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“Architecture for kids “: Why all children must learn architecture !!!
2015年,在西班牙加利西亚的Ceip Praza de Barcelos小学举办了一个叫做“Arquitectura Para NiñOS”的活动项目,也可以称为“儿童建筑教育计划”,主要为学校四年级的学生们介绍建筑课程。
In 2015, an educational initiative of a local project called “Arquitectura Para Niños” or “Architecture for Children” had taught an introductory architecture course to fourth-year students of the Ceip Praza de Barcelos primary school in Galicia, Spain.
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
“在当今这个信息爆炸时代,孩子们必须学会如何定位和筛选开发自己的内容。”团队领导者Ana Barreiro、Marta Guirado和Africa Martinez解释说。
“Society today is under information overload, children need to learn to locate and filter it through and develop their own content, explains the initiative team led by Ana Barreiro, Marta Guirado and Africa Martinez.”
The project succeeded through the collaboration of students, teachers, and parents who have been very interactive and receptive to this innovative idea and are now working on extending the educational project. Through hands-on experience, children are now able to observe and reflect on architectural content while learning other school subjects like Natural Sciences, Geography, Mathematics, Art Education and English.
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
The project was selected for the EducaBarrié scholarly program from 2014 to 2015 and was supported by the Barrié Foundation to be considered as a new model of education in the public school in Galicia.
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
The program was developed to adopt active learning methodologies to encourage children to learn through activities designed to explore specific content more deeply. The children learn critical thinking and become more aware of their environment through guided play and discovery-learning.
It consists of seven units where children explore the characteristics of materials, make observations about space and discover more about the areas they live inhabit.
The seven units or sessions that children are taught are:
Session 1: Shelter. Animal and human behavior: The children learn all about building a shelter using a set of bars and nodes to understand structural systems.
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Session 2: Housing. Territorial and social factors: They learn about the Construction of a model: Each child builds a model of an imaginary house from a cardboard box using colored paper, markers, scissors and glue.
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Session 3: Anthropometry. Measure and proportion: Children learn about planning and measurements through various processes as:
a) Staking a standard room, each child recreates a room at a 1:1 scale using colored tape.
b) Measurements, where each child uses a tape measure to take measurements of the chair and desk that they use every day.
c) Planning out a room as each child draws the floor of his room on a grid of 30 x 30 cm. They then place the major aspects of their bedroom (doors, windows, furniture) and record their dimensions.
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Session 4: Scale and basic architectural vocabulary: The kids play various games and undertake activities to learn architectural vocabulary through
a) The scale game: where each child draws a stick figure person to demonstrate the appropriate size.
b) Architecture for kids: Each student writes a story with an architectural theme titled “My favorite house” using some words from an assigned vocabulary list (at least 6 of the 30 words).
Session 5: Tools of the architect: Models and plans: In this session, the children go from plans to the real word in a Fieldwork where their task is to identify objects on plans in reality and then correct the plans to include objects that didn’t appear on their sheets.
Session 6: Immediate surroundings. Observations: Group brainstorming session are undertaken on an up to date model of the Plaza de Barcelos made at 1: 100 scale, where each student makes a list of advantages and disadvantages of the space. Then the students move on to a related exercise where, over the course of two weeks, they work individually on a new proposal for the space.
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Session 7: Immediate surroundings. Action
All the individual proposals made by students to transform the environment are collected, and the most commonly repeated aspects are combined in attempting to solve the problems of the spaces.
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
Courtesy of Taller Abierto
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