闻名。他称其实这个项目已经酝酿多年,但由于工作量,没有时间把它付诸实现。


当被称为明星建筑师时,盖里都会很生气,无论是出于这个饱受争议的词语,还是出于谦虚;他认为自己只是一个建筑师。两年前,在西班牙奥维多举行的新闻发布会上,一位记者问他是否认为他的建筑是卓越不凡的。弗兰克•盖里(Frank Gehry)举起中指,后来长时间的沉默。他声称他只是在做自己的工作,有些人也是这么喜欢的。后来他道歉,将这种不当行为归因于“错误的时刻”。

7. He recently designed his first yacht
Gehry is a keen yachtsman and has used the shapes of sails in several projects, such as the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris. He collaborated in 2008 with the German shipyard German Frers to design Foggy, a boat for Richard Cohen, distinguished for the great undulating patterns of the 86-year-old architect. He had this project in his mind for many years but no time to put it in realization due to workload.

8. Frank Gehry once misbehaved in a press conference
When called a stararchitect, Gehry is usually irritated, both for the controversial meaning that this word has acquired but also out of modesty; he considers himself just an architect. Two years ago, in a press conference  in Oviedo, Spain, a journalist asked him whether he thinks that his architecture is pretentious, a spectacle. Frank Gehry raised his middle finger, and a long silence followed. He claimed that he is only doing his work, and some people appreciate it as it is. Later he apologized, imputing this misbehavior to “a wrong moment.”

今天的建筑大多是“纯狗屎”!盖里说/Most of today’s architecture is “pure shit” ! Gehry said

9. 总有一些我们不了解他的东西



9. There will always be things we don’t know about him
Frank Gehry is a unique personality and that reflects in all of his work. He never stops evolving, looking for a new architecture, escaping the ordinary, ignoring typologies and contexts. He bears the mark of the temporary, the ephemeral, (Moneo R., 2004) he is so unpredictable that he never fails to surprise us. He is a rebel after all.
“There is sort of rules about architectural expression
which have to fit into a certain channel. Screw that! It
doesn’t mean anything. I am going to do what I do the
best and if it’s no good the marketplace will deny it.”
—Frank Gehry.





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